Results for: illegal aliens 2023

Mexico and Biden Administrations Play 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil' With More Illegal Immigrant Deaths on the Southern Border…more-illegal-immigrant-deaths-on-the-southern-border-n721627
– there were people inside the train car who were “suffocating”. — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) March 25, 2023 … In June of 2022, Deputy Managing Editor Susie Moore reported on forty-six illegal immigrants who were found dead in a tractor-trailer … The media often reports on the increasing number of illegal aliens and the hundreds of thousands of “gotaways” entering our country…
When Satire Becomes Reality: Nearly 100 Babylon Bee Pieces Have Become Fulfilled Prophecies…babylon-bee-pieces-have-become-fulfilled-prophecies-n721573
– More, via Fox: On Feb. 3, 2023, the Bee posted the headline “Biden Says He’ll Shoot Down Chinese Spy Balloon As Soon As He’s Done … Here are a few of my favorite Bee stings from the past: Biden Might Not Want to Keep Illegal Aliens out of US, but Mexico Wants to…
Elon Musk Lights up Joe Biden Over His Priorities in One Brutal Tweet
– building on that momentum by protecting additional natural wonders. — President Biden (@POTUS) March 22, 2023aliens and massive amounts of fentanyl flooding across the border. … Umm … the banks are melting — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 23, 2023 “Umm…the banks are melting,” Musk said.…
GOP Responds to Biden Announcement With First-Ever AI-Generated Video
– — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) April 25, 2023 The GOP’s rapid response video and memo both lay out what the party’s general … Under Biden, the Southern Border has been abolished—and millions of illegal aliens have been released into our communities.…
Democrat Mayor Adams Blames Biden for Immigration Crisis 'Destroying' NYC Ahead of WH Meeting…mmigration-crisis-destroying-nyc-ahead-of-wh-meeting-n734857
– RedState’s Nick Arama wrote: Adams arrived in El Paso on Saturday and said the flood of illegal aliens across the border was a “national … He immediately showed up Joe Biden’s recent visit by going to a place where illegal aliens cross the border, as well as an area where … illegal aliens were sleeping in the city, and speaking with illegal aliens — things that Biden couldn’t be bothered to do. .…
Biden Makes More of a Mess, Compares Illegal Aliens to Holocaust Victims…a-mess-compares-illegal-aliens-to-holocaust-victims-n684104
– — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) January 5, 2023 But under the new policy, Biden will also be allowing in 30,000 applicants a month … Did Joe Biden seriously just compare German Jews fleeing the Holocaust to illegal aliens filing illegitimate asylum claims? … Biden: "Attention." — Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 5, 2023 Yikes, it’s getting worse.…
WATCH: Ron DeSantis Is Sworn in for Second Term, Praises Florida as 'Freedom’s Linchpin'…for-second-term-praises-florida-as-freedoms-linchpin-n682791
– WATCH: The Free State of Florida: Governor DeSantis Inauguration 2023 — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) … January 3, 2023 TRANSCRIPT: Mr. … , and green lighting the flow of millions of illegal aliens into our country, burdening communities and taxpayers throughout the land…
The Year in Cartoons: The Best of Thompson 2022
– Millions have stampeded across the border and illegal aliens continue to flow across it. … Next up – whacking off their trunks. 2023 should be a year with plenty of cartoon cannon fodder. Thanks for reading. … I hope to make you laugh in 2023.…
Biden Gives Away the Game With Remarks in Mexico
– But he also made remarks about illegal immigration and the problem at our Southern border. … one meter of wall, and that we thank you for that, sir." — (@townhallcom) January 10, 2023 … When Biden made his remarks, he gave away the game and admitted that he was trying to make it easier for illegal aliens to get…
Biden's Border Visit Blows Back on Him With a Couple of 'What the Heck?' Moments…s-back-on-him-with-a-couple-of-what-the-heck-moments-n685930
– Some were upset that he didn’t meet with any of the illegal aliens at the El Paso Migrant Services Center. … While he didn’t manage to trip over any of the hundreds of illegal aliens who had been living all over the streets before his visit … some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine." — (@townhallcom) January 9, 2023
Biden Finally Does a Hit-and Run Border 'Dog and Pony Show'
aliens. … Biden is going to the official “border,” although he’s not going to the areas where illegal aliens are pouring across the border so … They said this was all about putting on a good face to the Democratic mayors who have been complaining about having illegal aliens
Border Patrol Union and GOP Mock Joe Biden Over Finally Getting Around to Border Visit…oe-biden-over-finally-getting-around-to-border-visit-n685486
– But before the visit, suddenly there was an effort to suddenly do something about the hundreds of illegal aliens camped out all over … As we noted Border Patrol agents and local police were involved in detaining illegal aliens and moving them out of the area and cleaning … — Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) January 6, 2023 “El Paso being cleaned up as if nothing unusual ever happened there…
Pick One, House GOP or the Ron DeSantis Action Figure?
– Gallup just reported: Coming off several challenging years, Americans enter 2023 with a mostly gloomy outlook for the U.S. as majorities … When offered opposing outcomes on each issue, about eight in 10 U.S. adults think 2023 will be a year of economic difficulty with higher … , and greenlighting the flow of millions of illegal aliens into our country, burdening communities and taxpayers throughout the land…
New York City Mayor Eric Adams Talks out of Both Sides of His Mouth After Border Visit…ks-out-of-both-sides-of-his-mouth-after-border-visit-n689649
illegal aliens were sleeping in the city, and speaking with illegal aliens — things that Biden couldn’t be bothered to do. … Fabien Levy, the Mayor’s Press Secretary said the illegal aliens said they were there for work. … He has submitted an emergency aid request to New York state to help with sheltering asylum seekers and illegal aliens.…
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Lays Blame Squarely at Feet of Joe Biden During Visit to Border…squarely-at-feet-of-joe-biden-during-visit-to-border-n689274
illegal aliens were sleeping in the city, and speaking with illegal aliens — things that Biden couldn’t be bothered to do. … Fabien Levy, the Mayor’s Press Secretary said the illegal aliens said they were there for work. … Greg Abbott started shipping illegal aliens to New York City.…
WH's Attack on DeSantis Goes up in Smoke When Bill Melugin Drops a Little Reality on Them…oke-when-bill-melugin-drops-a-little-reality-on-them-n688255
– But the Biden gall was again on display regarding illegal immigration, as well. Gov. … Imagine anyone in the Biden administration, which has made such a mess of the border and allowed the biggest flood of illegal aliens … DeSantis has made a mockery of the [immigration] system." — (@townhallcom) January 13, 2023
High School Administrator Solicits Money to Pay off Student's 'Coyote' Trafficking Debt…ts-money-to-pay-off-students-coyote-trafficking-debt-n695739
– If illegal aliens don’t have the several thousand dollars to pay upfront, they might be turned into cartel mules or sex slaves. … The “or else” might be death to the illegal or their family. … (@Nicoletta0602) January 27, 2023 Harvey’s bio tells us the depth of her equity, not equality philosophy.…
WH Goes 'Outer Limits' on Jobs, Border, and That Strange Change to Biden's Schedule…bs-border-and-that-strange-change-to-bidens-schedule-n695323
– We're seeing almost 11 jobs created under this president" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 27, 2023 … — Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) January 28, 2023 Then there was this remark, which took some kind … They’ve had more illegal aliens in history breach the border, and it’s still a mess.…
Disgraced Liar Dan Rather Takes Race-Baiting Cheap Shot at DeSantis, Gets Exactly What He Deserves in Return…at-desantis-gets-exactly-what-he-deserves-in-return-n697567
– As I reported in September, Rather earlier went after DeSantis after the governor shipped 50 illegal aliens to the Democrat enclave … — Dan Rather (@DanRather) February 1, 2023 Let’s compare DeSantis’s actual “race and education playbook” with Rather’s smear … Hahn (@Robert_A_Hahn) February 2, 2023 The courage of Florida Gov.…
Democrats Losing Their Minds After Jim Jordan Says 'Only Americans Should Vote' Lays Bare What We've Known From the Beginning…ld-vote-lays-bare-what-weve-known-from-the-beginning-n702505
– “Shockingly,” 162 Democrats voted to allow illegal aliens to vote in elections in Washington, D.C. Gee, I wonder why? … Yesterday, 162 Democrats voted to allow illegal aliens to vote in elections in Washington D.C. Ridiculous. … Yesterday, 162 Democrats voted to allow illegal aliens to vote in elections in Washington D.C. Ridiculous.…
Reagan and Carter Showed Us There Were Bigger Things Than Ego — Are Those Days Gone Forever?…e-bigger-things-than-ego-are-those-days-gone-forever-n708411
– And if possible, try to suspend in your mind the reality of politics in America in 2023 and your thoughts about them. … in America, which even he all but admitted in a July 1979 speech, in which he admonished America and its “crisis of confidence,” 2023aliens, and ultimately calling Donald Trump and his loyal supporters “semi-fascists” who represent a “threat to democracy” in America…
Biden's Tweet About Ukraine Capturing His Heart Infuriates Americans
– I knew I would be back. — President Biden (@POTUS) February 20, 2023 Many noted that he’d been to … aliens, but it’s also largely of Biden’s own making because of his poor policies. … Interesting. — OkJulie (@Serenityin24) February 20, 2023 This is what you tweet on Presidents’ Day?!…
How Many People Will Biden Allow to Die Because of His Migrant Crisis?
– With CBP stretched thin from having to address the tens of thousands of asylum seekers, while trying to round up many more illegalaliens attempting to gain entry into the states, smugglers are having a field day. … Otherwise, we will only get more of the same starting in 2023.…
Biden Increasingly Likely to Be Impeached if Republicans Regain Control of House in Midterms…d-if-republicans-regain-control-of-house-in-midterms-n518531
– Or should make, that is, come January 2023, after the Republican Party more than likely kicks Democrat ass in November and takes back … Lance Gooden, a Texas Republican whose district has been overrun by the surge of illegal aliens, told Just the News founder John Solomon…
Hank Johnson Delivers Another Jaw-Dropping Comment - This Time About Illegal Aliens…jaw-dropping-comment-this-time-about-illegal-aliens-n743756
– But this is what Democrats think of illegal aliens. … Who is regarding illegal aliens as “labor” here? Hint: It isn’t Republicans. … Yet we have Democrats talking about illegal aliens as though they’re supposed to be our servants.…
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