Results for: idiots

Biden's Own Budget Chief Says It: WH Spending Agenda Is DOA Without 'Trillions in Tax Hikes'…pending-agenda-is-doa-without-trillions-in-tax-hikes-n393504
– That is one of the most ridiculous statements— yet plays well with the useful idiots of the Democrat Party — that liberals have ever…
(Watch) National Black Power Convention Chant: 'Kill Everything White in Sight'…ower-convention-chant-kill-everything-white-in-sight-n389675
– s assume, for argument’s sake, only — solely to make the following point about the hypocrisy of the radical left and its useful idiots
Sheriff Alex Villanueva Shines the Spotlight on the Incompetence of Elected Officials…e-spotlight-on-the-incompetence-of-elected-officials-n397173
– and federal governments, Republicans can be actual bulwarks for the freedom and the well-being of American citizens, or useful idiots
Intent to Kill: The Chinese Government Withheld COVID Data, Vaccine Formula From the World…t-withheld-covid-data-vaccine-formula-from-the-world-n394180
– released it, yet they covered it up, hid the evidence, and now spoon-feed their tainted and misleading information to the useful idiots
New York Times Stunned To Find Trump Volunteers Are Not Racist Skinheads
– They aren’t idiots that believe Trump is going to actually change things, they know he probably won’t, but voting for him is a strike…
Americans Are Idiots About Terrorism
– This is the fundamental lack of seriousness we see every day on television from the media and from Democrats and even from a few idiots … The rest of us are idiots because after all this time we’re still letting the morons get away with it.…
One Yuge Reason Why Donald Trump's Polling Lead In Pennsylvania Is Meaningless
– Keep in mind when you read stuff like this you are dealing with idiots: (And I hate to say it but Jim Hoft is one of those guys who…
SJW "Fight for $15" Founder Doesn't Get Economics
– People like Legrand serve as useful idiots to further the cause of union bosses who are making much more than $15 an hour and it all…
Will We Ever Find the Bottom of Donald Trump's Ignorance?
– every problem can be shoehorned into some paradigm that has served them well in their professional endeavors, and that if only the idiots
Donald Trump's Alleged Russian Mob Fixer, Paul Manafort, Gets Butt Handed To Him In Missouri…ian-mob-fixer-paul-manafort-gets-butt-handed-missouri-n58454
– Second, Donald Trump attracts idiots. There is really no other explanation. … Idiots exist on the national level, where, in the case of Paul Manafort, Trump has replaced the vicious niblet, Corey Lewandowski, … Idiots exist on the local level: Missouri Republican insiders, and even local Cruz supporters, are mildly surprised that Trump didn…
Who Has Sean Hannity Interviewed 41 Times Without Making News? Can You Guess?
– Trump’s critics in the media, according to Hannity, are “dumb” “idiots” who don’t understand what’s happening in America.…
BREAKING: CO GOP Chair Swamped With Phone Calls & Death Threats After Trump Fans Publish His Info…ped-phone-calls-death-threats-trump-fans-publish-info-n58261
– have a fraud and a charlatan running for president and the only way he can get votes is to whip up the stupider and more vicious idiots
Senator Cruz - 1, Smarmy Millennial - 0
– the risk of sounding like an old, boring, fuddy-duddy, let me say, as a precursor to this piece, that young people these days are idiots … OK… they’re not all idiots. I’ve been quite pleased with the comport of some millennials.…
Donald Trump Says That He Will Not Campaign For the Eventual Nominee
– But if they remain loyal to Trump, I hope they stay home because the republic has enough idiots voting as it is.…
The 7 Most Idiotic, Hypocritical Things You'll See On Earth Day, GUARANTEED
– Their premise is “yes we know it hurts the earth to fly these idiots around to parties all the time but the work is more important.…
At Hillary Rally, Planned Parenthood Boss Invokes Fried Chicken to Dewomanize Pro-Life Women…boss-invokes-fried-chicken-dewomanize-pro-life-women-n58507
– Or at the very least, are absolute idiots who hate womanhood, which in the language of feminazis is pretty much the same thing.…
Add Target to the List of Places That Don't Respect the Privacy or Sexual Safety of Your Daughters
– Like other do-good liberal idiots, Target honchos suffer from the delusion that are making some bold step toward tolerance of an oppressed … Because Target has chosen to play social justice with the other immature, unreasonable, flower power idiots of our stupid, sick culture…
The Left: Attaching Transgenderism to Most Anything
– Those who reject such a delusion will be seen in the same light as the idiots who once pushed segregation and separatism based on biology…
White Supremacist Chosen As Trump Delegate In CA. The Excuse Is Funny
– Whether somebody was playing a cruel joke or his campaign is just that incompetent (the likely answer), they look like idiots for going…
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