Less than 60 days. That’s how long Donald Trump’s presidency is, and it feels a whole lot longer. Chaos is the order of the day for the Trump administration, and much of it exists because of the ringleader of this gang that couldn’t shoot straight – President Trump.
President Trump’s inability to control his impulses, whether he’s at a rally or on Twitter, isn’t isolated to the coverage he gets in the press. The crap flows downhill and eventually covers the feet of Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer who are forced to go on television or before the White House press corps and make idiots of themselves.
White House press briefings are typically matters of normality in Washington D.C., with most people not caring to bother watching. However, with President Trump always a tweet or statement away from controversy, Sean Spicer quickly assumed the spotlight of being the most recognizable press secretary of all time. Unfortunately for him, the more he has to defend the President, the more deleterious it is to his reputation. When Spicer was at the Republican National Committee, his role was to advance the GOP agenda and rip the Democrats at every turn.
Now he stands at a podium forced to defend what he must know to be untrue. There are times I almost feel sorry for him, but then I think, “He was aware of what he was getting into.” Trump lies, advances conspiracies and makes a general mockery of reality in the way you’d expect a random Twitter troll to behave, not the President of the United States.
Trump tweeting early on a Saturday morning that President Obama tapped his phones is inexcusable behavior from somebody in his position. There is also opposing views on Trump’s tweets. Some people argue his tweets are better ignored for an official statement from the White House while others say using Twitter is a way for the President to communicate directly with his supporters.
I suppose somebody could argue there is merit in both arguments. I don’t agree with the first one at all. Donald Trump, for better or worse, is the President and what he says, matters. Nobody should see him tweet something and be expected to ignore it until the White House issues a formal statement. On the other hand, while Twitter allows for Trump to circumvent a media interpretation of his words, “speaking directly to supporters” is not necessarily valuable, especially when he’s repeating some poppycock he’s seen on ‘Fox and Friends’ or read in Breitbart.
The adverse effect of Trump tweeting whatever comes to mind is his supporters will believe it, no matter what he says. When he doubles down, they do as well. He will cite the flimsiest of evidence to support whatever outrageousness is the order of the day on his Twitter account, and his hard-core supporters will do the same. Trump may be an idiot at times, but he’s not stupid. He’s well aware there is a segment of the population that’d follow him off a cliff if he chose to do so.
The wiretap fiasco wouldn’t be an ongoing issue if Trump offered a conciliatory tone and admitted he tweeted out of line, had no evidence of phone taps, but still had concerns over government surveillance. Instead, he’s content to continue the charade and it does nothing but leave Sean Spicer and others responsible for comminicating for the President in a precarious position.
Unfortunately for them, they chose this life.
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