Results for: Bernie Sanders
AOC Screws Up, Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is currently on the campaign trail shilling for Bernie Sanders.…
Project Veritas Drops Video of Another Sanders Staffer and It's Even Worse: Republicans in Gulags, 'Guillotine the Rich'…even-worse-republicans-in-gulags-guillotine-the-rich-n126185…even-worse-republicans-in-gulags-guillotine-the-rich-n126185
Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
The video showed Kyle Jurek making inflammatory statements about gulags, re-education and violence. … He talks about dissolving the House and the Senate and having Bernie Sanders and a committee of people making decisions on things like … Weissgarber made it clear he was left of Bernie.…
Bernie Sanders Surrogate Takes a Swing at Joe Biden and Sanders Gives a Sorry/Not-Sorry Apology…joe-biden-and-sanders-gives-a-sorrynot-sorry-apology-n126188…joe-biden-and-sanders-gives-a-sorrynot-sorry-apology-n126188
Bernie Sanders by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
The top of the Demcrat primary field is mired in the low … Note how Sanders not only repeats the allegation but how he repeats it. … Thanks for acknowledging this, Bernie. These kinds of attacks have no place in this primary.…
Dear Socialists, Your Army Isn't Powerful Enough for a Revolution and Never Will Be
Bernie Sanders, the open socialist. … (READ: Project Veritas Releases Second Video Featuring Violent Sanders Staffer, Confirms More People Like Him in Campaign)
The videos … We’ve seen the temperament and methods of the hard left, and with Sanders being an open socialist, it wasn’t exactly a stretch to believe…
New Book Details the Stunning Corruption of the 'Biden 5': Hunter Was Not the Only Family Member to Cash In…n-5-hunter-was-not-the-only-family-member-to-cash-in-n126150…n-5-hunter-was-not-the-only-family-member-to-cash-in-n126150
Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and others. … Twitchy reported last night that Bernie Sanders’ campaign may have dipped a toe into these waters. … Sanders recently received the endorsement of Fordham University Law professor Zephyr Teachout.…
Yes, Virginia, There Is Still Hope
He said Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are too far left for him and that he would vote third party if the Democrats nominated…
The Sandersnistas Feel the Bern of Socialism and They Don't Like It…tas-feel-the-bern-of-socialism-and-they-dont-like-it-n128019…tas-feel-the-bern-of-socialism-and-they-dont-like-it-n128019
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … had the affect of keeping Sanders, as well as Sens. … I don’t understand why Bernie Sanders supporters are so upset about the Iowa caucus.
You wanted more socialism.…
Bill Kristol's Merry Band of Never Trumpers Rush to Try to Swing the New Hampshire Democratic Primary…ers-rush-to-rig-the-new-hampshire-democratic-primary-n128063…ers-rush-to-rig-the-new-hampshire-democratic-primary-n128063
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Sen. … This is reminiscent of Republican calls to try to get Bernie Sanders nominated and none of is good.…
Yipee! Joe Biden Fights for Fourth Place, Thanks to Dems' Triumphant Impeachment Mania
In the lead: socialist Bernie Sanders.
From The Hill:
Sen. … Support for Sanders increased 3 points from a January poll to 28 percent, according to a CNN poll released Sunday conducted by the … Sanders holds a 7 point lead over his closest competitor in the poll, former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg.…
Bernie Sanders Alienates Pro-Life Democrats
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) laid down the law on Saturday night on Democrats who would dare to commit the unpardonable sin: Being pro-life … Last night, Sanders affirmed that the party would remain stubbornly pro-abortion. … Sanders continued, explaining that he could not see an argument for opposing abortion.…
Here's the Moment from the Debate That's Going to Do In the Dems and Biden Just Made It Worse…nation-biden-would-work-like-hell-to-get-him-elected-n128045…nation-biden-would-work-like-hell-to-get-him-elected-n128045
Joe Biden had just expressed a concern about having Bernie Sanders as a “Democratic socialist” at the top of the ticket because he … On Sunday, Biden doubled down on that thought, reiterating his concern about Sanders being at the top of the ticket. … But then he said that he would “work like hell” to get Bernie elected if Sanders got the nomination.…
Tulsi Gabbard Defends Trump's Ousting of Alexander Vindman and Rips the DNC a New One
how the Democrat establishment and the media (especially CNN and The Washington Post) are doing everything they can to sandbag Bernie … Sanders. … Are Bernie voters going to shrug and vote for Buttigieg?…
Holy Hero Worship: Teenaged Pete Buttigieg Won a National Essay Contest by Praising Proud, Courageous Socialist Bernie Sanders…y-praising-proud-courageous-socialist-bernie-sanders-n128015…y-praising-proud-courageous-socialist-bernie-sanders-n128015
That whole highway thing is the way the former Indiana mayor described Bernie Sanders Friday night at the New Hampshire throw-down. … Kennedy “Profiles in Courage” essay contest with a written extolment of none other than Sanders the Strong. … If I’m not mistaken, Bernie sounds far more woke. I guess he should — it’s 60 years later.…
Buttigieg Heckled and Jeered at the Biggest New Hampshire Democrat Gathering…ered-at-the-biggest-new-hampshire-democrat-gathering-n128036…ered-at-the-biggest-new-hampshire-democrat-gathering-n128036
He mostly gave his stump speech but took a little time out from his platitudes to dig at Bernie Sanders:
With a president this disruptive … Attacks on Sanders don’t work that way and everyone except Buttigieg seems to know it. … Entire Buttigieg speech cueed to the critique of Sanders:…
Why Did the Network Sunday Shows Blacklist Trump Administration Officials This Week…s-this-week-blacklist-trump-administration-officials-n128031…s-this-week-blacklist-trump-administration-officials-n128031
NBC’s “Meet the Press” — Buttigieg; Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. … CBS’ “Face the Nation” — Buttigieg, Sanders; Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; China’s ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai. … CNN’s “State of the Union” — Buttigieg, Sanders; Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.…
What Would Explain Mayor Pete's Appeal to Voters? Dan Bongino Nails it…in-mayor-petes-appeal-to-voters-dan-bongino-nails-it-n128017…in-mayor-petes-appeal-to-voters-dan-bongino-nails-it-n128017
Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) neck in New Hampshire.…
Friday Night, Bernie Gave His Own State of the Union: Our Society is Racist, 'From Top to Bottom.' Rico Suave?
But Bernie Sanders interrupted that melee to bottomline America.
… even uncomfortable around them — arguing with hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, who believes he’s more experienced than Mayor Pete…Bernie … To me, the only shot coming from Sanders above is one to the foot.
Am I right? What’s your analysis?…
Maddow Points Out Huge Problem for Dems in Iowa Caucus That No One Is Talking About…for-dems-in-iowa-caucus-that-no-one-is-talking-about-n128006…for-dems-in-iowa-caucus-that-no-one-is-talking-about-n128006
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg have claimed victory. … Apart from folks for Bernie, no other groups seems truly jazzed, with any numbers, about any of the other candidates.…
Nah, Amy Klobuchar Didn't Win Friday's Democratic Debate
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sen. … – Bernie is just Bernie. … There’s a reason Bernie Sanders is poised to win the nomination.…
News Summary From the Week That Was (2 – 8 February)
Sanders and 38-year-old gay left-wing Indiana ex-mayor Pete Buttigieg. … Poll: Capitalism Is As Popular in America as Socialism Is Unpopular [This is the reason why Democrats are afraid of a Bernie Sanders … Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production [The Commie speaks and bares his evil soul.…
Biden Unleashes an Attack of Pete Buttigieg That He May Not Be Able to Survive…of-pete-buttigieg-that-he-may-not-be-able-to-survive-n127981…of-pete-buttigieg-that-he-may-not-be-able-to-survive-n127981
Buttigieg has jumped into a strong second-place position in New Hampshire and one poll, that by Suffolk, give him a 1 point lead over Sanders … He’s in a strong position to defeat Sanders. … suspect that if Biden is in the lead come Super Tuesday, the Bloomberg candidacy, which is really the Democrat establishment’s “stop Bernie…
Democrats Give Absolutely Ridiculous Answers at Debate When Asked About Killing of Soleimani…wers-at-debate-when-asked-about-killing-of-soleimani-n127975…wers-at-debate-when-asked-about-killing-of-soleimani-n127975
Bernie Sanders went for it. … Bernie Sanders claims killing a terrorist leader plotting to kill Americans creates "international anarchy"…
James Carville Unloads on Democrat Elites and Reminds Us Why They Are a Lot Like NeverTrump…es-and-reminds-us-why-they-are-a-lot-like-nevertrump-n127913…es-and-reminds-us-why-they-are-a-lot-like-nevertrump-n127913
You’ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. … James Carville: Look, Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He’s never been a Democrat. He’s an ideologue. … This, right here, is why Sanders can’t get the nomination.…
2020 Elections: Democrat Party Activists
We have seen direct evidence of their radicalism and hatred for Trump supported in particular thanks to the recent exposure of Bernie … Sanders’ campaign workers by Project Veritas. … That movement continues with the full-on rush toward “democratic socialism” espoused by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria…
Iowa Democratic Party Responds to DNC Chair Tom Perez's Request for a Recanvass and It's Not Good…atic-party-refuses-tom-perezs-request-for-a-recanvas-n127877…atic-party-refuses-tom-perezs-request-for-a-recanvas-n127877
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg. … But with 99% reporting, Sanders has 6,114-vote (3.5 percentage point) lead in first vote, 2,631-vote (1.6 point) lead in second vote … Sanders won.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 7, 2020
A CNN analysis shows errors in the count…