Results for: idiots

The AP and New York Times Both Agree That "17 Intelligence Agencies" Did NOT Support the Claim of Russia Helping Trump
– Some are simply idiots. Regardless of motivation, one thing we can count on is that we have not seen the last of this story.…
How About We Stop Throwing Around the "T" Word Like a Bunch of Idiots?
– in a war between two tribes of idiots. Rational discussion and consistency are practically impossible these days.…
Sean Hannity Gets An Award For "Media Excellence" And The World Says "Wut?"
– Channeling billionaire Warren Buffett’s theory that history cycles through “‘the innovators, the imitators and the idiots,'” Stephens…
These Three Conservatives Make Me Feel Like There Is Still Sanity in the World
– They must be idiots or rubes. We must fight anyone who opposes Russian collusion, because that would undercut our fun.…
Trump Administration Prepares to Re-Certify Iran Nuclear Deal as Agreement Melts Down
– The Iranians would be idiots to leave the deal because it is a cash cow for their economy and a clear route to developing a nuclear…
NYT Writer: White Women Are Walking Like Racists
– If you really resent the space they’re taking (and I do get being annoyed by idiots that take up the whole sidewalk) then say something…
Plenty of Hate, Unrest, and Subhuman Behavior on the Ground in Charlottesville ON BOTH SIDES
– To be perfectly fair, there were enough raging idiots on both sides today, with the police officers there to try and restore peace…
Apple’s Whiplash-Inducing Hypocrisy on Patents
– The solution is for everyone to stop being idiots – and pay for the patents they use.…
The Coming Crash of the Government Debt Bubble
– like Matthew Yglesias who make cartoons about how we can painlessly inflate our way out of the predicament — but those people are idiots
The Uncomfortable Reason Why it Came to This in Dallas Yesterday
– I assume, given that these idiots chose to perpetrate their crime in Texas, that this is exactly what will happen. Fine.…
House Republicans Tried to Save Trump Yesterday, but Trump Wouldn't Let Them
– Democrats, by way of contrast, were left a blubbering mess, without scoring a single media point, and making themselves look like idiots
The Media's Surprisingly Hostile Reaction to the Comey Report
– The usual liberal idiots like Sally Kohn, Charles Blow, Oliver Willis et al tried to spin Comey’s decision not to bring charges as…
What the Star of David Controversy Says about Trump's New Campaign Team
– He and his campaign are never gonna not be the idiots who uncritically retweet any old idiot – including the obviously racist idiots
Awesome Video: The Three Letters that Liberals Hate the Most
– There are three little letters that send liberal idiots into frenzies of stupidity.…
These Black Cops From Dallas Have A Message You Need To Hear
– To sit and say “yeah, well, I don’t like what a lot of the idiots in #BlackLivesMatter have done so screw them” or “I don’t like what…
This is What Ted Cruz REALLY Proved Last Night
– Let’s be clear about something: contrary to what a bunch of ill-informed Trump supporting idiots are saying on Twitter, Cruz’s speech…
Reminder: Nothing the Trump Campaign Says is Binding
– one point had to say that none of his spokespeople were, in fact, authorized to speak for him, and that no one should believe the idiots
Donald Trump, Jr.: Surrogates For the Trump Campaign Are Idiots (AUDIO)
– This leads to the rather obvious question, if they are idiots, who is sending them to CNN? … The answer to that question would seem to be “other idiots.”…
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