Results for: critical race theory

10th Graders Told George Floyd Was Born With 'Two Strikes,' Asked to Describe How Systemic Racism Victimized Him…asked-to-describe-how-systemic-racism-victimized-him-n394851
– The assignment’s title: “Race in the Post-Civil Rights Era: George Floyd, Black Lives and the Persistence of Racial Inequality.” … Meanwhile, concerning the related concept of Critical Race Theory in education, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t so hip. … Race Theory — that they would be asked fund teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other.”…
The Fight Against CRT Is Winnable, We Just Need to Change Our Tactics…t-crt-is-winnable-we-just-need-to-change-our-tactics-n394530
– He titled it “Critical Race Theory Is Going to Win,” in which he noted that critical race theory (CRT) is an idea that has caught on … “However, what happens when the hard left continues its campaign to convince enough Americans to accept critical race theory? … For James, critical race theory makes a lot of sense at this point and he agrees wholeheartedly.…
Virginia Mom Who Escaped Mao's China Slams School Board With Chilling Comparisons to Critical Race Theory…rd-with-chilling-comparisons-to-critical-race-theory-n394511
– Ron DeSantis to ban critical race theory in classrooms. … Whiteness (and Hypocrisy) of Critical Race Theory NYC Teacher: Yes, ‘Critical Race Theory’ ‘Training’ Is Harmful ‘Indoctrination … WRECKS School Board, Critical Race Theory: ‘You DO NOT Speak for US’ (Watch)…
Planks for a New 'Contract With America'
– Ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory, including the 1619 Project-related curriculum, throughout America.…
Hillary Supporters Are Also Engaging in Ridiculous Election Conspiracy Theories
– The race tightened in the final days before the election, but that almost always happens and doesn’t demonstrate a link to Comey’s … Of course, the only way the theory holds up is if Trump campaign officials colluded with Russians to get their hands on the data to … The integrity of our electoral system is critical to the stability of our republic.…
Why conservatives should vote for an independent conservative candidate instead of voting strategically for Hillary (part 1)
– head, because one can also say a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary since it’s taking votes away from the one candidate in the race … Even if the race was closer, that’s beside the point.   … An idea remains unbelievable only until a critical mass of people start believing it.  Then it becomes believable to the masses.…
The Worst Presidents in American History
– Obama was the most divisive president in my lifetime and greatly worsened race relations. … His Commerce Department changed the rules for exporting critical technology, making it easier for US adversaries like Russia and especially … Except that they were also influenced by Marxist theory because they were also in favor of a graduated income tax and the notion that…
Vox Reporter: The Fake Obamagate Scandal Shows Trump Is 'Flooding the Zone With S**t. And It’s Working'…trump-is-flooding-the-zone-with-shit-and-its-working-n137476
– He declared: There’s no point in unpacking this theory here because it’s bulls**t and everyone knows it. … Collusion conspiracy is the equivalent of describing WWII as Adolph Hitler’s alleged attempt to dominate the world and create a master race … And at such a critical time, too. Illing may realize the jig is up.…
Will 2023 Be the Year Texans Finally Get School Choice?
– “After COVID and after [critical race theory] and after pornographic books in libraries, parents deserve choices,” Lt. Gov. … The conversation turned to the issue of school districts promoting far-leftist ideology on race, sexuality, and gender identity in…
As We Celebrate Labor Day, Don't Forget the Awful Behavior of Teachers Unions…ay-dont-forget-the-awful-behavior-of-teachers-unions-n623113
– of CDC guidelines by foisting mask mandates on school districts and promoted a progressive agenda that includes the tenets of CriticalRace Theory turning classrooms into frontlines in an increasingly divisive political and cultural war. … They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest.…
Politico Op-Ed Bashes Conservative Children’s Books
– Lesser far-right stars have co-authored books meant to challenge abortion, transgender identity and critical race theory. … These are not just books that simply explore certain themes – they are naked attempts to promote progressive ideology on race, sexuality…
IN MY ORBIT: Nick Miceli Discusses His First Children's Book, 'Looks Like A Cheetah To Me'…his-first-childrens-book-looks-like-a-cheetah-to-me-n620059
– We all know what they’re teaching: the Critical Race Theory and destroying our history and our American exceptionalism.” … Very punny) Looks Like a Cheetah to Me-Rule Book Artwork   Gwen the gazelle loves to race competitively (she’s a gazelle, Duh)…
Jim Crow on Steroids Is Here...Courtesy of the Democrats
– It is bizarre and sickening, but this is what Critical Race Theory (CRT) hath wrought. … That their instinct is to divide people according to race should be a giant red flag. These people teach our children.…
Democrat Who Feared Guam Would 'Tip Over' Compares Parents at School Board Meetings to Jan. 6 Rioters…es-parents-at-school-board-meetings-to-jan-6-rioters-n628821
– (See: “Loudoun County, Virginia”), teachers, and administrators lied about indoctrinating young children with Marxist-derived CriticalRace Theory, gender fluidity, pronoun-self-identification, moreover subjecting young kids to Drag Queen Story Hour, and drag strippers…
Democrats are About to Irreparably Shoot Themselves In the Foot With Their Latest Moves…shoot-themselves-in-the-foot-with-their-latest-moves-n627327
– They began attempting to indoctrinate children with critical race theory, teaching students they were either victims or oppressors…
Maine Department of Education Calls 'MAGA' a Form of 'Covert Racism and White Supremacy'…lls-maga-a-form-of-covert-racism-and-white-supremacy-n633616
– I don’t want to nitpick, here, but if a school board made its “own decision” condemning Critical Race Theory indoctrination of young…
There’s a Reason Why Progressives Are Pushing Indoctrination Over Academics
– Yes, much of it has to do with school districts infusing far-leftist ideology on gender, sexuality, and race into K-12 classrooms. … Over the past few years, it has become apparent that districts are promoting transgender ideology, ideas inspired by critical racetheory, and other types of wokeism to small and older children.…
GOP Congressman Warns New Air Force 'D&I' Training Reminiscent of Soviet, Chinese Military…e-di-training-reminiscent-of-soviet-chinese-military-n631552
– These changes include pushing the radical progressive ideologies of Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as an … implementing D&I exercises like the one described above: (emphasis mine): One slide in the presentation claims that D&I training is critical … This makes our need to innovate critical. …
Candace Owens Announces Release of Searing New BLM Documentary, 'The Greatest Lie Ever Sold'…aring-new-blm-documentary-the-greatest-lie-ever-sold-n638679
– Biden bookend — also purposely divided America along racial lines, its dogma matching up “nicely” with that of Marist-derived “CriticalRace theory.”…
Fox News Is Actually Covering the Midterm Elections and the Left Doesn't Like It…ng-the-midterm-elections-and-the-left-doesnt-like-it-n637880
– As the race tightens, it becomes even stranger that two major news networks would stop covering the race. … The seat is currently Republican, but it’s an open race, and the current Republican in the race is losing. … It’s every key race.…
How Not to Run for Office in Texas
– Texans enjoy low taxes, 2nd Amendment rights, and schools free of leftist indoctrination including critical race theory and LGBT brainwashing…
Teachers – You Can Stop Funding This Garbage in Your Schools
– Just as with the equally toxic Critical Race Theory (CRT), which teaches students they are either oppressors or victims based solely…
Progressives Are Intent on Wokifying Texas. Will They Succeed?
– district that is forcing its teachers to go through training sessions in which they are influenced into embracing ideas inspired by criticalrace theory (CRT). … (BSW) Hospital in College Station was fired because she refused to go through with a training featuring far-leftist ideology on race
Ron DeSantis Takes Charlie Crist Apart in Heated Debate
Critical Race Theory in schools was covered as well, with DeSantis stating, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is … to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” … DeSantis War Room 🐊 #FloridaStrong (@DeSantisWarRoom) October 25, 2022 Look, maybe there’s some universe where Crist wins this race
Stacey Abrams Is Just Making it Up As She Goes Along
– Brian Kemp, had a conversation with the media mogul about her race, which isn’t going so well at the moment. … no idea what she is talking about here, but it is possible she is referring to laws against the teaching of ideas inspired by criticalrace theory (CRT).…
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