Results for: MAGA Republicans

Democrats Took a Gut Punch in a Texas Special Election Last Night
– But what really makes this a gut punch for Democrats is that both of the above names are Republicans. … Despite that, the Republicans not only took back ground but took back the entire battlefield, perhaps signaling a return to normal … You don’t have to talk about Trump all the time or be full-blown MAGA, but if your entire political identity revolves around being…
Paul Ryan Had Some Thoughts on the Future of the Republican Party—Did Anybody Stay Awake?…uture-of-the-republican-party-did-anybody-stay-awake-n388092
– No doubt, this line was a not-so-subtle dig against Trump and the MAGA Republicans who style themselves after him. … “Even for our good showing in the House, 2020 left Republicans powerless in Washington. … And Paul Ryan wants to tell Republicans how to be “Republican.”…
Republicans Need to Do Only One Thing to Defeat the Democrats in the Midterms…ly-one-thing-to-defeat-the-democrats-in-the-midterms-n386347
– stationed in the area for almost five months was that the Democrats were using them as political props to make it seem as if crazed MAGA … But if the Republicans are diligent about pointing out the Democrats’ numerous failures and their efforts to propose ineffectual big…
'Limbaugh's Legacy Lives on,' Says Former Gov, 'Despite Dirty GOP RINO Move to Erase' It…s-former-gov-despite-dirty-gop-rino-move-to-erase-it-n392564
– Or as Greitens, also a former Navy SEAL put it: “The cowardice of elected Republicans” and their “dirty GOP RINO move to erase” Rush … No, the most vocal opponents were the cesspool Republicans who wanted to cut deals with the Dems. … Greitens wrote further about why RINOs in the GOP are more of a threat to “MAGA” and conservatism than Democrat legislators.…
Legendary Journo Warns Trump More Treacherous Than Nixon
– He is the god-king MAGA. Barack Obama set the stage for such a coup. … He stirred up racial unrest, actively pressed against unity by creating enemies out of law enforcement, Republicans, Christians, and…
Paul Ryan Should Step Down as Speaker Immediately
– #MAGA social media is memeing for it. Now here at RedState, I offer my agreement. Do not wait or hesitate. Step down. … Laura Ingraham said it’s a “trap” laid by congressional Republicans (read: Paul Ryan) to sabotage Trump in 2020. … Look, Republicans own the mess they are in, no question.…
The Democrat Disconnect and the Reign of the Right
– surprise as I sat on the sidelines of this last election cycle (OG NeverTrump) and saw Raymond don his proverbial red cap and begin his MAGARepublicans need to understand that their message didn’t exactly win either.   … It is at the same time, not a winning or more appealing rhetoric from Republicans.  …
Jake Tapper is 100% Correct: Trump Requires More Fact-checking
– It’s something Republicans, conservatives, tea partiers, and Trumpublicans can all agree on: the media favors Democrats. … Unlike a lot of Trump republicans who just discovered politics last year because THE WALL, I’ve actually been around for a while. … There is absolutely no limit to how far the denizens of #MAGA social media will go in their condemnation of the press.…
Portland Parade Cancellation Should Be a Wake-Up Call for Conservatives
– It is registered to the Multnomah County Republicans, but these infiltrators are the same folks from Lake Oswego, Salem, Vancouver, … Their Trump flags, their red MAGA hats and their hate group badges are all intended to normalize support for an orange man who bragged…
Trump, the Media, and the Freedom of Owning Neither
– He was the last one standing of the crowded GOP field, and conservatives and Republicans alike were, shall we say, encouraged to pledge … I am not required to be automatic cheerleader for the MAGA cause over the next four years.…
Some On The Alt-Right Want To Rebrand Themselves; They Are Still The Same Frauds
– That other Republicans quickly jumped on board was depressing to watch. … Will Chamberlain, the D.C. organizer of maga Meetups, said, “I think New Right is the best of the ones I’ve heard so far.”…
Trump Campaign Hemorrahages Money With Very Little Payoff
– campaign and Democrats, according to July filings with the Federal Election Commission, while Trump raised $37m for his campaign and Republicans … #MAGA. Clinton, in contrast, reported 703 staffers, $2m on travel and signs of new offices.…
New Poll Suggests Trump's Act Is Wearing Thin With Average Americans
– He doesn’t even have full support of Republicans, any more. … About one-third of Republicans, 34 percent, say they like the way Trump conducts himself and 46 percent have mixed feelings about his … In other words, the MAGA crowd are not as all-powerful at this juncture as they would have us believe.…
Seb Gorka Left the White House Mad, and He's Trashing EVERYBODY
– “The fact is I knew after the Afghan speech that the anti-MAGA [Make America Great Again] forces were in ascendance,” Gorka said. … That’ll teach those “establishment” Republicans a lesson!…
Trump Isn't Draining the Swamp, He's Splashing in the Water
– The unshakeable support from the MAGA crowd gives President Trump a license to do whatever he chooses to do, with no fear of repercussion … By showing Republicans he can work with Democrats, Trump forces Republicans to unite or become irrelevant. … What hope do conservatives and conservative-leaning Republicans have at this point? Not much.…
DACA, Amnesty, and Jingoism Are All Incompatible With Justice and the Rule of Law
– from The_Donald There are plenty of mouth breathers with sweat stained MAGA caps screeching that the only solution is kicking … I recognize that Congressional Republicans have been mostly incompetent in their attempts to address these issues, but that makes it…
With Trump's MAGA Kingdom Shaken, Eternal Defender Hannity Searches for Excuses
– He’s so deep in denial about the betrayal of Donald Trump, that while others of the loyal MAGA crew are burning their uniform caps … “Republicans in the House and Senate have zero sense of urgency, no sense of accountability. … There are some chips and chinks appearing in the MAGA armor. Ann Coulter has been disgruntled for some time.…
Report: Trump Considering "Fixing" Rather than Repealing ObamaCare
– Gottheimer said there was some discussion of the possibility that Democrats could call the bill a “fix” and Republicans could call … Republicans are in charge. They don’t get to let things implode and blame others for it. … The #MAGA “everyone who criticizes Trump is a wussy wimpy wussy wuss!” type of cheerleader.…
– We voted for #MAGA not this. … Trust Him to use Trump to #MAGA in the end! … Maybe betraying the voter base is just what Republicans do. UPDATE: Well that answers that question.…
I Was Once a Sean Hannity Republican
– A few years later, I was a politically-minded university student, active in the College Republicans, and frequent Limbaugh listener … Had I remained a Sean Hannity Republican, I may have guzzled the same Kool-Aid as the crowds at MAGA rallies.…
Democrats, Three Types of Trump Voters, and How to Get Everybody Mad at Me, at Once
– #MAGA! #TrumpTrain! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!! These are your alt-right (or alt-reich) racists, scumbags, and glassy-eyed dolts. … Both the Democrats and Republicans are responsible for this. A true revolution is in order, but it had better happen fast.…
House Intel Turns Their Wrath on the REAL Enemies: FBI and DOJ Under Investigation
– evidence, along with DNA samples and a notarized letter of confession before they consider anything outside of their echo chamber of MAGA … crowd – and go straight for the Russia probe, then you can be assured that we are living in a post-America world, and it is the Republicans
The 2020 Narrative: Protesters at Arizona State Capitol Harass Dark-Skinned Lawmakers…s-arizona-state-capitol-harass-dark-skinned-lawmakers-n83732
– One of the individuals who got the MAGA treatment was Rep. Eric Descheenie. So why was he singled out? Improper shading. … Republicans who are not acknowledging or addressing this should know that this incident (and others like it) will be jackhammered into…
Trump Plays the Protective Father of DACA Recipients (NOBODY Wants Them Taken Care of More)…ather-daca-recipients-nobody-wants-taken-care-of-more-n83613
– So much MAGA! … Now, it seems those MAGA caps are about to be replaced with DACA toppers, courtesy of a gutless, faithless President Trump. … There are fixes for border security, and all these things need to be pounded out between Republicans and Democrats.…
Millennial Republican Congressional Hopeful Has a Huge Hypocrisy Problem
Republicans have long complained about carpetbaggers like Joel Ossoff. … #MAGA 🇺🇸 — Christina Hagan (@RepHagan) January 11, 2018 Hagan should have…
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