Results for: the big guy

Fifteen Years Later: Where I Was On September 11
– When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…
Trump's Mind-Boggling Focus Problem on Display in Virginia Town Hall
– That was the plan, but Trump’s big, best brain had other ideas. Squirrel! … Yes, cyber is becoming big today. All the cool kids are using it. “Now the cyber is so big. … “The only time he walked is when he entered a bicycle race. “Can you believe this guy, 73 years old? True.…
Washington Post: Hey, If A Few Of You Get Killed By Terrorists That's Too Bad
The Chelsea episode in particular appears to have been another near-miss on the part of the FBI, which looked into the alleged bomber … We aren’t talking about one guy who slipped through the crack. … No one even dares speak the name of the enemy. The professionals tell us “suck it up.”…
Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Has a Solution to Global Warming
– Given who the nominees are with theBig Two” parties, I’m really open to looking at the platform of the third party candidates, and … That was the Libertarian candidate suggesting that we may need to look into colonizing other planets before the sun swallows the earth … guy who stripped onstage at the Libertarian convention, and is it possible to maybe get him back?…
Water Cooler 9/25/2016 – OPEN THREAD - Debate Edition
– , neither of whom is qualified for the job. … Basing the decision on polling for the debate is like basing your decision on having a fall picnic in Colorado on the weather report … The big difference this year is we are only able to find villains. The good guy just isn’t there.…
Politicians Should Be Treated As Investments, Not Gods
– Of course, one of the big concerns is that we as a society tend to follow cults of personality when it comes to politicians. … Even more will say they never liked the guy because they always knew he was a self-serving, ambitious impostor of a conservative. … And, yes, it is a big one and, yes, it is one that we will judge him on more harshly than, say, him voting to increase the federal…
TEDMAGGEDON: Mistakes Were Made
– He offered it as a stand for the nation over his own desires and above the need to protect the conservative cause, whatever it may … Still … After the news broke, triumphal chest-thumping predictably ensued among the predictable set: The NEVERNeverTrump folks who … They, and by they I generally mean Trump voters, say he is choosing the good of the country over the good of the conservative movement…
Cringe-worthy: Hillary Does 'Between Two Ferns' and Ooof...its Pretty Hard to Watch
– I’m a big fan of candidates and politicians hitting the talk show circuit. … isn’t a cyborg created on the planet Nibiru and sent to infiltrate our governments in order to clear the way for the Skynet revolution … The guy did an episode of the WWE! He does understand the medium.…
Fed Announces Rates Will Stay the Same (For Now)
– It’s a pretty big deal because it signals that the Fed believes the economy is still not ready to be weaned off low rates. … It would make the stock market sink like a fat guy in a tub of chocolate pudding. … However, the stock market is the bi-polar, obsessive ex-girlfriend of the financial world. It freaks out at the drop of the hat.…
Why is Donald Trump Ignoring this Obvious Campaign Issue?
– But, like the guy who consistently takes a pass on talking about winning issues and instead focuses his attention on self-harm, Trump … It turns out that the developer of this landfill has a business relationship with a guy called Dennis Nixon; at a minimum, Benavides … So why the silence?…
And The Winner For the Most Pathetic Pro-Clinton Column Ever Goes To...
– Renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to big dollar donors. Her fees for giving speeches. … Lying to the families of the men slain in Benghazi. Accusing the families of the men slain in Benghazi of lying. … One guy I always liked running into was the Councilman for Ward 6, Harold Brazil.…
Heretic Scientists Forced to Use Pseudonyms To Get Work Published
The scientists briefly known as Den Volokin and Lark ReLlez thought they had found something big. … The actual research appears to have now been swallowed up by the nitpickery of the practice of using pseudonyms. … The scandal is in the pseudonyms, not in rejecting work simply on the basis of who authored it.…
Trump Blatantly Lied About Ford Motors Moving Everything to Mexico. In Fact, They're Creating U.S. Jobs…e-ford-motors-moving-everything-mexico-gets-destroyed-n61992
– By going it alone in the big-truck market, Ford no longer has to share profits with Navistar. … Furthermore, while it has moved it’s big truck production into the U.S., they say they will continue to make their small car product … For a guy who seems concerned with keeping jobs in the U.S., Trump seems to be wanting to stand in the way of more being created.…
If the Media Wants to Defeat Trump, Here's How They Can Do It
The mainstream media has always been dead set against the Republican candidate in any race. The media leans Left. … The public does not trust the media. They despise the media. … If the media stops fighting him, they take away a big part of his campaign – the idea that it’s one man against the Democrats and the
My freedom of association, and yours
– While Olson pointed out what big business was up to, The Atlantic‘s Conor Friedersdorf’s worried about the ethics of witch hunts against … But rather than worry about either Olson’s big businesses or Friedersdorf’s mom and pop shops, what about the businesses that “exclude … , school systems, where the rounding up and selling of poor children of color to the educrat cartels funds the candidates of the political…
My Friend Lucy
– Having seen everybody from Anderson Cooper to the head of CNN himself taking direction from Lucy on big nights, it just never dawned … But in the run-up to the 2012 primaries, the men got to know each other while riding around Iowa on the CNN campaign bus, and they … Being the guy in Georgia most often on remote, I often felt Lucy worked extra hard to make sure I was integrated into the political…
Two Years Later, You'll Still Be Made to Care
– Just pay no attention to the guy in the Bible who spoke the most about hell fire. Oh wait, that would be the very same Jesus. … Active sin without repenting, and without even feeling the need to repent, should be a big red flag on anyone’s salvation. … The costs of sharing the gospel will go up.…
Jeb Bush is Not Ready for Prime Time
– Moreover, the question cannot have been a surprise, since the subject matter has been literally the hottest news topic in the country … for the last two months. … nominee to handle the media right, then this answer on the part of Jeb Bush ought to put the nail officially in his coffin as a candidate…
Tech at Night: It's time to pass cybersecurity information sharing
– Which not only coddles the anarchist threat at home, and the state sponsored threat abroad, but it ironically undermines the message … Both sides of the patent debate claim to back the little guy. … We need conservatives to take the lead here, since Democrats are completely in the pocket of Big Hollywood and never will.…
Tech at Night: Rand Paul goes judicial supremacist while Netflix goes cronyist
– So the US Congress is debating whether to renew the part of the USA PATRIOT act that ensures NSA can watch the communications of foreign … If we want to protect small business we need to attack the anti-competitive patent factories the big firms like Intel, Google, and … That way the honest inventions by the little guys won’t get drowned out in the noise, and we’ll relieve the pressure on the system…
Jeb Bush misses a chance
– He hit upon the problem, but Bush’s Big Government roots caused him to miss a great opportunity. … Trouble is, from the War on Poverty to the persistence of liberal big city mayors, the same government programs have been in place … the internet (that alone should tell you he’s a pretty smart guy).…
REPORT: ESPN Pulls Asian Announcer from College Football Game Because of Fear of Fan Backlash
The game was going to be covered by ESPN and the announcer was scheduled to be Robert Lee. Lee is Asian. And alive. … switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. … Lee pulling out all the stops to stay in Charlottesville now! — what was the big fear here?…
Yes, Virginia, Your Governor is a Big, Fat Liar About Charlottesville
– Let’s set the record straight here, okay? … He’s a big, fat, steaming pile of untruths. Even the Virginia State Police say so. … the flames of hatred and division.…
Former Trump Partner Reemerges To Deliver Ominous Message
– His former real estate company, the Bayrock Group, had a big hand in selling Trump’s condos to Russia. … He’s also the guy who did a stint in prison for stabbing a guy in the face with the stem of a martini glass. Classy. … The story is that Manafort may be rolling on Trump, and he needs to be discredited. And great, big, fat caveat, here.…
This Is Where I Stand
– I think…the answer to that is you respect the office and pray to God the man finds a way to live up to it.” And I did. … Don’t be this guy: This guy’s part of the problem, not the solution. … The chance to land. The plane is in your hands, and with it the company. Stop whatabouting. Stop covering up.…
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