Results for: Bernie Sanders
Winners and Losers of the Las Vegas Democratic Debate
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … A lot of the airtime was spent attacking Mike Bloomberg, who is a distant second to Sanders in recent polling, and Sanders actually … Winners: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden
At the top of the list is Bernie Sanders.…
Elizabeth Warren Ends Michael Bloomberg's Campaign at Nevada Debate
What this means is that Bernie Sanders is the nominee. … There’s no one else to stop him and for the most part, Bernie was barely hit. … It looks like it’s Trump and Bernie in November unless something dramatic happens.
ATTENTION BERNIE SANDERS: New Poll Shows Voters Worried About Candidates Who Had Heart Attacks…oters-worried-about-candidates-who-had-heart-attacks-n129049…oters-worried-about-candidates-who-had-heart-attacks-n129049
Bloomberg Has Also Had One the Sanders camp is trying to change the subject but it will not work. … But the results aren’t all rosy for Sanders. … That is great for all those Trump supporters but it will make Bernie and his bros mad.…
Before the Democratic Debate Starts, Ted Cruz Predicts Who'll Win It (And He's Probably Right)…ed-cruz-predicts-wholl-win-it-and-hes-probably-right-n129057…ed-cruz-predicts-wholl-win-it-and-hes-probably-right-n129057
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is now considered the frontrunner thanks to a wave of polls and his New Hampshire primary win, and …
2 … Not only that, but the infighting that has plagued the Democratic party since Sanders’ star began to rise and Sen.…
Democratic Debate Preview: The Bloomberg Effect
We’re looking at Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Joe Biden looking at both Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders as the … biggest threats to their own candidacies, while Bloomberg and Sanders see each other as the primary competition. … Sanders, meanwhile, will also take some shots at Bloomberg while trying to fend off attacks from the other four.…
The Sanders Boom and the DNC Collapse are the Same Thing
Bernie Sanders. … Sanders is leading, not an army, but a rabble. … It also tells us that those who are supporting Sanders to put him so high up don’t understand that Sanders is a full-on socialist.…
Never Trumper Jen Rubin Hilariously Goes Full #NeverBernie, and Mistakenly Believes Democrats Actually Care…rnie-and-mistakenly-believes-democrats-actually-care-n129024…rnie-and-mistakenly-believes-democrats-actually-care-n129024
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News … Sanders. … Bernie.…
Small Things We Can Expect from Tonight's Debate In Nevada
Bernie Sanders is at the front of the pack and as the Democratic National Committee has exhibited very strongly since 2016, they don … As I noted in my video, mainstream media outlets seem to be working against Sanders, and Sanders supporters aren’t exactly happy about … And that the crowd at the fair for Sanders was smaller than Sen.…
Bernie Sanders Calls His Opponents 'Birthers' and Democrats Have No One to Blame But Themselves
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., raises a fist as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Al Sharpton at Sylvia’s Restaurant, Wednesday, Feb. … (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
Bernie is really pulling out all the stops. … Here's Bernie Sanders press secretary Briahna Joy Gray on CNN comparing demands for Sanders's medical records to birtherism and dismissing…
WaPo Op-ed: 'Give the Elites a Bigger Say in Choosing the President'…ve-the-elites-a-bigger-say-in-choosing-the-president-n128971…ve-the-elites-a-bigger-say-in-choosing-the-president-n128971
For starters, this scheme would make it easier for them to prevent Bernie Sanders from becoming the nominee. … Political statistician, Nate Silver, projects that the delegate count per candidate through Super Tuesday will be as follows:
New Emerson Poll Shows Trump on Solid Ground, Provides More Warning Signs for Democrats…lid-ground-provides-more-warning-signs-for-democrats-n128997…lid-ground-provides-more-warning-signs-for-democrats-n128997
Bernie Sanders, I-VT, former VP Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA., and Sen. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT):
Trump bests all Democrats except Bernie in a new Emerson poll.…
Sanders Campaign Tries to Deflect Attention From Sanders's Heart Attack by Claiming Bloomberg Has Also Had One…heart-attack-by-claiming-bloomberg-has-also-had-one-n128993…heart-attack-by-claiming-bloomberg-has-also-had-one-n128993
Bernie Sanders by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
Contrary to the best laid plans that offered Democrat voters … Democrats into a very ugly contested convention, the Democrat establishment is throwing the kitchen sink at Bernie Sanders. … One reporter's opinion…. it's malpractice that Bernie Sanders isn't pressed daily about his age, physical fitness, heart health, medical…
The Never Trump Contingent -- Spurned By Democrats and Growing Into Never-Bernie Means they are Doomed to Self-Imposed Exile…r-bernie-means-they-are-doomed-to-self-imposed-exile-n129002…r-bernie-means-they-are-doomed-to-self-imposed-exile-n129002
The woman who never fails to demean current conservatives is also grappling with the Bernie Sanders issue. … Last week he sent out a desperate plea for the Democrats to do the right thing and choose a moderate candidate, over Bernie Sanders … Schmidt has also run into the reality that he has wandered into the socialist campground, and his words of concern over a Bernie Sanders…
More Americans are Republican Than Democrat Now According to New Poll…e-republican-than-democrat-now-according-to-new-poll-n128976…e-republican-than-democrat-now-according-to-new-poll-n128976
Bloomberg’s presence will have on the voting public, and whether he’ll have the power to overcome the Democrat’s current frontrunner, Bernie … Sanders.…
Dems Are Screwed for 2020 and Should Focus on 2024 Says Greg Gutfeld
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV … We are now seeing that the fix is truly in — that no one in the Democratic party really wants Bernie as the nominee. … Except for that ever so vocal group of kids we lovingly call BERNIE BROS.…
Recent Michael Bloomberg Comments on Transgenderism Surface, 'Some Guy In a Dress'…mments-on-transgenderism-surface-some-guy-in-a-dress-n128957…mments-on-transgenderism-surface-some-guy-in-a-dress-n128957
(AP Photo/Jim Mone)
This stuff has to be coming from Bernie Sanders, right? … All of this certainly does smack of Bernie Sanders getting a little desperate to seal the deal.…
Dan Crenshaw Bulldozes the Argument That Pete Buttigieg Is a 'Moderate' Democratic Presidential Candidate…tigieg-is-moderate-democratic-presidential-candidate-n128951…tigieg-is-moderate-democratic-presidential-candidate-n128951
Bernie Sanders’ political star began to rise, a narrative slowly emerged from panicked middle of the road Democrats and media types … alike that there were “moderate” Democratic alternatives to Sanders’ radical socialistic candidacy: Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor … As I’ve said before, both Klobuchar and Buttigieg may sound more sane than Sanders in that they give lip service to wanting to work…
Whoopi Goldberg Says She Won't Criticize Any Democrats Until Trump Apologizes for the 'Access Hollywood' Tape. But There's a Problem With That
Vindicate Trump
Holy Hero Worship: Teenaged Pete Buttigieg Won a National Essay Contest by Praising Proud, Courageous Socialist Bernie … Sanders
Jon Voight Manhandles Monolithic Hollywood: In Less Than 100 Seconds, He Delivers His Own State of the Union – and Praises…
Desperately Determined: Lagging Behind, Elizabeth Warren Tries to Sell Bernie's 'Foundation of Hate'…beth-warren-tries-to-sell-bernies-foundation-of-hate-n128947…beth-warren-tries-to-sell-bernies-foundation-of-hate-n128947
(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Bernie and Beth — Who ya got?! … Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
Warren: “I think you called me a liar on national TV”
Sanders: “What?” … Heck, no:
“Anybody making personal attacks against anyone else in my name is not part of our movement.” – Bernie…
When the Press Plays Guilt-By-Association the GOP Should Begin Associating the Press In the Same Fashion…ould-begin-associating-the-press-in-the-same-fashion-n128939…ould-begin-associating-the-press-in-the-same-fashion-n128939
He is an avowed communist sympathizer, fully supports Bernie Sanders, and frequently invokes anti-Israel rhetoric.…
Woah: Bernie Sanders Takes a Huge Lead as Democrats Reach Their 'Break Glass' Moment…ass-moment-as-new-poll-shows-bernie-with-a-huge-lead-n128917…ass-moment-as-new-poll-shows-bernie-with-a-huge-lead-n128917
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
If I were to have told you two months ago that Bernie Sanders would be up 12 points nationally and that … Come on, does anyone really believe the Democratic party is going to deny Bernie if he has a plurality of delegates?…
RedState Live Blogs the Las Vegas Debate and Here's How You Can Participate…e-las-vegas-debate-and-heres-how-you-can-participate-n128887…e-las-vegas-debate-and-heres-how-you-can-participate-n128887
So they have no interested in playing nice with each other or with Bernie Sanders.…
Bloomberg Qualifies for Nevada Debate as his Support Soars in New Poll; Here's Why the Party May Not Last…our-democracy-with-cash-most-cynical-candidacy-ever-n128865…our-democracy-with-cash-most-cynical-candidacy-ever-n128865
The contest is looking more and more like a two man race between Bernie and Bloomberg. … Although I believe a Bernie Sanders presidency would destroy the country, he has taken positions and he campaigns on them. … Sanders has spent $40 million and Biden, $12.3 million.…
Has Pete Buttigieg Become the Latest to be Favored by the National Party?…ecome-the-latest-to-be-favored-by-the-national-party-n128891…ecome-the-latest-to-be-favored-by-the-national-party-n128891
While it has become clear that the DNC has no interest in Bernie Sanders becoming the nominee what has been less clear is who the apparatus … In 2016 it was easy; Hillary was the clear choice and Bernie was the interloper.…
New Pre-Caucus Nevada Poll Signals the End Is Very Near for Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign…e-end-very-near-for-joe-bidens-presidential-campaign-n128881…e-end-very-near-for-joe-bidens-presidential-campaign-n128881
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV … Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) holds a 19-point lead in Nevada, the next state to vote in the 2020 presidential nominating contest, according … A previous Nevada poll showed Biden was within shouting distance of Sanders, but that has clearly changed.…