Results for: Bernie Sanders
Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses…managers-deciding-who-wins-delegates-with-coin-toss-n127431…managers-deciding-who-wins-delegates-with-coin-toss-n127431
Back in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders almost tied overall in Iowa and 13 caucuses were decided by a coin toss that year. … …
Bernie and Biden tied. … — Mike Sengewalt (@senmi) February 4, 2020
We all know Bernie won.…
The Democrat Iowa Caucus Is in Total Chaos, Here Are the Details
Bernie Sanders was poised to win, Joe Biden was looking like a distant 4th place, and turnout was much lower than expected. … After CNN booted it’s DMR “gold standard” poll of Iowa, it was leaked that Sanders was leading. … *Bernie Sanders takes the lead in #IowaCaucuses*
The DNC:
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) February 4, 2020…
The Iowa Caucus Delivers No Results Due to Failed App Technology Ushered in by Hillary Clinton Operative…app-that-was-ushered-in-by-hillary-clinton-operative-n127388…app-that-was-ushered-in-by-hillary-clinton-operative-n127388
, 2020
The candidates had all manner of patient-to-impatient reactions to the stalled process, but there was word from the Bernie … Sanders camp that they were deeply suspicious over the lack of reporting.…
Biden Continues to Lose It, Flips Out During an Interview When Pressed On Burisma Corruption…ng-an-interview-when-pressed-on-ukrainian-corruption-n127366…ng-an-interview-when-pressed-on-ukrainian-corruption-n127366
Nevada follows shortly after and is another caucus state that will favor Bernie Sanders.…
Chris Matthews is Not Happy With the Dem Field; 'Bernie Sanders is Not Going to be President, Okay?'…eld-bernie-sanders-is-not-going-to-be-president-okay-n127357…eld-bernie-sanders-is-not-going-to-be-president-okay-n127357
Trump was asked about Bernie and said, “I think he’s a communist.” … Should Bernie win the nomination, the Trump campaign will hammer that message from now through Election Day and probably defeat Bernie … Bernie Sanders is not going to be president of the United States, okay?…
Yikes: The Des Moines Register Poll Results Were Just Released, They Are Shocking
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sen. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) were not amused. … Sanders had been surging and was leading or in a virtual tie with Joe Biden according to some polls.…
The DNC Has Given Up On Joe, and Here's How I Know
Bernie Sanders. He’s uncontrollable, has zero compunction to be moderate, and as such, he can’t win the nomination. … The Sanders campaign according to Politico. … Regardless, Bloomberg also isn’t necessarily a household name like Sanders, Biden, or even Warren are.…
The Democrat Party Is Melting Down as Bernie Sanders Surges
That’s coming most pointedly in the form of Bernie Sanders, a man who’s history includes honeymooning in the Soviet Union and praising … A few months ago, no one gave Sanders a legitimate shot to win the nomination. … Sanders taking down the Democratic Party — down whole.”…
Former Never Trumper Nukes The Bulwark Crowd, 'That's Not Principled, That's Juvenile'…he-bulwark-crowd-thats-not-principled-thats-juvenile-n127300…he-bulwark-crowd-thats-not-principled-thats-juvenile-n127300
Bernie Sanders.
Maybe Dems shouldn’t nominate a socialist? … Harris, Warren, Sanders. They’ve all expressed a desire for presidential rule-by-decree.…
Actor John Cusack is Leading the Impending Democrat Civil War Involving Bernie Sanders…mpending-democrat-civil-war-involving-bernie-sanders-n127262…mpending-democrat-civil-war-involving-bernie-sanders-n127262
It is one they have already managed to corrupt, and it is leading to another round of dealing with the socialist Bernie Sanders, whom … SEE ALSO: The Democrats May Have Handed the Nomination Over to Bernie Sanders With Their Impeachment Quest
The Democrats in Congress … Many believe that the party will be setting up another attempt to squelch the campaign of Bernie Sanders, as was seen in 2016 when…
Holy Cripes, the World is Changing - Rashida Dumped All Over Hillary (Video). But Then it Changed Back
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, in Clive, Iowa. … The occasion: a Bernie rally. … — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) February 1, 2020
And, as noted by The Daily Wire, Tlaib has reasons other than 2016 to not particularly…
Is Pelosi a String-Bean Tie in the Era of the Fly-Away Collar? Trump Says She's About to be Replaced…fly-away-collar-trump-says-shes-about-to-be-replaced-n127224…fly-away-collar-trump-says-shes-about-to-be-replaced-n127224
The President also asserted that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was “rigging the election again” against “crazy” Bernie … Sanders and candidates such as Sen. … I mean, you know, look, I think of communism when I think of Bernie. You could say ‘socialist.’…
Donald Trump's Dig at Bloomberg Send Him Into a Rage and CNN Helpfully Fact Checks the Episode…nto-a-rage-and-cnn-helpfully-fact-checks-the-episode-n127217…nto-a-rage-and-cnn-helpfully-fact-checks-the-episode-n127217
Plus the more people see Elizabeth Warren the less they like her, Bernie Sanders could easily be a corpse by then, and Joe Biden will … — David Wright (@DavidWright_7) January 30, 2020
The fact that the DNC is changing their rules to help Bloomberg and hurt Sanders…
Now This Is Funny: NBC Says They Overheard John Kerry Talking About Running in 2020 to Stop Bernie…n-kerry-talking-about-running-in-2020-to-stop-bernie-n127220…n-kerry-talking-about-running-in-2020-to-stop-bernie-n127220
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) surging and taking the lead or basically tied. … Here’s what former Secretary of State and former presidential candidate John Kerry had to say about Sanders. … Sanders taking down the Democratic Party — down whole.”…
Holy Cow: The Latest South Carolina Poll Is a Total Disaster for Joe Biden as His Firewall Crumbles…outh-carolina-poll-is-a-total-disaster-for-joe-biden-n127206…outh-carolina-poll-is-a-total-disaster-for-joe-biden-n127206
Steyer is now at 24% among black voters, with Sanders at 16%. … Nothing is certain, but the chances of the Democrat establishment facing their worst nightmare of a Bernie Sanders nomination has gone … If Sanders wins both those states, he’s going to also be favored in Nevada.…
Des Moines Register Fails to Release Its Historic Poll, Bernie Supporters Are Not Amused…e-its-historic-poll-bernie-supporters-are-not-amused-n127201…e-its-historic-poll-bernie-supporters-are-not-amused-n127201
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who thought there might be something more to it than a simple error or being overly scrupulous after the Buttigieg … Other recent polls had Sanders taking a lead over Joe Biden and the Sanders supporters thought perhaps that’s what the poll, if released…
News Summary From the Week That Was (26 Jan – 1 Feb)
And, as a result, their best bet for taking down Trump has narrowed down to Biden or Bernie. … If they nominate Bernie, we’ll know they’re still drinking the TDS Kool-Aide.
6. … Guest added, “Reminder for voters: As Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders campaign across…
Nancy Pelosi Discreetly Gives a Warning to Democrats About Supporting Bernie Sanders…warning-to-democrats-about-supporting-bernie-sanders-n127167…warning-to-democrats-about-supporting-bernie-sanders-n127167
So she is giving a warning about supporting out loud the pie-in-the-sky ideas of candidates like Bernie Sanders. … If a Bernie or a Bernie wannabe runs she knows it becomes harder to do either of those. … This is a difficult road to walk as more Democrats will start outright sniping if Bernie wins Iowa on Monday and they will pressure…
Establishment Dems Looking for Ways to Torpedo Bernie at Convention
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Sen. … (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
Establishment types at the Democratic National Committee are so terrified that Bernie Sanders could end up … Based on the statements coming from Team Sanders and the Bernie Bros, that would be a massive mistake.…
CPAC Doesn't Want Mitt: Stay Home
— Paula Chertok🗽 (@PaulaChertok) February 1, 2020
Can we say Democrats rigging against Bernie Sanders…
Claws Come Out: Watch Rashida Tlaib Boo Hillary Clinton at Sanders Event in Iowa
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in a pretty vicious attack, saying among other things that nobody liked him and he hadn’t achieved anything. … While Sanders has been stuck in Washington, D.C. on impeachment, he’s had surrogates out and about, including Rep. … Bernie Sanders event in Iowa on Friday evening, three days before the Iowa caucuses.…
The Democrat Establishment Hits the Panic Button as Bernie Sanders Overtakes Joe Biden Nationally
Bernie Sanders by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
How ugly are things getting in the Democrat primary? … Because noted communist sympathizer and self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist” Bernie Sanders is surging. … Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are statistically tied at the top of the Democratic field, according to a new @NBCNews/Wall Street Journal…
Bloomberg Makes His Move Into Third Place Nationally Passing Fauxcahontas…ove-into-third-place-nationally-passing-fauxcahontas-n127091…ove-into-third-place-nationally-passing-fauxcahontas-n127091
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dropped 2 points, to 17 percent.
The socialists are slipping and the Capitalists are surging.…
Opinion: Has Carter Page Fired the First Shots in a Conservative Lawfare Campaign?…d-the-first-shots-in-a-conservative-lawfare-campaign-n127006…d-the-first-shots-in-a-conservative-lawfare-campaign-n127006
After all, we expect an entity named the Democrat National Committee to be corrupt — just ask Bernie Sanders.…