Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden pays for his order at a Krispy Kreme following a campaign town hall on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019, in Spartanburg, S.C. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard)
I’m no fortune teller, but I don’t think I need a crystal ball or tea leaves to tell you Joe Biden’s future.
I only see this playing out one way, and that’s with the elimination of Biden sooner rather than later, and the DNC is doing what it can to make that happen.
As you may or may not have heard, the DNC is altering the rules a bit in order to allow none other than Michael Bloomberg to participate in the debates. While he won’t make the New Hampshire debate on Friday, the consensus is that he will be hanging out on stage in Nevada on the 19th.
According to USA Today, this has not been taken well by the other former candidates who have had to compete with the much harder rules since day one:
The Democratic National Committee has altered the criteria to qualify for the Nevada debate, almost doubling the polling threshold and eliminating donor requirements —which could make way for Michael Bloomberg to make it on stage.
The change has caused backlash from presidential candidates, as well as from Sen. Cory Booker’s former campaign staff, who criticized the DNC as changing the rules in the middle of the game. Booker, who dropped out several weeks before the Iowa caucuses, said Friday they previously redirected campaigns funds to help bring in donors specifically to meet the debate thresholds.
To qualify for the Nevada debate, candidates must receive 10% or more in at least four polls between Jan. 15 and Feb. 18, which include national polls or Nevada and South Carolina state polls, or hit at least 12% in two polls in Nevada and South Carolina.
Why the sudden rule change? It all has to do with the non-viability of Biden.
The fact is, no one but Biden at his height in popularity could even come close to beating Trump. Right now, the DNC has a slew of radicals on its hands, and if they aren’t radicals, they’re unlikeable or both unlikeable and radical. Biden was their only hope, but Biden proved to be a fry short of a Happy Meal. He’s a walking, talking gaffe factory who can’t keep his temper under control and is wrapped up in so much corruption and scandal that his baggage is too heavy for a severely weakened DNC to carry.
Moderates are abandoning the beta Democrat party for the Chad-like Trump. His approval is up among both Republicans and Independents, putting him at an all-time high approval rating of 49 percent.
(READ: Trump’s Approval Rating Rises to All-Time High as Democrats Melt Down)
They need a new moderate candidate to put forward in order to attract back the voters they’ve lost, and hopefully, put forward someone new who should have been what Biden was from the beginning.
The rule change is the path to that, but it has to happen quickly since Bernie Sanders is now making the DNC realize its worst fears with his victory in Iowa. Even DNC Chair Tom Perez seems to be freaking out about it and has ordered Iowa’s Democratic caucus to recanvass immediately.
Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020
Biden placed fourth. He’s clearly no contender, especially against Sanders who very likely has the DNC working against him like they did in 2016.
So Biden’s gotta go. The DNC is mashing the abort button as hard and fast as it can in hopes that a miracle will arrive in the form of steadily climbing Bloomberg.
At least that’s my theory. New Hampshire will be more of a solidifying of what we already know than anything else, but Nevada will be the debate to watch. That will truly be the DNC bringing its newest, shiny weapon against Sanders. A weapon to replace the old, rusted weapon that can’t seem to get in front of a camera without embarrassing them.