Secretary of Labor Tom Perez hosts a Paid Leave Roundtable at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey December 11, 2014. Insider Images/Andrew Kelly (UNITED STATES)
As we reported yesterday, DNC Chair Tom Perez finally threw in the towel and admitted “enough is enough” on the Iowa Caucus train wreck.
Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020
A recanvass is a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.
The IDP will continue to report results.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020
A lot of folks mocked Perez’s tweet, rightfully so in light of what a huge mess this has become.
He’s acknowledging at this point that no one is going to believe the results are legitimate unless they are rechecked, and maybe not even then. But he’s not taking any responsibility for it.
.@TomPerez declines taking responsibility for the Iowa fiasco.
CNN: “How much of this is on you?”
PEREZ: “Again, the Iowa Democratic Party runs the caucus. Okay? And they — what happened was unacceptable." pic.twitter.com/VGlLIeiAyD
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 7, 2020
Do you realize how bad optically this looks? You should’ve said this 48 hours ago.
— Brianna Westbrook (@BWestbrookAZ8) February 6, 2020
And they will keep recanvassing until the person the DNC wants to win wins…
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) February 6, 2020
As someone who was a precinct captain in DM 006, I can tell you that worksheet is one you really need to look at because according to the results currently being reported from that precinct, every single number is wrong, except for the zeroes. Based on that, I trust zero results.
— Scott Santens🧢 (@scottsantens) February 6, 2020
But apparently that still isn’t enough for the local Democrats behind this FUBAR result.
The Iowa Democratic Party is refusing his request. Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price said in a statement that they would not do so unless one of the candidates asked for it.
“Should any presidential campaign in compliance with the Iowa Delegate Selection Plan request a recanvass, the IDP is prepared. In such a circumstance, the IDP will audit the paper records of report, as provided by the precinct chairs and signed by representatives of presidential campaigns. This is the official record of the Iowa Democratic caucus, and we are committed to ensuring the results accurately reflect the preference of Iowans.”
Price said that the candidate would also have to make a “credible explanation of the reasons of the request.”
Hard to believe he said that. Would your caucus being a national laughingstock disgrace qualify?
Meanwhile, the AP is refusing to pick a winner given the tight allegedly final delegate results between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
AP says it cannot declare winner in Iowa Democratic caucus, based on arcane SDE calculations. But with 99% reporting, Sanders has 6,114-vote (3.5 percentage point) lead in first vote, 2,631-vote (1.6 point) lead in second vote. Neither is too close to call. Sanders won. pic.twitter.com/mXKwgb1OMb
— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 7, 2020
A CNN analysis shows errors in the count reported by the Iowa Democratic Party. Multiple counties have reported a different number of state delegate equivalents than they were supposed to have, even though all precincts in the county have been tallied. https://t.co/AMrDxTAHtk https://t.co/HE7fJMOvQZ
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 7, 2020
HT: Townhall
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