Results for: Bernie Sanders
Iowa Democratic Party Responds to DNC Chair Tom Perez's Request for a Recanvass and It's Not Good…atic-party-refuses-tom-perezs-request-for-a-recanvas-n127877…atic-party-refuses-tom-perezs-request-for-a-recanvas-n127877
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg. … But with 99% reporting, Sanders has 6,114-vote (3.5 percentage point) lead in first vote, 2,631-vote (1.6 point) lead in second vote … Sanders won.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 7, 2020
A CNN analysis shows errors in the count…
Michael Bloomberg Is Being Aided in Anti-Sanders Efforts With Staffing Provided by the DNC…i-sanderss-efforts-with-staffing-provided-by-the-dnc-n127889…i-sanderss-efforts-with-staffing-provided-by-the-dnc-n127889
Many are of the mind that the DNC is orchestrating sabotage of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the actions of the party in Iowa only … The DNC sees Bloomberg as a potentially helpful wedge to cleave the Bernie Sanders campaign. … The Bernie Sanders crowd will only become more vocal about the subterfuge, and they very well should.…
Shoot Fire, He Can't Catch a Break: Yet Again, Hillary Flames Bern - on a Top Television Show
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Is Bernie Sanders getting the shaft again? … Bernie Sanders “promise(s) the moon and…can’t deliver the moon.”…
Doomsday Cometh as a Brokered Convention Becomes the Second Most Likely Outcome of the Democratic Primary…second-most-likely-outcome-of-the-democratic-primary-n127856…second-most-likely-outcome-of-the-democratic-primary-n127856
The sheer number of defeats they’ve taken, from the Iowa caucus debacle, to Bernie Sanders’ surge, to Trump’s triumphant SOTU, to impeachment … — Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) February 5, 2020
Bernie being the favorite for the nomination is bad enough. … They could conceivably pool their delegates together and effectively “steal” the nomination out from under Bernie.…
New Polls in New Hampshire Spell Doom for Two Major Democrats and Give the DNC a Massive Problem…o-major-democrats-and-give-the-dnc-a-massive-problem-n127848…o-major-democrats-and-give-the-dnc-a-massive-problem-n127848
CREDIT:RCP New Hampshire Polling as of 2-7-20
Bernie Sanders has jumped into a clear and commanding lead across the board. … Bernie Sanders is set to sweep the first three contests. … Coming out of South Carolina and heading into Super Tuesday may see the Democrat field winnowed down to Sanders, Buttigieg, and Bloomberg…
The Democrat Establishment Is Trying to Utterly Screw Bernie Sanders and There Are Receipts
Sanders is really bad news for the Democrat party in 2020. … Well, at least until the results were leaked and it showed Bernie Sanders was leading. … Bernie Sanders supports are fiercely loyal.…
Evidence Says DNC Has Found Joe Biden Nonviable and Will Proceed to Abort
The rule change is the path to that, but it has to happen quickly since Bernie Sanders is now making the DNC realize its worst fears … He’s clearly no contender, especially against Sanders who very likely has the DNC working against him like they did in 2016. … That will truly be the DNC bringing its newest, shiny weapon against Sanders.…
2020 Campaign: Democrat Identity Politics 'Über Alles'
Bernie Sanders. … What would the Bernie bros do if they figure out that the Democrat establishment nukes Bernie again this year?
Joe Biden. … She’s got the feminist bloc wrapped up and has tried to use sexism as a weapon against Bernie Sanders in a staged confrontation captured…
It's Still Going: Sanders Saunters Into Virtual Tie With Buttigieg In Iowa
Bernie Sanders by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
It’s still not over in Iowa as the numbers are still being … Buttigieg looked like he was going to eke out a victory, but now, according to The Hill, Sanders has caught up and the two are in a … Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are in a virtual tie in the Iowa Democratic caucuses, according to the latest results, released overnight.…
The Iowa Caucus Tabulation Has Only Become Worse -- Corrections Issued on Released Figures, and Even Those Are Incorrect…ued-on-released-figures-and-even-those-are-incorrect-n127758…ued-on-released-figures-and-even-those-are-incorrect-n127758
To set the already warmed up conspiracy theorists from the Bernie Sanders camp into a full boil, Patrick was found to be credited with … hundreds of votes that belonged to Sanders.…
Opinion: Don't Be Upset About Nancy Ripping the Speech, She Is Mad Because She Lost.…nancy-ripping-the-speech-she-is-mad-because-she-lost-n127741…nancy-ripping-the-speech-she-is-mad-because-she-lost-n127741
Adding fuel to that fire is the fact that Nancy is part of the good ole boys Washington D.C. elite that is trying to poo-poo a Bernie … Sanders candidacy against Trump. … I wrote about this the other day right here at Red State… Nancy Pelosi Discreetly Gives a Warning to Democrats About Supporting Bernie…
Clinton Guru James Carville Blows Up on the Democratic Party: It's Leaving Relevance and Becoming an 'Ideological Cult'…s-leaving-relevance-and-becoming-an-ideological-cult-n127719…s-leaving-relevance-and-becoming-an-ideological-cult-n127719
The possibility that one socialist Bernard Sanders could rise as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president. … Could be — Bernie might soon be the DNC’s only hope of snatching the presidential pen from a certain New York billionaire. … All the Sanders people are taking pictures wishing (British Labour Party leader) Jeremy Corbyn the best.…
One Iowa County Delivered a Little Karmic Humor to Elizabeth Warren
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Biden has been slipping of late in the polls. … Some Democrats, in particular the Bernie folks, also thought there was a little more to it, with first the Des Moines Register poll…
Desperation Time: Chris Matthews Ponders a Brokered Dem Convention, Suggests Alternative Candidate…okered-dem-convention-suggests-alternative-candidate-n127660…okered-dem-convention-suggests-alternative-candidate-n127660
-Chris Matthews suggests a democrat alternate to Bernie Sanders????? … They really want to throw Sanders under the bus. … The Bernie Bros would explode and justifiably so.…
The Democrat Response to Trump's State of the Union Only Proved Trump's Point…onse-to-trumps-state-of-the-union-only-boosted-trump-n127603…onse-to-trumps-state-of-the-union-only-boosted-trump-n127603
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are throwing that kind of thing around with reckless abandon, and as a result, you have a party…
Lindsey Graham In Rare Form on Iowa Caucus Debacle, Brings Up Alleged Clinton Connection and Comey…aucus-debacle-brings-up-clinton-connection-and-comey-n127567…aucus-debacle-brings-up-clinton-connection-and-comey-n127567
….and it has nothing to do with a Bernie blowout and a Biden crash? … “And it has nothing to do with a Bernie blowout and a Biden crash?” … Sanders who by accounts on the ground was winning?…
The Democrats Aren't a Serious Party
Sanders campaign. … (READ: They Can Pretend the Violent Sanders Staffer Is An Anomaly, But He’s Not)
I’d like to say that the Sanders campaign is still … Every clue points to the fact that the DNC is trying to slowly shove him to the back, but doing so puts Sanders up front and since…
Breaking News: Iowa Democratic Party Chair Announces Partial Results of 2020 Caucuses…rty-chair-announces-partial-results-of-2020-caucuses-n127443…rty-chair-announces-partial-results-of-2020-caucuses-n127443
Bernie Sanders, whose internal polling showed him leading the pack, came in second with 25.1%.
#MayorCheat Trends as Pete Buttigieg's Iowa Machinations Come to Light
That aspect of the South Bend mayor has Bernie Sanders fans none to happy, as Buttigieg made a series of moves yesterday evening during … If I were a Sanders backer, I’d be pretty dang suspicious of how much more of this went on throughout the night. … In another example, Sanders won the overwhelming vote total at one precinct, but was awarded the same amount of delegates as Buttigieg…
2020 Campaign: Here Is Why the Democrats Fear Bernie Sanders
Here are some signs that the Democrats are deathly afraid of “Democratic Socialist” Bernie Sanders winning the Democrat nomination … Nancy Pelosi warned against far-left candidates (a veiled warning about the non-electability of Bernie Sanders and Fauxcahontas)
On … John Kerry was overheard saying he is considering entering the Democrat primaries because he is “concerned that Bernie Sanders is taking…
Even CNN's Chris Cuomo Can't Deal With the Iowa Trainwreck, Calls Out Dems, 'Where's Tom Perez?'…iowa-debacle-calls-on-tom-perez-and-dnc-for-answers-n127446…iowa-debacle-calls-on-tom-perez-and-dnc-for-answers-n127446
ChuckRossDC) February 4, 2020
So naturally, that’s sparked a lot of theories that the poll and the caucus were torpedoed because of Bernie … Sanders being in the lead and/or Biden doing so horribly.…
2020 Campaign: Bernie Sanders Exposed as a Hypocrite
During one of the interview segments, they discussed Bernie Sanders:
Levin: … We have Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a Democratic … [End of Schweizer’s remarks on Bernie Sanders.] … With Bernie Sanders, they have fallen prey once again to the law of unintended consequences.…
Ted Cruz Sends Democrats to Burn Ward Over Disastrous Iowa Caucus…ant-count-votes-and-they-want-to-run-our-health-care-n127440…ant-count-votes-and-they-want-to-run-our-health-care-n127440
Between Democratic candidates getting shafted by the Democratic establishment like Bernie Sanders…
…and Mayor Pete Buttigieg claiming…
Joe Biden's Campaign Attacks the Credibility of the Iowa Caucus Results as a Survival Strategy
Sanders or #MayorCheat of momentum. … If the internal Sanders numbers are correct, Biden finished a sad, sad fourth place:
Sanders is considered the frontrunner in … Was it really because of pressure from the Biden camp and the DNC to not give Sanders a following wind going into the caucuses?)…
Warren Campaign's Chief Strategist Sends a Very Mixed Message as 2020 Candidates Await Iowa Results…mixed-message-as-2020-candidates-await-iowa-results-n127417…mixed-message-as-2020-candidates-await-iowa-results-n127417
First, he wrote: “It’s a very close race among the top three candidates (Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg) and Biden came a distant fourth … The Sanders campaign kicked things off by announcing that, based on numbers from 40% of precincts, their internal polling showed Bernie … efIgSR9Vzm
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 4, 2020
It’s a very close race among the top three candidates (Warren, Sanders…