Results for: the big guy

John Boehner: I Will Vote For Hillary Clinton Over Ted Cruz
– Once you got past the weird purple-orange fake tan, he was a funny and sociable guy that you didn’t mind drinking a bottle of scotch … Boehner for the most part accepted Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, though he did express his surprise at the candidate … creates exactly the same argument for me as does the issue of adultery.…
HAHAHA!! Trump Crony Paul Manafort Wanted For Fraud Questioning By THE CAYMAN ISLANDS
– I mean this guy has actually managed to get the Cayman Islands, a nation devoted to scams and money laundering, so upset at the scope … not within the jurisdiction of the court. … But as part of the case, the lawyer for Tymoshenko, Kenneth F.…
BREAKING. John Kasich's Campaign Has Decided That In Oregon Incompetence Is Their Competitive Advantage…ign-decided-oregon-incompetence-competitive-advantage-n58634
– Image by Marc Nozell,, via Flickr Creative Commons Monday the big news was the Hunger Games-style alliance between … The state said the Kasich campaign failed to submit information by the March 10 deadline. … Sure, John Kasich is a duplicitous f*** who is trying to screw over the guy who offering him a way to even be considered at the GOP…
First Exit Poll Info From Super Duper Tuesday Is In, And On The Delegate Process ... Uh Oh, GOP
– go to the person who got the most votes anyway. … It means they don’t care how many people vote against him, as long as he has more delegates than the next guy. … That sounds like both Trump and Cruz voters, but not such good news for Kasich the big government man.…
Trump-Whisperer Roger Stone Is Not A Very Bright Guy
– POLITICO’s Glenn Thrush did an interview with the guy who could claim to be Donald Trump’s political muse, the vile and cretinous … First, Glenn Thrush is utterly subservient to the guy. … liberal Democrat, an eccentric but brilliant guy, who concludes on the basis of the exit polls and the actual vote on a precinct-by-precinct…
Water Cooler 4/22/16 - Party boss Christie controls NJ counties and delegates; Fly an F-35; Meet your new Robot Bartender…counties-delegates-fly-f-35-meet-new-robot-bartender-n58526
– John Kasich won the county line. Union was the home base of the late Rep. … Giordano: Well, what’s wrong with this then Tom – is this just hardball politics then – your guy over in South Jersey then gets the … Here in Jersey, it’s the old fashion way. Christie, as some would say, has been emasculated as the Trump guy.…
Single Fathers Must Be Allowed In Women's Bathrooms
– It will cause uproars from ladies that are already in the bathroom, or worse, the locker room. … This isn’t the result of the NC law that has been making waves. … I had assumed that the world was too big and complex to try and accommodate every single individual need of every single person, but…
Add Target to the List of Places That Don't Respect the Privacy or Sexual Safety of Your Daughters
– first big-box retailers to take a proactive stance in declaring its position on the matter when it comes to its own restrooms. … for the sake of a fabled few who simply whined the most. … What if a bearded guy in a trench coat claiming to identify as a woman while standing in the corner of the bathroom smiling makes a…
Watercooler 4/20 Open Thread: Prayers, Plates, Polls and...
– In a move that has to cheese the One-Big-Arse-Mistake-America regime off to no end because of China and Russia focusing their new fighter … Please, club this clown with the Clue-Bat yet again… the rest of your country is counting on you. … There’s nothing like helping the little guy kick some bully’s ass.”…
SELLING TREACHERY: Four Reversals, Two Days, One HUGE Donald Trump Betrayal
– Now it’s unfair to the little guy and helps out the rich too much. … Of course, the really big one is that he won’t self-fund. … And if you look at the big picture there are two obvious themes.…
Water Cooler 5/6/16 - Third Party Edition
– When the party failed to choose a nominee, the four candidates ran, the Party ceased to exist, and the Democratic Party (under Jackson … When none of the candidates reached the 131 electoral votes needed to win the election, under the terms of the Twelfth Amendment, theguy.…
Bill Shuster: The Perfect Trump Endorser
The guy whose girlfriend just so happens to be a lobbyist for the big airline industry group that is desperate for exactly this kind … The guy who goes on swanky trips to cool destinations with his girlfriend and her coworkers but is totally not doing their bidding … The guy who endorsed Donald Trump— something else that looks pretty unconservative and unhelpful to the GOP writ large? Yeah.…
BRO: Trump Hires New Finance Chair Who Was Partner at Goldman, Gave to Clinton, AND Worked for Soros!…nce-chair-worked-goldman-gave-clinton-took-soros-yeup-n58846
– Donald Trump, after effectively securing the nomination, scrapped the whole “I’m self-financed” shtick and vowed to raise money … And at the top of the heap is his new Finance Chair, Steven Mnuchin. He’s an interesting guy. … Big Hollywood connections, big Wall Street resume, big money friends.…
[WATCH] Ted Cruz Lists 5 Ways How Trump Is Just Like Hillary Clinton
– There is clearly a good guy, and a bad guy here. … The reason why it needs to be seen as foolishness is the simple one that imports are the very reason we conduct trade at all. … Essentially, hitting China with a steep tariff is akin to shooting yourself through the head to hit the guy standing next to you.…
Donald Trump Says Mike Tyson Is Not A Rapist; Chris Wallace Goes Along With Him (VIDEO)
The fact that Trump cheerfully touts the endorsement leads to the second point. … Note the way he smirks his way through the question? … In fact, the whole interview is the same way.…
REPORT. Bernie Sanders Is In Full Metal Jacket "Burn It Down" Mode
The article says that the Sanders campaign, at the behest of the candidate has decided to make losing as ugly and painful as possible … Obama’s former communications guy, Dan Pfeiffer, hasn’t helped Clinton out by recalling her actions in 2008: Periodic Reminder: theThe more bitter the end to this primary season is for the Democrats, the greater the chance that a non-trivial number of Sanders voters…
The Never Trump Movement Is Neither Anti-American Nor Hypocritical
– Donald Trump offered me a vehicle to stick it to the bloviating bureaucrats I despise…Trump was the guy who was going to scare the … hell out of the “establishment,” the guy who was going to turn Washington on its head. … future, go big now and pay the piper at the next turn.…
Moderate Dems: Trump Is a "Deal Maker" We Can Work With
– Trump’s entire campaign is built around the idea that he’s the one guy that can overcome partisan differences. … There’s a reason I haven’t joined the Democratic party. … He has changed the face of the GOP, but not for good. I will not take part.…
Billionaire Donald Trump Doesn't Have Enough Cash To Fund His Own Campaign
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2015 Now that Adelson has said he’ll back Trump to the tune of $100 million? … Trump’s finances shows that in terms of ready cash, he would be ill-equipped to foot the bill himself. … The issue here is, Trump managed to sell himself to the 39% of the people who voted for him in the primaries as a true “outsider” who…
Donald Trump’s Schutzstaffel
– ‘Whether he is elected or not, his candidacy is a big factor in helping destroy this middle-of-the-road Republican mindset.’ … It wasn’t the only one from the Stormer. … Here’s a quote from the “article”: In retaliation for having the audacity to insult the great leader’s wife, the Stormer troll army…
An open letter to the Libertarian Party delegates- Nominate Austin Petersen, don't make the same mistakes the GOP has made…nominate-austin-petersen-dont-make-mistakes-gop-made-n59034
– In other words, they have a lot more in common than different when compared to the big gov’t alternatives. … Don’t make the mistakes we made.  It’s tempting to go with the safe pick, the guy you’ve known the longest.   … It’s time for the Libertarian Party to go big or go home.  …
The Trump Democrats are real, are abandoning Hillary, and the unions are in a panic!
– It fit the pattern: the policies, the rhetoric, and the turnout figures all pointed to outsiders coming into the party. … getting enough big government benefits, are not a natural fit for the Republican Party as has been constituted in the Sixth Party System … That was a big reason the Democrats kept the Solid South solid so long. There’s a realignment of our parties being attempted.…
Running Unopposed, Trump Manages To Lose Almost Half of Nebraska Primary Vote…e-half-nebraska-primary-vote-cruz-rubio-kasich-carson-n58975
– Tonight, unopposed presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump still managed to lose almost half the votes cast in the Nebraska primary … out of the race. … Ben Carson himself took 5% of the vote from the boss. And by “amazingly,” I mean bwa ha ha ha ha ha.…
Tech Firm Offers to Pay Trump's Ransom for Sanders Debate, as Internet Trolls #ChickenTrump…ps-ransom-sanders-debate-internet-trolls-chickentrump-n59397
– When the gilded toad opened his big yap and said he would debate Senator Bernie Sanders for $10 million for charity, I doubt he thought … That Trump suggested Planned Parenthood should get the proceeds from the pay-per-view debate probably won’t sway the minds of the loyal … Does anybody else get the feeling that if he’ll back out of earning millions to debate the guy losing the Democrat nomination, when…
Bob Dole Urges GOP Unity And Pimps Newt Gingrich As VP Nominee
– I hope I’ve done a lot for the party along the way. … Keep in mind this guy is the guy who swore he would never vote for Ted Cruz. … Apparently where Dole thinks Bush should be a big enough man to toady to Donald Trump after the abuse he and his family took from that…
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