Results for: MAGA Republicans

White House Weighs in on All-Democrat LA City Council Scandal, Inexplicably Slams 'MAGA'…crat-la-city-council-scandal-inexplicably-slams-maga-n641670
– : Karine Jean-Pierre: "Here's the difference between Democrats and MAGA Republicans. … When a MAGA Republican says something racist or antisemitic, they are embraced by cheering crowds." — … Not a single one of them that I’m aware of thought to bring “MAGA” into the conversation because it simply has nothing to do with it…
Desperate Democrats Stoop to European Fundraising Tour to 'Stop MAGA Republicans'…o-european-fundraising-tour-to-stop-maga-republicans-n640923
– Just one question: If Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans” are “semi-fascists” — Biden would’ve gone with “fascist” but even his handlers … Republicans” at home: Chairman Maloney has been on a 10 city, 10 day fundraising swing, raising millions of dollars for candidates … who will help stop MAGA Republicans who want to pass a national abortion ban from gaining control of Congress.…
Some Things to Remember About Democrat Tim Ryan Before the Televised Debate Starts…democrat-tim-ryan-before-the-televised-debate-starts-n640956
– and too extreme for Ohio – particularly on issues like abortion, the gender identity politics debate, and dealing with so-called “MAGARepublicans.” … Related –>> Watch: Jerry Nadler Hands Republicans a Campaign Gift Ahead of November Elections…
Kanye, We Hardly Knew 'Ye': Eccentric Billionaire Vows to 'Go Death Con 3 on Jewish People'…billionaire-vows-to-go-death-con-3-on-jewish-people-n639989
– This time, the MAGA hat-wearing, Donald Trump-supporting — and thorn in the side of the elitist left — and pulled off a 180 in an attack … Trump, that dog don’t hunt (I think that’s how it goes), meaning antisemitic attacks are the trade of the Democrat Party, not Republicans
Mayra Flores Has Best Response After Snub From Congressional Hispanic Caucus…sponse-after-snub-from-congressional-hispanic-caucus-n649837
– and on Flores’ “extreme MAGA values”: In addition to citing their bylaws that state only Democrats can join CHC, the communications … Flores’ Extreme MAGA values and their attacks on Latinos and our nation’s democracy on January 6 do not align with CHC values,” the … Flashback –> Watch: Jerry Nadler Hands Republicans a Campaign Gift Ahead of November Elections…
Federal Lawsuit Filed to Prevent Ballot Drop Box Watchers
– Marco Rubio (R-FL) canvasser was hospitalized from an attack after being told, “Republicans aren’t allowed here.” … Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans … I wrote about it in a VIP piece, The Anatomy of Anti-MAGA, that revealed the phrase was inorganic; the product of research polling.…
Democrat Hypocrisy Over Violence Against Republicans Is Part of the Reason Why They'll Lose…st-republicans-is-part-of-the-reason-why-theyll-lose-n648366
– ” or “extremist Republicans,” a term that none of them can adequately define. … Republicans are fascist, and MAGA, extreme Republicans even more so. … Biden blamed MAGA Republicans for everything from threatening the foundation of the republic to taking the country backwards.…
NYT Bizarrely Claims Congressional Trump-Backers' Use of 'Devil Terms' Is 'Fueling Polarization'…p-backers-use-of-devil-terms-is-fueling-polarization-n647561
– At issue, says the NYT, are 147 congressional Republicans who voted to overturn the election results. … I don’t want to engage in whataboutism, but Joe Biden labeling a former president and “MAGA Republicans” as “semi-fascists” (we all … At the forefront of this polarization are Republicans who voted to reject the Electoral College results that cemented Mr.…
Some Democrats Realize Their Messaging Sucks, but It’s too Late
– While Republicans are wisely hammering them on crime, education, immigration, and the economy, the left has been flailing. … “[Republicans are] hitting us on crime and border and inflation…. That has huge power. … It is why their strategy has been to demonize “MAGA extremists” and continue harping on Jan. 6.…
Biden's New Name for Republicans - With Some Extra Delusional Takes
– Biden accused the Republicans of trying to “crash the economy” and threw out that old lie about Republicans wanting to kill Social … He now has a new slogan, moving from attacking “MAGA” to “ultra MAGA,” now it’s “MEGA MAGA.” … “Ultra MAGA” didn’t work, so now you’re trying “MEGA MAGA”?…
Here’s Why Democrats' Lies About Crime Won’t Work
– to actually believe that by joining former President Donald Trump’s social media platform, he would be able to persuade all the “MAGA … Polling shows that Americans favor Republicans over Democrats when it comes to crime.…
Not Even Democrats Are Buying Biden’s ‘MAGA Republican’ Balderdash Anymore
– year, warning about “mega MAGA Republicans” and reiterating that “This ain’t your father’s Republican Party.” … As I stated before, the whole “MAGA Republican” fearmongering only works on the anti-Trump crowd. … These problems are what will be on voters’ minds as they show up to the polls, not fears about “MAGA Republicans.”…
Hollywood Wingnut Bette Midler Hysterically Tells 'MAGA Women' to Move to Iran…midler-hysterically-tells-maga-women-to-move-to-iran-n655338
– Either way, Midler went after “MAGA women” with a vengeance, hysterically declaring they should “move to Iran” if they vote Republican … HEY MAGA, WOMEN, IF YOU WANT A COUNTRY RUN BY MEN AND RELIGION, MOVE TO IRAN. Damn. … They never follow through on their ridiculous promises to vamoose, and I’m pretty sure many “MAGA women” will simply laugh hysterically…
Divider-in-Chief: Biden Calls Protesters 'Idiots' at Illinois Speech
– in his infamous September “Dark Brandon” speech  when he squinted in rage and declared: And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGARepublicans do not respect the Constitution.  … Friday, ignoring issues voters care about like crime, inflation, and the border, and instead railing against “election deniers,” MAGA
Top House Democrat Jumps Off the Deep End Preaching Doom Prior to Election Day…ff-the-deep-end-preaching-doom-prior-to-election-day-n654406
– After blaming Republicans for the bizarre attack on Paul Pelosi, an assertion not backed by current evidence, the House Majority Whip … Clyburn went on to suggest that the choice between Democrats and Republicans is whether to vote for democracy or autocracy, echoing … To be clear, when Biden talks about “mega MAGA Republicans,” he’s not talking about philosophy.…
‘Historian’ Michael Beschloss Echoes Joe Biden’s Bizarre Tuesday Speech and This Is Why We Must Take What They Say Seriously…and-this-is-why-we-must-take-what-they-say-seriously-n654332
– are, for instance, rightly mentioning about the candidate for governor of Wisconsin, saying, elect me governor, you’ll never — Republicans … The extreme MAGA element of the Republican Party — which is a minority of that party, as I said earlier, but is its driving force —…
Historian Beschloss Hysterically Warns: 'If Republicans Win, Our Children Will Be Arrested and Conceivably Killed'…our-children-will-be-arrested-and-conceivably-killed-n654115
– an angry wild look in his eyes, during a hysterical diatribe about how children will be “arrested and conceivably killed” if Republicans … If Republicans win, "our children will be arrested and conceivably killed." … As I wrote in early September, while Joe Biden rails against Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans” as “semi-fascists” who are a “direct…
Panicking Democrats Drag out Bill Clinton, Who Declares Republicans 'Want You to Be Very Miserable'…o-declares-republicans-want-you-to-be-very-miserable-n653821
– The Republicans are pretty simple and pretty straightforward. … “The Republicans are pretty simple … They say, ’I want you to be very miserable, and … very angry. … During Biden’s pathetic “MAGA Republicans” diatribe on Wednesday, he declared Trump and his supporters as “semi-fascists” who “threaten…
Here’s Why Nobody Cares About ‘Election Denial’
– Grace Curley writes in The Spectator: The left figured if they could help the ultra-mega-MAGA election-denying candidates win the … It’s hard to take leftist hand-wringing over election denial when Democrats gladly poured tons of money into the coffers of Republicans
Tucker's Terrific Take on Biden's Speech and the Destruction Dems Have Wrought…bidens-speech-and-the-destruction-dems-have-wrought-n653629
– But then in the same speech, he cast doubt on the coming election himself, claiming that “extreme MAGA Republicans” were trying to … Biden accuses "extreme MAGA Republicans" of trying to "suppress the right of voters and subvert the electoral system itself…and deciding…
Desperate Netflix Star Urges Biden to Activate Emergency Alert System to Encourage People to Vote Democrat…cy-alert-system-to-encourage-people-to-vote-democrat-n653564
– As Joe Biden continues to bumble on one hand and spew preposterous lies about “ultra mega MAGA Republicans” on the other, Hollywood … EAS) to urge voters to vote Democrat in the midterms, parroting Biden’s nonsensical claim that democracy is under threat from Republicans … Moreover, I suspect a sizeable percentage of objective Republicans don’t believe substantive proof has been presented to support the…
Biden Ignores Issues People Care About in Primetime Speech, Focuses on January 6 and 'Election Deniers'…ime-issues-focuses-on-january-6-and-election-deniers-n653302
Republicans” who are already stealing the election, or something. … Biden accuses "extreme MAGA Republicans" of trying to "suppress the right of voters and subvert the electoral system itself…and deciding … Unless you’re an extremist MAGA Republican or still living in the womb. BIDEN: "Each one of us is a child of God.…
WH Busted by Twitter Over Misleading Tweet -- So They Try to Mislead Even More…er-misleading-tweet-so-they-try-to-mislead-even-more-n653107
– Let’s not forget [….] about MAGA Republicans in Congress & their continued threat to threaten Social Security and Medicare.” … Plus, on top of that, she then lied about Republicans in Congress posing a “threat” to Social Security and Medicare.…
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