Results for: critical race theory

Dan Crenshaw's Reports on CRT in Our Woke Military Shows That the Institution Is Rotten and the Long March Through It Is Nearly Complete…ten-and-the-long-march-through-it-is-nearly-complete-n408051
Race Theory (CRT) being inflicted upon the Armed Forces. … Outcomes are achieved by managing people based on their race. … See SecDef Austin and JCS Chairman Milley Show They Are Completely Devoted to Critical Race Theory at the Expense of Combat Effectiveness…
NBC Goes Full-Bore Crazy Smearing Opponents of CRT as 'QAnon'
– The fight against Critical Race Theory in the schools has had a lot of success. It’s also opened the eyes of a lot of parents. … education — sometimes separately lumped together under the label critical race theory. … Oh, and look who they cite to support their theory.…
Progressive Orgs Call on Biden to Play Pollution Footsie With China and Ignore Human Rights Abuses…on-footsie-with-china-and-ignore-human-rights-abuses-n407940
– It is sadly amusing that these same progressives firmly believe the negative reaction to Critical Race Theory somehow means no one…
State University Launches a Graduate Program in 'Antiracism'
– described: The Graduate Certificate in Antiracism provides a coherent curriculum that draws from four content courses addressing race … to individuals interested in an advanced degree that provides an understanding of education in urban environments with a focus on race … -ALEX   See more pieces from me: Air Force Academy Professor Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory and ‘Structural Racism’ to…
Air Force Academy Professor Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory and 'Structural Racism' to Cadets…critical-race-theory-and-structural-racism-to-cadets-n407904
– Have you ever been drilled on Critical Race Theory? If you’re in the Air Force, you may be. … Here’s Why I Teach Critical Race Theory — Air Force Academy Associate Professor Lynne Chandler Garcia says the doctrine helps her students … Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) has a different take, as shared with the Beacon: “Critical race theory is labeling an entire class of people…
AFT's Randi Weingarten Is a Liar and Fool Who Will Die on That CRT Hill…ten-is-a-liar-and-fool-who-will-die-on-that-crt-hill-n407723
– — Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) July 6, 2021 “Critical Race Theory is not taught in elementary schools … American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten calls out “culture warriors” who are misrepresenting critical race theory … Many of the bills are intended to bar the teaching of critical race theory — an academic framework that examines history through the…
The Internet Isn't Real Life and AOC's Popularity Proves It
– she actually is, let’s take a look at this latest report from Fox News about how her influence over the Democratic mayoral primary race … While Ocasio-Cortez remains wildly popular in her district, the mayoral race indicates that her influence may not extend far beyond … While we do have problems we need to fight against like Critical Race Theory and the ever-present authoritarianism attempting to get…
The Fight Over CRT Has Conservative Inc. Gasping for Air
– While the war over teaching Critical Race Theory has expanded on multiple fronts to include all levels of government and bureaucracy…
National Education Association Suddenly Deletes Critical Race Theory Documents From Its Website Proving CRT Is Not Taught in Our Schools…its-website-proving-crt-is-not-taught-in-our-schools-n407469
race theory. … race theory. … Because ever since the debate erupted over teaching Critical Race Theory premises in public schools, the defenders of Critical Race
Teachers Union President Threatens Legal Action Against Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws…legal-action-against-anti-critical-race-theory-laws-n407415
– , racism or discrimination as [critical race theory] to try to make it toxic.” … For example, the 1619 Project has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory. … (See: Critical Race Theory Proponents Just Gave the Entire Game Away) As it stands currently, opponents of Critical Race Theory in…
Author of Fraudulent 1619 Project Declines Tenure At University of North Carolina Moves Her Grift To More Fertile Ground…orth-carolina-moves-her-grift-to-more-fertile-ground-n407166
– Nikole Hannah-Jones is a race hustler using her well-paid perch in the New York Times; she was a key figure in concocting the alternative … That did not stop educators who totally do not use Critical Race Theory in the classroom from using this product of Critical Race Theory … In April, the University of North Carolina offered her a tenured position as the ” Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism…
Tom Cotton Once Again Owns the NY Times Over Divisive Flag Piece, Further Exposes Bigger Issue in the MSM…e-flag-piece-further-exposes-bigger-issue-in-the-msm-n407186
– of American history, versions that “news” outlets like the New York Times and other news outlets enthusiastically endorse (like CriticalRace Theory and the 1619 Project) – which is the real reason why we see pieces like the one the Times ran this weekend.…
For Some Republicans, the Losing Is the Point
– As I’ve written recently, Republicans have made serious gains in the battle to stop Critical Race Theory from becoming engrained in…
New York Parents Eviscerate School Principal Over ‘Woke’ Anti-White Video
– Before the hubbub over Critical Race Theory (CRT) began garnering national attention, parents at schools in New York and elsewhere…
What Will It Take for ‘Woke’ Leftists to Stop Hating America?
– For this reason, hard leftists are working overtime to inject the tenets of Critical Race Theory and woke theology into the nation’…
Kristi Noem Responds to Asa Hutchinson's Fact-Free Attack
– As the conservative battle over Critical Race Theory has proven, getting in the mud and throwing punches is necessary if there’s going…
IN MY ORBIT: July 5 and the Truth of Frederick Douglass' Oration
– Conflating anti-slavery with disguised critical race theory? How on brand. … What amazes me is that no one is using the tradition of critique to actually talk about Critical Race Theory. … The argument that "critical race theory isn't in K-12 schools" is officially dead. — Christopher F.…
Critical Race Theory Proponents Just Gave the Entire Game Away
– Over the past few months, the battle over Critical Race Theory being taught in schools has raged. … BREAKING: The nation's largest teachers union has approved a plan to promote critical race theory in all 50 states and 14,000 local … The argument that "critical race theory isn't in K-12 schools" is officially dead. — Christopher F.…
'F**k Fourth of July': Leftist Author Bashes Independence Day
– But now, a fairly well-known professional race baiter has also joined the “America Sucks” choir, and he’s using his dulcet soprano … In the article, the author also complains about the backlash to Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in America’s classrooms, arguing…
Trump Celebrates Our Independence and Blisters the Dems at Massive Sarasota Rally…ence-and-blisters-the-dems-at-massive-sarasota-rally-n406467
– He also took on Critical Race Theory. … Trump: "The Biden administration has new rules pushing hateful, Marxist Critical Race Theory into our children's schools and into our…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Getting Concerned
– that the 2020 elections were the most secure ever and that any talk of systemic election fraud is “baseless” and a “conspiracy theory … remarks about the Democratic ticket’s election loss in 2000 and former President Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 race … Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) questioned the top DHC counter-terrorism official about the “Trump reinstatement conspiracy theory” and other…
Facebook's New "Hate Group" Warning For Users Is Terrifyingly Orwellian
– July 1, 2021 It appears that Facebook may be aiming these messages particularly toward people who are expressing opposition to CriticalRace Theory or those who question election results and the nature of the riots on Capitol Hill in January of 2021.…
Illinois Teacher Sues School District Over Critical Race Theory and Discrimination…istrict-over-critical-race-theory-and-discrimination-n405533
race theory. … What seems like a relatively benign cause—also euphemistically called “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion,” “critical race theoryRace Theory (CRT) and other aspects of woke theology.…
The NSA Response to Tucker Carlson's Allegations Shows They Are Hiding Something…carlsons-allegations-shows-they-are-hiding-something-n404958
– He has been particularly tough on this bunch pushing Critical Race Theory and on the abject failure of Biden’s border security plan…
Maybe White Supremacy Is One of the Largest Threats In America, Only It's Coming from the Left…est-threats-in-america-only-its-coming-from-the-left-n405051
– Case in point, this woman on TikTok took it upon herself to correct the black father who went viral when he spoke out against CriticalRace Theory at a school board meeting. … That action, by nature, puts that race on a lower level in one’s mind, and that’s racism.…
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