Results for: the big guy

Bernie and Biden: Two Old Geezers Talk Past Each Other, Part I
– smooth for a guy who has been stumbling bigly during public appearances over the last few months of his campaign. … Me: This is one of Biden’s first big lies during the debate. … the pharmaceutical industry, we tell the big money interests, that this is not a time for profiteering.…
Arnold Schwarzenegger Touts the Coronavirus Curfew - While Baby Talking to His Donkey…coronavirus-curfew-while-baby-talking-to-his-donkey-n131510
guy from the 80’s? … Conan the Barbarian ain’t the on-the-town guy he used to be: “See that’s what we do, we don’t go out, we don’t go to restaurants, … If he’s out, things can happen like this: Stay safe, big guy.…
Major Move: Joe Biden Picks Beto's Pro-Confiscation Former Campaign Manager to Lead Him to Glory…den-campaign-manager-ar-15-confiscation-beto-orourke-n131407
– And if you didn’t hear the big news, allow me to shovel it into your ears: Joe Biden’s picked a campaign manager to lead him to electoral … Beyond telling the guy he’s “full of shit” Biden gets in his face and then says something about “take this outside.” … Anyone know who the man is? Would love to have him on the show.…
National Security Adviser Takes It to the ChiComs on the Wuhan Virus
– It’s a big deal for the Trump administration to directly accuse the Chinese of a cover-up, as the Trumpian negotiating strategy has … the virus were either silenced or put in isolation so that the word of this virus could not get out to the rest of the world. … The end.…
News Summary From the Week That Was (8 – 14 March)
The biggest of the three was the so-called Cadillac tax, which was expected to raise about $197 billion over the next decade. … The order blocks the effect of a lower-court decision that said the administration must stop implementing the policy. … own nests.]White House Report Card: Taking charge of virus, buoyed by big jobs numbers [The Trump juggernaut continues, changing the
Woohoo For Wuhan: To Assist Italians Stuck at Home, the World's Largest Porn Site Offers Its Premium Service For Free…argest-porn-site-offers-its-premium-service-for-free-n131200
– (AP Photo/John Locher)     Have you been down in the dumps over the coronavirus? … But better to be quarantined in the national home of pizza, gondolas, and that toxically masculine guy who discovered America. … For a limited time, quarantined Italian surfers of the web will get the pay service for free, while the site donates dollars to help…
Former NY Times' Reporter Tweets 'Dow Jones Loses 300 Points as Trump Speaks,' Quickly Deletes as Dow Roars Back 2,000…trump-started-speaking-deletes-as-roars-back-by-2000-n131185
– Trader Peter Tuchman works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018. … They were hoping the Dow would extend those losses today. … The entire press conference now appears to be an attempt to pump up stocks of big american companies right before the close.…
Don Jr. Busts Hillary on Her SARS Lie From the Latest Anti-Trump Interview
– Either way, let’s work this thing the right way — what do ya say we let Hillary insult the guy she can’t stand, then let her talk about … In fact, what we do know is that the SARS epidemic, which happened in the very beginning of the Obama administration — because I was … A couple minutes or so later, she talked of the “very serious error of the Trump administration” in the Iran nuclear deal.…
Pollster: 'Tuberville Leads by Two Touchdowns Headed Into the 4th Quarter' in Race Against Sessions; Trump Endorses Tuberville…race-tuberville-beats-sessions-by-12-in-latest-poll-n130890
– to court filings tracked by the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel, with cases ranging from the high profile to the relatively … get over, especially if he continues to draw the ire – and tweets – of the President.” … He tweeted: Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville) is running for the U.S. Senate from the Great State of Alabama.…
Chuck Todd Asks a Question So Disgusting That Not Even Joe Biden Can Play Along…so-disgusting-that-not-even-joe-biden-can-play-along-n132838
– No amount of action could have stopped this from becoming a big issue in the United States. … This guy has taken a once-great show and run it directly into the ground. … I’ll also note that Todd’s question ignores the fact he’s asking it to a guy who stumped against early action, calling it “hysterical…
Doing His Own Thing: In the Fight Against the Wuhan Flu, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio Releases Hundred of Prisoners
– Meanwhile, the median household income in the Big Apple was $58,856; Bill’s salary was $225,000. His net worth: $2.5 million. … Does it look like Big Apple footlongs are the pivot point for planetary survival? … But when it comes to the Wuhan flu, he appears to have dropped the ball substantially — despite orders from the state, he and the city…
It's Gotta Be Giving Democrats Fits: A Hollywood Actress Praises Trump for His Leadership and 'Care'
– According to Dana, The Donald’s “tone” over the past couple days has been fantastic: “If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable … by the President of the United Sates. … In 2015, she liked the Big Guy: Watching @realDonaldTrump on 60 minutes holding his own with Scott Pelley.Pelley acting like an antagonist…
Many of the Problems With Our Wuhan Virus Response Can Be Laid at the Door of One Federal Agency…sponse-can-be-laid-at-the-door-of-one-federal-agency-n132227
– : the CDC and the FDA. … I don’t agree with some of the views this guy has. … — Alec 🌐 (@AlecStapp) March 20, 2020 14/ Instead, in this crisis, the FDA bet big on a single testing protocol from the CDC…
Fox Reporter: 'There is Verbal Open Brawling on the Senate Floor,' Worst He's Seen in 25 Years…wling-on-the-senate-floor-worst-hes-seen-in-25-years-n132166
The dirty little secret. We have the coronavirus. We need to fund this. You know what Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker, did? … Republican seats to campaign against them about the coronavirus when she’s the Speaker of the House. … Below are the items in the bill (excluding the new demands from the Democrats).…
From the While We Slept Chronicles: The New Chinese Silk Road and the Threat to the US…s-the-new-chinese-silk-road-and-the-threat-to-the-us-n132088
– Economics is a big part: China wants to secure access to key resources, export its idle industrial capacity, even tilt the world order … , the English version of the official Chinese news; the New Delhi Times; the South China Morning Post, and the Indian Express. … Except that there is a guy in the Oval Office who is putting a crimp in their plans – at least for the time being.…
Democrats Decide Getting the Orange Man Is More Important than Saving Lives…n-virus-relief-bill-more-worried-about-hurting-trump-n132093
– FYI the Senate's procedural vote on the Phase 3 stimulus package failed, 47-47. … other side of the room and understand the gravity of the situation…" — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) March … Twitter is filled with trolls claiming that the Senate framework was just a giveaway to big business. Factually, it wasn’t.…
New York State to Begin Trials on Possible Wuhan Virus Treatment as Some on the Left Keep Scoffing
The greater context of the exchange was that the reporter was attempting to paint Trump’s hope in a possible new treatment for Wuhan … with the coronavirus. … Every precaution should be taken, while of course being weighed against the urgency of the situation.…
CNN's Max Boot Mocks Trump Voters Sheltering in Homes, Says How Good They Had It With Obama, Weeps Hillary Not in Charge…d-they-had-it-with-obama-weeps-hillary-not-in-charge-n132053
– ,” Trump launched into a tirade against the reporter who asked the question. … Swinish behavior might be a big concern. … The things that stopped Italy from cutting off travel sooner and contributing to the devastating problem they have now.…
Opinion: No. President Trump Does Not Need to Let Dr Fauci or His Other Experts Do The Talking…to-let-dr-fauci-or-his-other-experts-do-the-talking-n132024
– They are staff guys…advisors to the guy who has to ultimately make the decisions and will be held accountable for the results. … Fauci (and other experts) surely has a speaking role, indeed a big one, he is not the most important person Americans need to hear … guy who he had put in charge of the overall Federal effort, Vice President Mike Pence.…
President Trump Needs To Let Dr. Fauci Do The Talking On Coronavirus Medical Solutions…auci-do-the-talking-on-coronavirus-medical-solutions-n132014
– I am a smart guy, we’ll see soon enough.” Fauci has also tried to avoid directly disputing the president. … In an appearance on Fox News later in the day, the director clarified his remarks on the malaria drug. … Fauci to be the “face” of the government’s endeavor to find a medical solution to the virus.…
We Can't Put This off Any Longer... Let's Talk About "Tiger King"
The main cast here is as follows: Joe Exotic – The main character, the “Tiger King”, who owned a big cat zoo in Oklahoma and then … When the docuseries guys originally started out, the whole point was apparently to just talk about big cats being owned privately in … Exotic’s main adversary is Carole Baskin, the wildlife activist who nonetheless cages the big cats she rescues and then charges people…
Light to the World: A Devoted Christian Landlord Gives Nearly 200 Struggling NYC Tenants Free Rent
– I would waive all the rent for the month of April.” … The guy wouldn’t have felt right if he hadn’t done something: “I felt a lot more comfortable making sure they had food on their table … Mario posted a notice: “I left a big sign…on the door.…
One of Boston's Heroes Fighting the Wuhan Flu Is Former NFL Player Myron Rolle, Now a Brain Surgeon…general-hospital-brain-surgeon-coronavirus-pandemic-n133655
– He might not be the best football player in the country, but he’s certainly among the smartest. … It’s a full house of big problems: “I was seeing so many individuals with respiratory distress and respiratory compromise, and the … In case you’re wondering how a guy goes from suiting up and knocking people down on the gridiron to suiting up to save lives at the
I Watched "Tiger King" and I Have Some Thoughts About How We Look at Villains
– We should, for all intents and purposes, hate the guy, but we like him. … So why are we so into the guy? … Gizmodo looked into the subject of why we tend to empathize and give attention to the bad guy a while back and as it turns out, we’…
We Have Sacrificed Our Constitutional Freedoms to Fight a Virus; Will We Ever Get Them Back?…freedoms-to-fight-a-virus-will-we-ever-get-them-back-n133540
– Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here … The use of the word “permanently” transforms this from the realm of potentially defensible short-term measure into the realm of profound … — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 2, 2020 The official government slogan of 30 Days to Slow the Spread has been in effect for…
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