Results for: Bernie Sanders

Our Own Intel Agencies Continue to Do Putin's Bidding
– Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Of course, the idea that the Russians would prefer Trump to any Democrat is idiocy.…
POLL SHOCK. The More People See Mike Bloomberg the Less They Like Him
– What is clear is that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were the only candidates who helped themselves CREDIT: Morning Consult:…
WaPo Reports Russia Trying to Interfere in 2020 Election to Help Sanders, One Day Before Nevada Caucuses…ction-to-help-sanders-one-day-before-nevada-caucuses-n129282
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC … Bernie Sanders (I-VT). This comes the day before the Nevada caucuses, in which Sanders has a big lead. … Sanders has accused the WaPo of being biased against him in the past.…
'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Lefter' - Elizabeth Warren Proclaims the Green New Deal Doesn't Go Far Enough…en-proclaims-the-green-new-deal-doesnt-go-far-enough-n129256
– Along with Sanders, Warren’s views on economics and the proper size and scope of government place her firmly on the leftward flank … See 3 more pieces from me: Was Bernie Fighting Income Equality by Flying First Class?…
Dan Crenshaw Translates Bernie Sanders' Unity Talk So You See What He's Really Saying…ders-talk-of-unity-so-you-see-what-hes-really-saying-n129214
Bernie Sanders, use various phrases and words that tend to distract from what he’s really trying to sell you. … The only way we defeat Trump is with human solidarity,” tweeted Sanders. … — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 20, 2020 Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw saw the tweet and decided to do the helpful…
New Finance Reports Say the Democrat Primary Might Be Settled by Super Tuesday…rat-primary-might-be-settled-before-the-end-of-march-n129233
– Plus the more people see Elizabeth Warren the less they like her, Bernie Sanders could easily be a corpse by then, and Joe Biden will … I’m convinced more than ever that this contest comes down to Sanders and Bloomberg and that battle begins in earnest after March 3. … While Sanders can’t match Bloomberg in dollars, the question is whether Bloomberg has a core constituency who will come out to vote…
The Democrat Debate Was NOT a Disaster
– Oh, was it glorious — the sheer raging hostility spraying across the stage as every campaign besides the Bernie Sanders and Michael … Interestingly enough, the only candidate on the stage who agreed with that premise was Bernie Sanders, the front runner at this point … I believe the Democrat Establishment encouraged him to run as a foil against Bernie Sanders, as well as to further split the delegates…
Biden Vows to 'get those clips that have multiple bullets in them not for sale'…lips-that-have-multiple-bullets-in-them-not-for-sale-n129197
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV … He is using this issue to draw a contrast with Bernie Sanders, whose voting record on firearms regulation is mixed. … Even though Sanders’ positions on gun control legislation have evolved closer to his own, Biden continues to use Sanders’ 15-year-old…
Bernie Sanders' Campaign Co-Chair Loses Her Mind Over Socialism Questions
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) If they are this defensive about Bernie Sanders being a socialist, perhaps he should stop being socialist…
Teacher's Unions Against 90% of African American Democratic Primary Voters…nst-90-of-african-american-democratic-primary-voters-n129194
– American Federation of Teachers union is not endorsing Bloomberg but is instead encouraging its local and state chapters to support BernieSanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden.…
Bernie Bros Very Unhappy After Inconvenient 2019 Article on Sanders' Wealth and Three Homes Resurfaces…019-article-on-sanders-wealth-three-homes-resurfaces-n129173
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC … Sanders (I-VT). … It's just immoral, according to Bernie. — I.…
Radical Speaker at Bernie Rally Calls for 'Powerful Socialist Movement' to 'End to All Capitalist Oppression'…s-all-worried-about-who-dems-are-opening-the-door-to-n129167
Bernie Sanders was considered a fringe politician for years, basically a laughing stock in the Senate, a Senator who had really done … But the problem isn’t just Sanders, it’s all the folks coming up who he’s bringing along with him, like Kshama Sawant, Seattle City … Our immediate task she said was to go all out for Bernie and prevent another rigging against him.…
Kira Davis: 5 Key Takeaways From Last Night's Debate
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. … It was actually quite refreshing to hear Bloomberg finally be the first person to challenge Bernie Sanders on his wealth and multiple…
Steve Scalise Has a Little Somethin' to Say After Keith Ellison Says He Knows of No 'Mean' Bernie Supporters…h-ellison-says-he-knows-of-no-mean-bernie-supporters-n129158
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has skyrocketed in state and national polls and won the New Hampshire primary, other Democratic candidates, their … Here’s how Sanders responded when the issue was brought up last night by MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson: SANDERS: We have over 10.6 … Can someone send me an example of a “Bernie Bro” being bad.…
No Doubt Warren Inflicted Damage on Bloomberg, But Andrew McCarthy and Brit Hume Deliver Some Unwelcome News…drew-mccarthy-and-brit-hume-have-some-unwelcome-news-n129150
Sanders.” … Supporters who had previously favored Bloomberg will likely support a candidate from this group rather than Sanders. … If Sanders were to win the Democratic nomination, Warren’s efforts would ultimately help Trump.…
Sanders Voters Have Some Things to Answer For
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Town Hall Breakfast Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, at the Newport Opera House in Newport, N.H. … Sanders. … The strike was directly on Sanders’ socialism, and it’s hit that Sanders really didn’t appreciate.…
Bloomberg Tried to Be Trump Last Night
– Bloomberg went for Sanders’ jugular and bit down hard. … when Sanders met him on the general election stage. … If he can go after the rest as he went after Sanders, he may stand a chance.…
5 of 6 Dems at Debate Say They Wouldn't Give Nomination to Person With Most Delegates Going Into Convention…to-person-with-most-delegates-going-into-convention-n129138
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT), said that they would not accept who was leading with the most votes/delegates at that point if it didn’t meet … Naturally, this infuriated the Bernie Bros and Sanders’ various surrogates.…
Down the Dark Vali
– It is unclear whether or not Buttigieg has officially commissioned Nasr as his foreign policy advisor, but Nasr’s break with BernieSanders as his foreign policy advisor and endorsing Buttigieg instead was peculiar. … Sometime after Donald Trump’s election, he joined Sanders’ foreign policy team.…
Trump Breaks Another 'Never Trump' Person; MSNBC's Nicole Wallace Confesses Who She'll Vote For…on-msnbcs-nicole-wallace-confesses-who-shed-vote-for-n129098
– That’s the position that some “Never Trump” folks suddenly realize they may be finding themselves in if Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is … I will vote for whomever — I will, I will gladly and easily and handily vote for Bernie Sanders if he’s the nominee. … Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the 2020 general election should he win the Democratic nomination, attacks the Right with her lifetime…
The Biggest Loser of the Las Vegas Democratic Presidential Debate Was 'Never Trump'…r-of-the-las-vegas-democratic-debate-was-never-trump-n129104
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. … At the conclusion of what at times looked like a food fight, it appeared that frontrunner Bernie Sanders walked away from the debate … Sanders is the Democratic candidate that Never Trumpers like Jennifer Rubin fear the most.…
Winning Back That Suburban Vote
– It would appear, unless Mayor Pete, Mayor Mike, or someone else emerges, Bernie Sanders is probably the leader when it comes to the … If the Democrats nominate Sanders, if played correctly, the GOP can drive an enduring wedge between that party and suburban voters. … It would be a horrendous case for the GOP to lose suburban voters to a party led by a socialist like Bernie Sanders and partly supported…
Nevada's Debate Showed That a Bernie Can Bleed
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News … Regardless, Bloomberg put Sanders on the spot and Sanders clearly didn’t like that. … Sanders is leading the pack and not by a little.…
The Nevada Debate Was a Total Disaster for Democrats
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News, and WMUR-TV … Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg represented two contrasts that both ended in disaster. … ) February 20, 2020 And that brings me to Bernie.…
Hot Bern Flames Hillary Over Her Hulu Harangue. Plus: The Moment That Made Her…rn-michigan-townhall-hillary-relive-2016-hulu-series-n130853
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign rally in Dearborn, Mich., Saturday, March 7, 2020. … (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)     On Monday night in Dearborn, Michigan, 2020 aimer Bernie Sanders struck back at Hillary Clinton over … Well, Bernie had a response to Hil’s self-cancelling comments. Give him room, folks.…
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