Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Water Cooler 3/13/16 OPEN THREAD - Microphone testing, A willingness to serve, No cheating
– Jim Jordan, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus that pushed Boehner out, has endorsed businessman Warren Davidson.…
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Vows to Push Conservative Amendments to Spending Bills…rman-vows-push-conservative-amendments-spending-bills-n58676
– The chairman of the House Freedom Caucus said Wednesday that Republicans should be able to put forth “conservative policy riders” … Now, the House is preparing to move on spending bills without a budget. … ” the first spending bill that will make it to the House floor.…
Why the Impeachment Of IRS Commissioner Is A Sign That Congress Might Actually Work
– The latter amendment, the 17th, makes the US Senate a House of Representatives that serves a 6 year term. … The House was to be elected by the People and the Speaker of the House is third in line to be president. … Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, had for months received little traction with Speaker Paul D.…
Water Cooler 5/16/16 - OPEN THREAD - Boehner's party bus, Libertarian debate, Cooking for Azeroth
– “The trip — on Boehner’s bus, dubbed “Freedom One” — will begin after the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and end Labor … Boehner’s best known recent hits include calling Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh” and House Freedom Caucus members “knuckleheads.*  … Politico says the cross country tour will be to campaign and raise funds for House Republicans…
Rep. Adam Kinzinger Attacks Heritage Foundation Again For Pointing Out His RINO Voting Record…tacks-heritage-foundation-pointing-rino-voting-record-n59403
– In a widely publicized op-ed last fall after the conservatives of the House Freedom Caucus forced John Boehner to step down as Speaker … of the House and denied the ascendency of Kevin McCarthy to Speaker, Kinzinger attacked those groups again and conservative talk radio … On Wednesday Kinzinger was one of 43 Republicans in the House to vote for an amendment to an Energy and Commerce appropriations bill…
Despicable Monstrous Obama Forcing California Churches to Pay for Abortions
– laws for churches in California and thereby forcing them to materially cooperate with evil in contravention of their religious freedom … Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey released a statement on the decision, calling for action from the House: “Nearly two years … Chris Smith, Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus.…
The Friend of My Enemy is My Enemy.
– Globally, there was a regime determined to break men into a mold they would never naturally fit, driving God and freedom from the planet … Today’s Republican Party just killed a bill in the House of Representatives that carries the supermajority support of Americans nationwide … from misunderstanding, from a thousand different killers of mother and baby, would have lived; and now they will die, because the House
It’s Time to Vacate the Speaker’s Chair
– John Boehner (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B000589′ ] should continue as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. … Thankfully, House conservatives get a do-over. … This is the moment for the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) to lead. The HFC is led by Reps. [mc_name name=’Rep.…
Mick Mulvaney's Chance to Redeem Himself
– Someone must offer the motion on the floor of the House. And it should be a leader from the House Freedom Caucus. … He is a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus and frankly shares much of the blame for Boehner winning re-election in January … And that pressure would have been successful if Mulvaney and other members of the House Freedom Caucus had joined the rebellion.…
Why Does the House Continue to Act Like They Don't Have the Majority?
– On the other hand, the House is pretty conservative now, and—we were all told, before and after the election—that if put in charge, … conservative repeal-and-replace plan—that offered by Rand Paul—can’t seem to get much traction beyond Paul himself and perhaps the HouseFreedom Caucus.…
Paul-Sanford ObamaCare Repeal Bill Gains Support From House Freedom Caucus…e-repeal-bill-gains-support-from-house-freedom-caucus-n67925
– Carolina Representative Mark Sanford have unveiled their bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare with the full backing of the 32-member HouseFreedom Caucus. … Think about it like this: do you wait until your house is burning to buy fire insurance?…
Trump Gets Schizophrenic On Obamacare Replacement
– Trump told the room, including media, at the White House on Monday that he tells “[Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom] Price, … [House Speaker, Paul] Ryan that the best thing  you could do is wait a year, because [Obamacare] is going to blow itself off the map … The Freedom Caucus and other conservative organizations remain adamant that the bill is unacceptable as is and will not pass without…
Trump To GOP: Pass This Healthcare Bill Or Get Primaried
– The Washington Examiner is reporting on a Tuesday meeting between Trump and the House GOP Whip team, where Trump has threatened that … Mark Meadows, chairman of the Freedom Caucus, the primary group of House Republicans opposed to the healthcare bill, is a possible … This may very well come down to a case of messaging, and if Conservatives in the House can better convey to the people their reasons…
TrumpCare Bill Lays Bare the Schism in the Republican Party
– Paul Ryan has said the House GOP has been working hand in glove with the Trump administration on this: “We’re all working off the … “We are in sync — the House, the Senate and the Trump administration, because this law is collapsing.” … Several House Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee members have joined Senate firebrands Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee…
An Ultimatum of Doom: Failure is Not an Option on Obamacare Repeal
– Speaker Ryan’s effort to pass a watered-down bill through Congress alienated the House Freedom Caucus, an organization founded with … Instead of writing the bill with the input of House Freedom Caucus members, Speaker Ryan set himself up for failure by excluding them … The President and the Speaker of the House need to reconvene the entire House Republican Caucus and rewrite legislation that will have…
AHCA Aftermath: Steve Bannon Wanted To Use The Vote To Create "Enemies List"
– would bark out demands and the House Freedom Caucus would fall in line. … pressured the president to let the House vote on the ObamaCare replacement bill. … behind the Republican House leader.…
Don't Blame Trump: Repealing Obamacare Was More Of A Ted Cruz Issue
– So far, I’ve heard the House Freedom Caucus, for their steadfast refusal to accept a plan that looked like a big, fat, welfare check … Paul Ryan, of course, as House Speaker and avid proponent of the nightmare, as written.…
Who Deserves the Blame for the AHCA Failure?
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2016 Naturally, plenty of people tried to blame the House Freedom Caucus. … The House Freedom Caucus was not demanding full repeal or else (despite promising that to constituents). … Freedom Caucus.…
President Trump Blames Lack of Democrat Support for Failure of AHCA
– BREAKING: President Trump says health care bill fell short in lead-up to House vote because of no support from Democrats. … Still, he said he was a little surprised by the bill’s rejection from the conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus.…
Pelosi: Republicans Will Have Healthcare Vote 'Tattooed on Their Foreheads'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) continues to make ironic and hypocritical statements surrounding healthcare. … But it is the product of the House Republican. I think they all have their fingerprints on it,” Pelosi said. … But it’s clearly dominated by the… Freedom Caucus … Eliminating the essential package is really their doing.”…
VP Pence Headed to Capitol Hill Amid AHCA Fight
– The House Freedom Caucus and moderates in the Tuesday Group have both voiced opposition to the bill despite relentless arm-twisting … If this attempt fails there is no reason House Republicans, or in the Senate for that matter, shouldn’t work to pass the 2015 Obamacare … The House is expected to vote on the AHCA bill by 5 p.m. ET, but if things keep going this way it could be moved to later.…
GOP Rep: AHCA "Largest Welfare Program Ever Proposed In Republican Party History"…elfare-program-ever-proposed-republican-party-history-n69553
– Brooks, of course, is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, the conservative stalwarts of the Republican party. … Trump further went after the HFC in a morning tweet: “The irony is that the Freedom Caucus, which is very pro-life and against Planned…
Trump Tweets 11th Hour Low Blow At Freedom Caucus Over AHCA
– The irony is that the Freedom Caucus, which is very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this … The House Freedom Caucus is very pro-life and defunding Planned Parenthood is definitely one of the things that is a priority for the…
If The ACHA Fails To Pass, The House Freedom Caucus Is Not To Blame
– Then it went something like this: “We have the House and Senate, but there is a Democrat in the White House. … We cannot enact conservative legislation with just the House and Senate. We need a Republican in the White House.” … People are pointing fingers at Mark Meadows and other members of the Freedom Caucus because they think the current ACHA bill is garbage…
Here Are The Changes to the AHCA That Will Be in Friday's Vote
– The much-contested bill has undergone some changes in an effort to garner support from the House Freedom Caucus, while the moderate … health benefits mandate that causes health insurance plan premiums to unnecessarily increase has been a major sticking point for House
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