Results for: the big guy

How Elizabeth Warren Trafficked In Shattered Dreams To Turn A Quick Buck
The important thing to keep in mind here is that the housing bubble bursting had zero to do with Donald Trump or big banks. … titans and financial sophisticates who make a buck off the little guy. … As usual, the champions of the little guy couldn’t be bothered to take notice.…
Did Donald Trump Lie About Giving $1 Million Of His Own Money To Veterans
– In some cases, big donors sent their money to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which passed the money on. … He is the guy who is bragging about raising $6 million. … UPDATE: The pressure finally cracked the wallet.…
Huffington Post Editorial Calls For Attacks On Trump Supporters And GOP
The writer is a guy name Jesse Bern. … It was the people who took to the streets during the Stonewall Uprising. … More to the point, this guy seems to think that at no point will the police intervene.…
The End of All Things: Your Final Superest Tuesday Vote Totals and Delegate Count Update…egate-count-trump-cruz-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-n59622
– This was the last big one. The end of the primary, for all intents and purposes. … California (DEMOCRAT): The Big One. … And now for the big moment: the delegate totals.…
Donald Trump Isn't Against Political Correctness. He Is Political Correctness.
– about the war on this or that group of Americans, even as they adopted a more corporatist attitude toward Wall Street and big business … We need people who will look past the niceties of the rule of law and toward the outcome—the end.  … and expect Judge Curiel to be hostile to him because he, Trump, is a wealthy white guy and many of the plaintiffs in the class action…
Water Cooler 6/6/16 OPEN THREAD - The beauty pageant question, Trump hazard ahead, Sorry for Mystique choking
The Wrap gives a rundown: “With Hillary Clinton expected to surpass the delegate count needed to win the Democratic party nomination … C-NET says in the clip the character Mystique is being choked by the bad guy, Apocalypse.   … Everyone knows these are comic book characters brought to life on the big screen but the social busybodies are screaming about “violence…
Donald Trump Humiliates Himself With His Defense Of His Numerous Libyan Policies (VIDEO)
– elections in the US. … the Obama-Clinton Kmart war? … In short, no matter the means of Qaddafi’s eventual death, the outcome we see today was preordained absent the infusion of tens of…
Water Cooler 6/4/2016 - Open Thread - RIP Ali, 1963 and Trump vs. The Asteroid
– He was the “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” guy who always won. … If it’s not otherwise diverted, the dense minor planet could collide with America. No time to alert the media! … rely heavily on amateur dash-cams and parking lot security cameras for coverage of the big show.…
How The Mainstream Media's Tale About Greg Abbott and Trump U Is Likely Bogus
– Especially since the guy has been mopping up the Texas capitol with ethics reforms, which he detailed as an emergency measure. … But the big piece of info rests with the fact that Abbott didn’t even cut the cord on the lawsuit, as it was revealed that Abbott’s … the primary goal of the lawsuit.…
This Feels Less Like An Election and More Like the Establishment Of Religion…election-and-more-like-the-establishment-of-religion-n59424
guy. … Feeling like you’re part of something big, to be alongside your friends and allies as you push forward, that you’re on the verge of … We’re a pack animal, and the bigger the pack, the more right we feel about what we’re doing. …
WSJ Deputy Editor: "Hillary Clinton... is a Survivable Event. I'm not so Sure About Donald Trump."…hillary-clinton-survivable-event-im-sure-donald-trump-n59846
– There are too many nuclear weapons at the president’s disposal to have a guy whose actions are so difficult to predict as Donald’s … , the people on the front line, the best commander-in-chief of the two. … And on so many issues, Hugh, on so many issues, I know not all of the issue, but on so many issues, this guy is just the antithesis…
Critical Choice Ahead in Florida Senate Race
– Contrary to his claims that he’s “sick of the status quo in Washington,” he’s been the guy bankrolling that status quo. … if he leaves the party and runs as an independent for the U.S. … Patrick Murphy, the expected Democrat nominee, has the full support of the Democratic establishment.…
No, the Founding Fathers Would Not Have Objected To Assault Weapon Ownership Or Any Weapon At All
The second part of the argument is that the Constitution did not contemplate the ownership of “weapons of war.” … A guy named Christopher Ingraham, a Washington Post reporter, writes What ‘arms’ looked like when the 2nd Amendment was written. … At the Little Big Horn, Custer’s men were armed with the single-shot, breechloading “Trap Door” Springfield, the Indians with a mixture…
The Right, The Wrong, & The Remaining
– This may be basic to some, but apparently it was not clear enough to prevent the rise of a Big Govt. … Populism is a pretty broad term politically but generally it has a leader who claims to be for the little guy and represent the interests … I’ve given you the right, the wrong, and the responsibility of the remaining. …
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Rowe Talks About Stupid Platitudes, Presidential Runs, and How Following Your Passion Is Dumb…g-platitudes-presidential-runs-following-passion-dumb-n59676
– front of the camera is rarely the genuine article.  … As far as the message itself goes, “don’t follow your passion but always bring it with you” was really one of the first big lessons … near the top.…
WATCH. Hillary Clinton Lies About the Clinton Foundation. Anderson Cooper Licks Her Boots (VIDEO)…clinton-foundation-anderson-cooper-licks-boots-video-n59656
– By even the most charitable view, the activities of the Clinton Foundation are corrupt and hopelessly compromised. … Last night he said, and I quote, ‘The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to the foundation and got favorable treatment … I’m proud of the work it has done… COOPER: But some big donors clearly want the association with you or your husband that being linked…
Why Is Donald Trump Silent On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling?
The man who is supposed to represent the values of the Republican Party as their nominee, Donald Trump should have plenty to say on … next presidential term, a chance to replace, say, Justice Ginsberg would be a big plus, and could make the court solidly 5-4 or even … Trump is exactly the type of guy who would support abortion. But, he won’t even admit that, either. Donald Trump is a coward.…
Polling Update: The Swing States are Still Swing States, There are Just a Lot More of Them
The 2012 election presented the clearest contrast in any election to date between the national polling and the state level polling … Up until the final days of the campaign, the national polls looked pretty favorable to Romney. … Otherwise, the big population states where the Democrats run up the vote count look to remain solidly Democratic this cycle.…
Report: Donald Trump Gives LESS to Charity than the Average Middle Class Family
– In fact, he’s been so loud about his generosity that he is like the guy Jesus had in mind when he warned us in Matthew 6:2-4: Therefore … when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they … (I’ve Storified the coming story at the bottom of this post.)…
Here's What Donald Trump Said About Jesus in that Playboy Mag that Jerry Falwell Jr. Posed in Front Of
– them, there is a playboy magazine on the wall with Trump on the cover. … Certainly, in the grand scheme of things, it’s no big deal. … who might be concerned about The Donald’s commitment to his alleged Christianity and the ideals and priorities of the church community…
Lewandowski Firing Proves Trump Would be as Bad as Hillary, If Not Worse
– If Donald Trump had woken up two or three months ago and said to himself, “Gee, this guy Lewandowski cannot do the job I hired him … Lewandowski came to the meeting unaware that he had lost the support of the GOP presumptive nominee, the source said. … Most importantly the polls, indeed. Firing your campaign manager in the middle of an election is a big deal.…
Jeffrey Epstein and the triumph of the cultural 1%
The day after that indictment was returned, Reiter was relieved to have the FBI step in and take over the investigation. … Brunel received $1 million from the billionaire around the time he started the agency. … These people that constitute the cultural 1%, much more than the financial 1% that the Occupy Wall Street movement railed against,…
"I Have Absolutely No Regrets"
– I didn’t tell the guy I was pregnant.  He wasn’t my boyfriend.  He was a very good guy. … According to the law of the state in which I was living at the time, the birth father had to be notified of the birth and my decision … My mom is a big feeler, though, and did suggest that we could bring him home.  God gave me the words to lead her away from that. …
Peter Beinart: Obama's problem is that he isn't enough like Jimmy Carter
The only reason I can come up with is that he likes losing but I know a big-brain guy like Beinart is playing Seven Dimensional Backward … SINCE CARTER LEFT the presidency, the hawkish critique of him has become a political cliché: He entered the White House with the naive … that terrorists and tyrants are on the march while the U.S. retreats, the truth—as in the Carter years—is largely the reverse.…
RedState 2016 Presidential Primary Power Rankings: Week 1
– He is acting accordingly as he has commandeered the lion’s share of the organization that toppled the Iowa GOP and was subsequently … Paul remains the “wild card” candidate in the primary and stands to benefit the most from the anticipated lack of a contested Democrat … (Link) The NY Times outlines the difficult path Christie now faces.…
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