Donald Trump’s Schutzstaffel

“Schutzstaffel” is German for “Protective Echelon,” or simply, “the SS.”

Donald Trump says he’s different from previous presidential candidates. He’s different, alright, but not in a good way. He has an instinct to throw bloody, raw meat to the crowds. Mr. Trump has told people at a rally to “beat the crap” out of potential tomato-hurlers, even promising to pay the legal fees of anyone who would.


He also inflames the crowd with profanities, never before heard in presidential campaigns. This behavior  is not only un-presidential; it’s un-American. He may or may not become one, but controlling masses of people with gutter rhetoric is unquestionably the method of would-be dictators.

He’s complained endlessly that the system is “rigged” and “crooked” because his opponent followed long-established custom to lobby delegates in the states. As a result, delegates and their families have several times been threatened by Trump supporters.

Most ominous is Trump’s following by a formidable cadre of white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups – a following he could hardly be unaware of. The supremacists, who often call themselves the “alt-right,” have made robocalls for him. Attorney William Daniel Johnson identified himself as a “white nationalist,” in robocalls made to Iowa voters. Johnson seeks “a white ethno-state, says Talking Points Memo, “a country made up of only white people.”

“‘I think Trump’s candidacy is helping move us in that direction,’ Johnson said in a Monday phone interview with TPM. ‘Whether he is elected or not, his candidacy is a big factor in helping destroy this middle-of-the-road Republican mindset.’

[Johnson’s] American National Super PAC “branded Trump its ‘Great White Hope’ in a press release for the robocall campaign.” The super PAC was formed in November, to support Trump.

The Washington Post reported on May 10th:

“William Johnson, a prominent white nationalist … says he received an email from the Trump campaign confirming that he had been chosen to represent Trump for California at the convention in Cleveland.” Mother Jones was the stated source. Johnson got a personal welcome from the Trump campaign, said the Post:

“Johnson got the news that he had been selected by Trump in a congratulatory email sent to him by the campaign’s California delegate coordinator, Katie Lagomarsino.”


In an update, the WaPo article adds that Hope Hicks put Johnson’s inclusion as a delegate up to a glitch:

“‘Yesterday the Trump campaign submitted its list of California delegates to be certified by the Secretary of State of California,’ she told The Post. ‘A database error led to the inclusion of a potential delegate that had been rejected and removed from the campaign’s list in February 2016.'”

But, according to the article, the CA secretary of state’s office, stated that they received the removal notice on May 10th – past the statutory time limit for submitting delegate lists. So it appeared Johnson would be headed for Cleveland if the Don wins CA. But…

The NY Daily News reported on May 12th:

“The notorious white supremacist leader selected by the Donald Trump campaign as a California delegate has resigned as a Trump representative to the state’s delegation, according to a report.” Johnson is quoted:

“‘They don’t need the baggage that came along with my signing up as a delegate,’ Johnson told The Washington Post.

It all could be put up to an error, but Mother Jones, which broke the story, reported that, although the campaign said Johnson’s name had been removed in February, it had communicated with him as late as May 9th: the congratulatory email was sent to Johnson that day, and he asked for help filling out his pledge form. You can view the exchange, and the pledge form here.

Another white nationalist, Jared Taylor, joined in the calls; he “advocates voluntary segregation” and “upholds racial homogeneity as the key to fostering peaceful coexistence,” according to the Anti-Defamation League, arguing that there is “a genetic basis for differences in intelligence between races; and “a propensity among blacks to commit crimes at higher levels than whites,” says the ADL, and a “lower IQ and higher blood testosterone in blacks.”


When asked by CNN’s Erin Burnett if he denounces the robocall, Trump used devious semantics, sure to send the signal that he was not denouncing them:

BURNETT: Mr. Trump, when you hear that, does that shock you? Do you denounce that?

TRUMP: Nothing in this country shocks me. I would disavow it, but nothing in this country shocks me. People are angry. They’re angry at what’s going on. They’re angry at the border. They’re angry at the crime. They’re angry at people coming in and shooting Kate in the back in California and San Francisco. … they’re very angry about it…. So, I would disavow that, but I will tell you people are extremely angry.

BURNETT: People are extremely angry, but to be clear, when he says, “We need smart, well-educated white people to assimilate to our culture, vote Trump,” you’re saying you disavow that. You do denounce that?

TRUMP: Well, you just heard me. I said it. How many times do you want me to say it?

BURNETT: A third would be good.

TRUMP: I said I disavow.

Note that he never clearly said “I condemn that; I disavow the calls,” or anything definite. What does “I disavow” mean? Disavow what?

Taylor, discussing it later, was clearly delighted:

“When CNN’s Erin Burnett really forced him to say, ‘Well, I would disavow it.’ But she asked him, ‘are you shocked by this? Will you denounce this?’ ‘I’m not shocked by anything in America.’ I thought that was a great line. He’s so quick on his feet. And then he goes to say, “I would disavow it” but then he goes on to explain why people are so angry. In effect, he’s saying, ‘Yeah, yeah, if you want me to denounce it I will, but I understand exactly what these guys are saying, they’re furious, and they’re right to be furious.’ So if he disavowed us, he did it, I thought, in the nicest possible way.”


There’s no question that his fake disavowal is a dog whistle to alt-right extremists. “Even if he’s dog whistling about some of our issues, he gives the people cover to come out and be more apparent in their beliefs, and I think that’s certainly a good thing,” said James Edwards another “white nationalist.”

The Trump campaign has given press passes to Mr. Edwards, host of a controversial radio show, The Political Cesspool, to broadcast live coverage of a Trump rally at Memphis. Edwards believes “For blacks in the Americas, slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to them.”

Trump’s campaign, with its declaration he would take action on illegal immigration, and deal with the so-called radical Muslim problem – issues that concern many conservatives – has also encouraged supremacists and neo-Nazis that he’s their guy. Politico writes:

The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike:

‘Demoralization has been the biggest enemy and Trump is changing all that,’ said Stormfront founder Don Black. Trump does not belong to or endorse white supremacist groups. He has said that he does not need or want Duke’s endorsement…. But its leaders consistently say that Trump’s rhetoric about minority groups has successfully tapped into simmering racial resentments long ignored by mainstream politicians and that he has brought more attention to their agenda than any American political figure in years. It is a development many of them see as a golden opportunity.

A Neo-Nazi website, the Daily Stormer, called for Heidi Cruz’s execution for the imaginary crime of seeking to erase the southern border. Its leader drew this deranged conclusion because Heidi was once a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. This “great sin” has been spread throughout the Internet over Trump-promoting smear sites, and repeated by foolish Trumpers, who are unaware that John Bolton is a present member and Trump himself lauded the president of the CFR. The Stormer post described Heidi as “a shill for international Jew Banksters.”


This group calls Trump “Glorious Leader” and his wife, “Empress Melania.” This may sound comical, but their website also carries articles attacking a writer, who was mildly critical of Melania in a GQ profile.

Ms. Ioffe is also a contributing writer at Politico Magazine, the NY Times and a columnist at Foreign Policy. No, she’s not a sleazy hack that might work for, say, the National Enquirer, newspaper of record at the Trump camp.

The attack on Ioffe was carried out in a very unusual way. One piece, from The Daily Stormer, was titled, “Empress Melania Attacked by Filthy Russian Kike Julia Ioffe in GQ!” It wasn’t the only one from the Stormer. Another Neo-Nazi site joined in, too: Ioffe called the backlash “an endless torrent of vile, timeless hate.” Here’s just a one sample:

From “Unhinged Jewess Julia Ioffe Demands Police Arrest “Nazi” Trolls.” Here’s a quote from the “article”:

In retaliation for having the audacity to insult the great leader’s wife, the Stormer troll army took decisive action against this subversive enemy. Some of the hilarious posts were reported on by various Jew run media outlets….

This Jewess through her own subversive actions put herself in this position, yet she wants everyone to think that she’s the victim.  This is a Jew strategy that they employ time and time again.  It is no different than them whining about their Holohoax fantasy of 60 trillion Jews getting gassed in wooden shower rooms.  As we have seen countless times, the Jew cries in pain as they strike out at their enemies.

And then there were the Twitter attacks; Vox gives a sampler of the torrent of vile tweets she suffered, which makes it all too clear that the culture of Hitler and the Nazis is very much alive in America. Here’s a particularly nasty photo-shopped pic of the writer that Vox left out:



Anti-Semitic attack on Ioffe-small


Melania had reacted to the article on her own Facebook page, and that loosed a storm (no pun intended) of anti-Semitic attacks from Trump bots, including telephoned death threats.

When asked for his reaction by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, on May 4th, Trump refused to denounce the attacks:

Trump said while he hadn’t read the article, he heard it was “very inaccurate” and “nasty.”

“I’m married to a woman who is a very fine woman. She doesn’t need this, believe me,” he said, recounting how Melania Trump was “tremendously” successful as a model and “made a lot of money.”

He also described his wife as a “very high-quality woman who loves people and has a big heart,” saying, “they shouldn’t be doing that with wives.”

Blitzer interrupted: “But the anti-Semitic death threats that have followed –”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. I don’t know anything about that. You mean fans of mine?” Trump replied.

“Supposed fans of posting these very angry – but your message to these fans is?” Blitzer continued. [Rather than denounce the attackers, Trump returns to the “offending” article.]

“I don’t have a message to the fans,” the billionaire said. “A woman wrote an article that’s inaccurate.”

Attacking the writer and not the Nazis sends a very clear “wink and nod” to the Nazis that their attack was deserved, indeed welcomed by Trump. Andrew Anglin, leader of the Daily Stormer, certainly took it that way:

“Asked by the disgusting and evil Jewish parasite Wolf Blitzer to denounce the Stormer Troll Army, The Glorious Leader declined. The Jew Wolf was attempting to Stump the Trump, bringing up Stormer attacks on Jew terrorist Julia Ioffe. Trump responded to the request with “I have no message to the fans” which might as well have been ‘Hail Victory, Comrades!’”

What could we surmise the Democrats will do with this, in the general election?


The rest of the article, in which Anglin again refers to a “Stormer Troll Army,” is equally vile. Readers are strongly advised to read it, to see for themselves what a possible future president is willing to tolerate in his followers – or perhaps welcome?  Ask yourself: Is this is the America I want; and ask this also:

How long before the “troll army” becomes a real army? If you object to this, contact the GOP, before the convention.

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