Remember Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Bill Shuster? The head of the House Transportation Committee who is pushing a bill to hand air traffic control to a bunch of airline industry cronies and unions, and doing it in a way that looks like it would allow them— not Congress— to raise your taxes if they think that’s neat and cool? The guy whose girlfriend just so happens to be a lobbyist for the big airline industry group that is desperate for exactly this kind of scheme to be put in place (oh but hey, she doesn’t lobby him personally)? The guy who goes on swanky trips to cool destinations with his girlfriend and her coworkers but is totally not doing their bidding at all in pushing a bill that, did I mention, they desperately want and has been criticized on a number of levels from a conservative standpoint? The guy who endorsed Donald Trump— something else that looks pretty unconservative and unhelpful to the GOP writ large?
Yeah. That guy.
Turns out that Shuster had a primary opponent this cycle, a Tea Party guy who made a big stink about Shuster, his girlfriend, and this bill (by the way, so did Shuster’s local paper). Shuster’s primary was last Tuesday. And get this: He only squeaked it by a puny 1,000 votes out of close to 100,000 cast. And only now, a week later, has Shuster’s primary opponent finally conceded the race, while Shuster is apparently shilling for Trump — while getting right back to pushing the same bill that got him in this pickle in the first place.
People wonder why activists like me have a problem with GOP leadership in Washington, DC. To those people, I present Bill Shuster, a classic oblivious self-harmer, and the main guy working transportation policy on our side.
And again. A Trump supporter. A freakin’ Trump supporter.
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