Results for: the big guy

Tech at Night: Google's values, Government sharing spectrum, Wikipedia founder against copyright…sharing-spectrum-wikipedia-founder-against-copyright-n43686
– It’s weird when a group says its top issues are going to be attacking the Federal Reserve and opposing the big government agenda online … I just hope Ron Paul doesn’t start spouting crazy conspiracy theories about the FCC. … I’m of the opinion that with modern technology, all police activity should be recorded for everyone’s safety, the police included.…
GOP Aided by Democrats Attack Conservatives
– You will be forgiven if you don’t recognize the fat, hairy guy standing next to House Speaker John Boehner. … As a big backer of infrastructure spending, LaTourette could also get support from the unions that previously donated to his reelection … , not the Democrats, are the real enemy.…
The Big Spenders Return
– If Paul Ryan were a Peanuts character, he’d be the guy who pulls the football out of the way just as he himself is about to kick it … seems like outright capitulation to the big spending, big government agenda of both parties’ lobbyist class. … After all, like Obamacare, sequestration is the law of the land too.…
Tech at Night: Patent Troll bill passes the House. Kelly Ayotte makes a nice play on the USF.…s-the-house-kelly-ayotte-makes-a-nice-play-on-the-usf-n47425
– What I’m seeing is that the things that scared big software patent holders weren’t apparently in this final bill, and the people afraid … But will the Senate pass the bill? … the little guy wins when that happens.…
Power means privilege
– Obama’s failed Big Government program – the longest, thickest tentacle ever to slither out from the perpetually growing bulk of the … for the Little Guy.   … The Big Money these days loves Big Government.  …
National Review Editor: Mark Steyn Is A Big Meany
– Mark Steyn made the mistake of taking the side of Duck Dynasty patriarch, Phil Robertson, in the fascist assault carried out on him … Clearly Steort, and increasingly National Review’s management who hired this guy, just doesn’t understand the nature of the conflict … at hand and he doesn’t have the guts to stand for anything that makes someone call him a big meany.…
Tech at Night: Yes, get your card replaced if you went to Target. Rogers: Snowden commited treason…if-you-went-to-target-rogers-snowden-commited-treason-n47550
– He’s sure not on the side of liberty, when he’s on the side of the child pornography den Tor. … Watch as FCC tries to use this as the nose under the tent to regulate even more of the Internet. … The Patent Trolls are striking back. They want you to believe they’re the little guy being the victim of big business.…
The Horserace for Thursday, June 9, 2011
– National security is not the big issue and killing Osama helps inoculate Obama.Donors are antagonistic toward Rudy, given what happened … Tim Pawlenty Pawlenty has been the boldest of the top tier candidates in the past two weeks. … As one person told me though, right now the only guy pandering to conservatives is Pawlenty.…
The Fall of the Traditional American Family
– at the end of the day. … of the country in the immediate. … The real scary thing is that it may be that none of this works. Now, this is a big debate, nobody actually has a real answer.…
Morning Briefing for June 7, 2011
Big News From Camp Bachmann 6. Huntsman Not Ready for the Big Dance 7. … John Ensign, and others.Instead of saying yes the congressman should leave, the partisans say, “What about this guy?” … Huntsman Not Ready for the Big Dance Over the years I have heard presidential candidates state reasons for skipping the Iowa caucuses…
#Weinergate, Part 2? New Anthony Weiner pictures, emails allegedly surfacing.
– Never mind on that Part 2 of the Weinergate endgame that I promised quite yet: via Ace comes this report from Big Journalism on Rep … Which is one reason why they were so desperate to find a connection between Andrew and the guy who alerted people to the original tweeted … to her by the real leaders of the Democratic party.…
No, Mr. Diamond, the Fed Doesn't Need Your Expertise
The need for banking regulation is not controversial, but it’s not necessarily the case that the Fed is the best entity for the job … When the 2007-08 crisis hit, he was perhaps the only person in the world with the knowledge and the insight to do the right things. … A guy like Peter Diamond may be eminently qualified for his post at MIT, and even perhaps for the op-ed page of the New York Times.…
As Unions, OFA Take Credit For NY-26, The Right Can Learn From The Loss…ke-credit-for-ny-26-the-right-can-learn-from-the-loss-n39214
– For example, there was the third-party candidate, faux Tea Party guy Jack Davis, that sucked some of the votes from Jane Corwin.  … However, beyond the messaging and third-party candidate, as is often the case, it was the Left’s ground game left the Right’s in the … “Our local, all of CWA in western New York and the rest of the labor community stepped up big time,” Wagner said.…
Rick Perry's Scandalous Skeletons Come Out of the Closet
– ME: He could be the guy to seal the deal as the anti-Romney guy, but I’m not sure anyone can close the gap.THEM: He’s a formidable … And Bachmann fires up the crowd better than probably anyone but Cain.THEM: Well, yes, but on Perry, the big downside (their voice … out of the closet even against all that.So we can keep playing the “Rick Perry has skeletons” game, but the odds are pretty damn good…
What you need to know about Patent Reform . . . and Fast
– It has been marked-up in the House Judiciary Committee, and if the patriots don’t engage soon, the bill will pass the House by our … Making things worse, the bill also contains a special-interest giveaway to big banks and TARP recipients. … H.R. 1249 is the ultimate “big guy vs. little guy” legislation. The time has come for action.  …
Debbie Downer's bad first month as DNC Chair.
– (Via Hot Air) The Politico is just now starting to realize just how big a boon DNC chair Debbie Downer (aka Debbie Wasserman Schultz … She has asserted, somewhat nonsensically, that the GOP wants to make illegal immigration — by definition against the law — “a crime … Now, this would be the point where I’m supposed to go “She’s the Democratic version of Michael Steele,” only I’m not going to take…
J-E-T-S, Jets! Jets! Jets!
The entire debate on the debt ceiling is one big false choice now. … The Democrats were afraid to save the cute and loyal puppies. … They feared the ignorant masses (doing the dance of the low-sloping foreheads) would fail to understand just how much more important…
Tech at Night: FCC puts ideology first, Lulzsec punks out, Conservatives like Mike Lee must help Google…unks-out-conservatives-like-mike-lee-must-help-google-n39490
– So I’ll start with the one that may be under the radar more than the others. … The frogmarches are only a matter of time, punks. Just like they got the guy who broke into AT&T’s iPad data. … To think I’m not even done with what I consider the big stories!…
Josh Mandel Gets DeMint Endorsement
– There’s big news out of Ohio. Former Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is not going to seek the U.S. … most liberal member of the United States Senate.You can click here and help Jim DeMint reach his fundraising goal for Josh Mandel. … We need a guy like him in Washington.…
How Children Get Left Behind in Medicaid
– I guess the level of the number, the 66% is a little surprising to me, but the fact that there is a big disparity is not. … Billions when it comes to the Federal level, you know, not that big of a deal. … If you want big government, if you want these big government programs, shouldn’t you on the left at least want them to work?…
NPR's Nina Totenberg Feels Sorry For Weiner, Scolds Hecklers
– I mean the guy was finally resigning. … for doing their jobs and reporting the truth about the atrocious behavior and actions of an employee of we, the people. … The gall!…
How to Handle the Debt Ceiling
– You know, the big question I have is do the people who feel that way, they are recognizing something intuitively which is that you … And so a big question about is, are the people going to follow through? … Cianfrocca: Okay. ’85 was the year of the Plaza Accord, a big agreement among the major industrial nations.…
Tech at night: Upcoming battle in copyright, Sad defeats in patent and taxation…attle-in-copyright-sad-defeats-in-patent-and-taxation-n39578
The little guy can now say goodbye to any hope of competing with the big boys with patents, because the President has said he’ll sign … the bill. … And those were the big stories that came to my attention over the holiday weekend.…
Tech at Night: Amazon Tax fight, Free Press dishonesty, FCC's mask slips
– And there’s truth to it, too: When you get down to it, “neutrality” isn’t about “open” versus “closed” Internet or thebig guy” … versus the “little guy.” … It’s about one bunch of Big Businesses — Google/YouTube, Netflix, and the other Big Websites, who want to travel the Internet at no…
The Horserace for July 14, 2011
– Now, the other candidates are making a big deal out of not signing it. It’s a minor issue and one she can overcome. … His nice guy appeal still comes through.The problem for Pawlenty is that he’s falling behind in Iowa and must largely move to the state … He could potentially rely on momentum, but it is a gamble.For several months I have said Pawlenty is the guy to keep an eye on.…
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