Results for: Biden Family Business

WATCH: Nancy Mace Drops the Hammer on Dems' 'Bull---t" Defense of Biden During Impeachment Inquiry
– "My Democrat colleagues say none of this is relevant because Joe Biden wasn't vice president while his family did these shady deals … Those words are going to come back and haunt Hunter Biden and his family forever," she said. … That connection -- and help from Jim Biden and Hunter Biden -- was going on when Joe was vice president.…
Byron Donalds Goes to Town on Dems' 'No Evidence' Line With Receipts During Impeachment Inquiry…dence-line-with-receipts-during-impeachment-inquiry-n2164416
– The impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden finally got underway on Thursday into the Biden foreign business dealings scandal.  … Byron Donalds ROASTS the Biden Crime family live on TV while showing shocking text messages proving corruption:“To my colleagues on … Donalds then presented another message from Jim Biden to Hunter Biden when Hunter was messed up on drugs.…
James Comer Demands to Know Why Biden Kept Sensitive Docs Related to Foreign Business Dealings…sensitive-docs-related-to-foreign-business-dealings-n2165128
– the Biden family’s business relationships with foreign nations. … family had business dealings with. … The letter goes on to highlight how members of the Biden family, along with their business associates, “received significant payments…
What If We Elected a 3rd Party Candidate for the First Time in 30 Presidents?…rd-party-president-for-the-first-time-since-lincoln-n2165082
– New Hampshire Democrats didn’t like Biden even before he became POTUS. … So, Biden or his minions arranged for that party's 2024 process to begin with South Carolina on Feb. 3, then Nevada Feb. 6. … Whoever tells Biden what to do these days was wise to prohibit any primary debates.…
‘Help Is on the Way’: Gov. Ron DeSantis Puts Words Into Action With Executive Order on Israel Aid…cutive-order-okaying-rescue-operations-and-supplies-n2164994
– DeSantis also criticized the Biden administration in the EO for lack of action and information on their plans for rescue operations … : WHEREAS, unlike the governments of other countries, the Biden administration has failed to launch any form of rescue or evacuation … Spox After He Tries Blaming Trump for $6 Billion Biden Unfroze for Iran…
4 Reasons Why Biden’s Handling of The Migrant Crisis Has Been a Total and Utter Disaster…e-migrant-crisis-has-been-a-total-and-utter-disaster-n358619
– challenging to gain insight into the extent of the problem primarily due to a disturbing lack of transparency on the part of the Biden … “These horrific images and tragic deaths, as well as assaults that we’re seeing right now, they would not be happening if the Biden … A local business owner echoed the mayor’s concerns. “They are going to die out here,” he said. “It’s too hot.”…
Biden’s Migrant Crisis Draining Arizona Border Towns’ Resources
– Local business owner Tim Micklin, who owns a store in Gila Bend, criticized the Biden administration for its lack of honesty about … “Biden failed to call this a crisis, but this is a crisis,” he said. “I’m telling you, it is a crisis.” … Micklin had sharp criticism for the Biden administration. “Mr.…
That Crazy Admission That Hunter Biden Made on CBS
– Democrats were always trying to spin conspiracies and things that were just flat-out nonsense about President Donald Trump and his family … Joe Biden and his family were going to bring back “normalcy,” they claimed. Some normalcy. … Oh, and on the family front, Hunter Biden admitted in his CBS interview that he smoked parmesan cheese thinking it was crack.…
I Don't Normally Write on Brian Stelter, but This Warrants an Exception
– With Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s corrupt, crack addict son, releasing his memoir, I expected some stupid reactions from networks like … “breathtaking” as if it’s anything more than yet another Biden family grift. … Meanwhile, back in the real world, Hunter Biden is every bit the low-life he’s always been.…
The Utter Crushing Phoniness of Joe Biden’s Costly Infrastructure Plan…g-phoniness-of-joe-bidens-costly-infrastructure-plan-n355097
– Ask someone in your family right now what infrastructure means to them. I’ll wait. … So, Biden asked the Iowans what they thought of the condition of the infrastructure there in Ohio. … Biden claims there’s $620 billion in his bill for such “transportation.” But wait!…
Hunter Biden Finally Weighs in on the Laptop With a Ridiculous Answer…the-laptop-with-a-ridiculous-answer-that-says-it-all-n354354
– This, despite Joe Biden denying any knowledge of his son’s business and claiming they never discussed it. … So it basically confirmed that Biden had lied about that. … Reminder of how Big Media/Big Tech suppressed legit news about Biden family corruption as part of their rigging of the 2020 election…
Hey, Fauci! Stuff This in Your Mask!
– a year of lockdowns, stuffy masks, fogged eyeglasses, false promises of progress, chapped hands, pretend school classes, missed family … A new Gallup Poll reports that for the first time in this pandemic, a majority of Americans now feel safe going about their business … For his part, Biden has criticized states reopening businesses as displaying “Neanderthal thinking.” Can you say “Texas”?…
Jim Jordan Gets Dr. Fauci to Tell Congress What We've Known All Along; He Doesn't Care About Your Rights, He Cares About His Power…esnt-care-about-your-rights-he-cares-about-his-power-n362276
– See Joe Biden Just Named the Pennsylvania Transgender Secretary of Health to be Assistant Secretary for Health and That Is Really Not … The number of people at family gatherings has been curtailed by executive fiat. Funerals have been broken up by the police. … The Biden administration will not let the press in there. And certainly freedom of speech?…
Planned Parenthood Expands Its Diabolical Grip During Pandemic With Record Abortions and Taxpayer Dollars…pandemic-with-record-abortions-and-taxpayer-dollars-n361785
– largest abortion provider – recently released its 2019-2020 report revealing that COVID-19 has been no threat to the abortion businessFamily practice services also decreased from 34,075 to 31,912 (down 6.35%). … The ACLJ will continue to fight against the largest abortion business out there. …
Rioting and Looting in Suburban Minneapolis After Young Black Man Shot and Killed by Police…olis-after-young-black-man-shot-and-killed-by-police-n359279
Family members say 20-year-old Daunte Wright was killed by a police officer in Brooklyn Center this afternoon after being pulled over … One member of Daunte Wright’s family called for violence. … Smash windows of a business to steal Nike shoes in solidarity with the the movement to end police brutality against young black…
Mike Rowe Brings a Little Common Sense to the Minimum Wage Debate
– As our Jennifer Van Laar wrote, he came out strongly against California’s AB-5 which was so harmful to freelancers and which Joe Biden … Channel which explores major moments in American history and “connects the dots with surprising tales and humor,” according to Fox Business … Rowe then gave his opinion on the debate over the minimum wage, according to Fox Business.…
Despite Joe Biden's Promises, Hunter Is Still in Bed With the Chinese Government…s-hunter-is-still-in-bed-with-the-chinese-government-n373496
– to promise that members of the Biden family would divest themselves of any foreign interests during his Presidency.  … At the time, Biden made the following comment regarding Hunter’s foreign business dealings: “My son, my family will not be involved … It is pretty clear at this point, they are protecting the Biden family. …
Unions and the PRO Act — Erasing Black Women to Fit Their Purpose
– truly despise: White politicians and union stooges who have never worked a real job and have no idea what it means to build a business … Sadly, the Union-controlled Biden administration still has tricks up its sleeve. … Biden used his April 28 joint address to Congress to call on the Senate to pass the bill.…
SCOTUS Watch: Pro-Abortionists Lose Their Minds, as a Sledgehammer Is Taken to Roe v. Wade…their-minds-as-a-sledgehammer-is-taken-to-roe-v-wade-n381740
– There is so much weeping and gnashing of teeth, that dentists will be getting some extra business, along with the hand wringing, which … Both the challengers & Biden admin asked for dismissal because Biden is rescinding the rule — SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) May 17, 2021 … The law has provisions that would allow private citizens to file civil lawsuits against doctors, staff, or even a patient’s family
Mollie Hemingway Breaks Down the 'Big Lie' of Dems and Media
– But in an election when media invented fake stories (Afghan bounties, Aisne Marne), suppressed real ones (Biden family corruption), … The NY Post story about an email indicating Joe Biden may have met with one of Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates after he … claimed he knew nothing about his son’s business was blocked on Twitter in October, at a critical time just before the election.…
Close Encounters of the Mask Kind™ — My Personal Adventure in the CDC's Brave New World…nd-my-personal-adventure-in-the-cdcs-brave-new-world-n381303
– As to Biden and his spankin’ new made-up “max or vax” pretend “rule,” as Glenn Beck so eloquently put it: “Kindly, screw off.” … As I rounded the corner of an aisle, I came upon a family of five, which included three young kids (the youngest appeared to be about … Fine, their business. Dumb. Their little kids, in particular. But their business, just the same. The “passage” was uneventful.…
Palestinians to Get Aid From US While They Engage in Armed Clash With Israel…from-us-while-they-engage-in-armed-clash-with-israel-n380878
– The Biden Administration chose this past week to inform Congress that it would be releasing millions of dollars in US assistance to … The martyr’s reward comes from Allah, but the monetary reward paid to the martyr’s family keeps food on the table and 7.62 ammo in … Not that anything was expected, but the Biden Administration hasn’t made any comment on the question of assisting Israel in funding…
Gretchen Whitmer Tries to Make Energy Crisis Worse, Canadian Energy Company Tells Her to Pound Sand…orse-canadian-energy-company-tells-her-to-pound-sand-n378312
– After the Biden Administration revoked the permits to build the Keystone Oil Pipeline, which would have brought a large supply of oil … If I were running a business and my safety and prevention efforts resulted in a 99.9998% success rate, I’d be asking for a raise. … Neither does your financial situation or your ability to provide for your family. …
Media Goes Gaga Over Biden's Ice Cream
– How about that bald-faced lie he told about not knowing anything about his son’s business, while meeting with Hunter’s business associates … As my friend says, "Watching the press handle Joe Biden is like watching a family try to help a three-year-old win Candyland." … Moreover, Biden seems to be forgetting a lot of history of the Capitol in the process.…
Michigan Governor Channels Her Inner Gavin Newsom, Breaks Her Own COVID Rules at a Bar With Friends…m-breaks-her-own-covid-rules-at-a-bar-with-friends-2-n385587
– Gretchen Whitmer Likes Private Jets, Even Flew on One to Biden Inauguration Gretchen Whitmer Sneaks off to Florida to Visit Her Dad … Lots of people want to get out and have dinner with family and friends. … state that we should not go to Florida, Texas, Alabama while she and her top staff did exactly that to enjoy some R&R or visit family
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