Results for: MAGA Republicans

Here's the Reason They Don't Show the Wide Shot at Biden's Events
– Biden was supposed to be talking about a “safer America” but he spent a lot of time attacking millions of Americans by demonizing MAGARepublicans and lying about Jan. 6.…
Stumbling Biden's Latest Approval Numbers Tell the Tale
– This also came after Biden began demonizing millions of Americans by calling them “semi-fascists” and saying he didn’t respect MAGARepublicans.…
As The Press Cheers, Biden Turns Into Foggy Joe and Undercuts the January 6 Commission…nto-foggy-joe-and-undercuts-the-january-6-commission-n620603
– administration’s tweets, long bland, have become punchy and even viral as the president has shown more willingness to go after Republicans … punchy tone seems to be part of a revamped strategy leading up to November’s midterm elections, with Biden increasingly attacking Republicans … On Thursday, Biden accused the GOP of “semi-fascism” and said he could not work with “MAGA Republicans.”…
Uniter-in-Chief Biden Plans Primetime Speech Thursday to Tell Us How Awful We Are…ns-primetime-speech-thursday-to-tell-us-awful-we-are-n620408
– President Joe Biden will continue his assault on the Ultra-MAGA crowd (almost half of America’s voters) Thursday in a prime-time, … Here’s Biden’s unifying message for Tuesday: The extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice: to go backwards, full of anger, … He intends to say himself that MAGA is a threat to the rule of law.…
Swalwell Tells a Dubious Story, Then Says 'Bloodshed Is Coming'
– I reported earlier about how Joe Biden has been demonizing half of America and is going to give a speech continuing to attack MAGA … In Pennsylvania, Biden continued the attack, falsely claiming that Republicans were calling for political violence. … Maxine Waters (D-CA) and how they attacked Republicans over healthcare.…
New Survey Shows How Weak Minded College Kids Are Scared of Different Views…ak-minded-college-kids-are-scared-of-different-views-n620167
– From my colleague Nick Arama: WH Attack on MAGA People Gets Even More Divisive and Dangerous. … “The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. … That percentage is notably much higher with Democrats rather than Republicans.…
IN MY ORBIT: Elaine Riddick's Story Exposes the Left's Tactics; Removal by Any Means Necessary…ses-the-lefts-tactics-removal-by-any-means-necessary-n620149
– Make no mistake, all this talk from Dementia Joe and the evil New York Governor Kathy Hochul about MAGA Republicans is by design.…
Biden Tells a Mountain of Horrible Lies About Jan. 6 and Republicans in PA…n-of-horrible-lies-about-jan-6-and-republicans-in-pa-n620262
– It looks like Joe Biden is working up to his speech on Thursday in which he’s going to attack MAGA Republicans again, with some lies … Biden is doing all he can to demonize Republicans — not just the politicians but all the tens of millions of supporters of President … Biden is doing all he can to pump up the division, even as he tries to lay it off on the Republicans.…
RNC Uses One Video to Demolish Joe Biden's Claim that Republicans Aren't on the Side of Law Enforcement…hat-republicans-arent-on-the-side-of-law-enforcement-n620244
– The purpose of the speech was to attack Republicans and gin up support for Democrat candidates just in time for the midterms. … “Let me say this to my MAGA Republican friends in Congress: Don’t tell me you support law enforcement if you won’t condemn what happened … Biden: "Let me say this to my MAGA Republican friends in Congress: Don't tell me you support law enforcement if you won't condemn what…
It Begins: Biden Demonizing MAGA May Have Already Reaped Bad Consequences…nizing-maga-may-have-already-reaped-bad-consequences-n619979
– Biden has called MAGA Republicans “semi-fascist,” and he says they are attacking democracy. … White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden thinks MAGA people are a “threat to the rule of law.” … Then, Trump officials and Republicans were harassed.…
WH Attack on MAGA People Gets Even More Divisive and Dangerous
– “The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. … What MAGA is a “threat” to is their ability to win elections. … He intends to say himself that MAGA is a threat to the rule of law.…
If a Liberal Falls Off His High Horse, Does He Make a Sound?
– , or whether that requires specialized AntiSemiFascists, because the next day the president’s press secretary elaborated: What MAGARepublicans have done…You look at the definition of fascism and you think about what they’re doing in attacking our democracy, what … We don’t know yet whether Antifa will be assisting with the move for those Republicans who don’t take the hint.…
'Unforeseen Tragedy' Forces DeSantis to Cancel $25K-a-Plate Fundraiser Appearance…desantis-to-cancel-25k-a-plate-fundraiser-appearance-n619427
– Not unlike President “Unity” and his unhinged rants against the Donald Trump and the MAGA crowd. ‘GET OUTTA TOWN’: Gov. … Kathy Hochul tells Republicans to pack their bags and leave her state because ‘they’re not New Yorkers.’ … This is the part where I say 2024 is going to be for all the marbles, Republicans; don’t screw it up.…
Has Democrats’ ‘Semi-Fascism’ Rhetoric Achieved Their Goal?
– the president’s speech a few weeks ago but culminated in Biden addressing the nation to warn them about the supposed dangers of “MAGARepublicans” who like authoritarianism, rioting, and kicking puppies. … He believes “President Biden’s campaign rhetoric characterizing Republicans as a threat to democracy in thrall to ‘semi-fascism’ is…
Democrat Who Feared Guam Would 'Tip Over' Compares Parents at School Board Meetings to Jan. 6 Rioters…es-parents-at-school-board-meetings-to-jan-6-rioters-n628821
– Johnson, long known for his hyperbolic nonsense, on Friday claimed “MAGA Republicans” descended on school board meetings in a similar … MAGA Republicans descended upon the capitol engaged in an insurrection. … As per usual, the Georgia Democrat tied in the evil MAGA Republicans.…
Journalist Hacks Expose Their Election Bias Early and Often, With Infantile Attacks on Bolduc…early-and-often-with-infantile-method-attacking-gop-n628876
– He has been one of those calling for Republicans to disavow the denialism and declare Biden the rightfully-elected president. … Now that Republicans are starting to do that, here comes Cillizza with more contempt. … He calls for the Republicans to do something, some of the Republicans do that very thing, and then he scorches them for doing what…
Border States Are Treated Like Hot Garbage Compared to the Outrage for East Coast…e-hot-garbage-compared-to-the-outrage-for-east-coast-n628421
– The only difference is that Republicans are doing it this time, and people have a natural disposition to believe that they would somehow … “He is abusing his power to attack Massachusetts to please Fox News and MAGA.” … He is abusing his power to attack Massachusetts to please Fox News and MAGA.…
Democrats are About to Irreparably Shoot Themselves In the Foot With Their Latest Moves…shoot-themselves-in-the-foot-with-their-latest-moves-n627327
– Before you knew it, board members were being kicked out of seats and replaced with concerned parents, and what’s more, Republicans … Now he’s claiming that it was MAGA Republicans, not concerned parents, that spearheaded a coordinated attack on poor innocent school … Hank Johnson (D-GA): "People at school board meetings will never forget MAGA Republicans descending on their school board meetings…
'MAGA Christian' Trends on Twitter Proving the Left Knows Nothing About Christians or Christianity
– Should we tell MAGA Christians that this is the true face of Jesus, produced by computer generated synthetic intelligence — based upon … They truly think that describing Jesus as a man with darker skin somehow sends Republicans into pearl-clutching hysterics and conservatives … #MAGA — Such A Nasty Woman 🌻 (@TalithaDrgnfly) September 14, 2022 The left loves to break this one out from time to time in…
Yikes: Tim Ryan Just Talked About Need to 'Kill and Confront' Extremist GOP Movement…out-need-to-kill-and-confront-extremist-gop-movement-n627053
– ) September 13, 2022 “Some of those answers will come from Republicans. … Did he just threaten violence against Republicans? It sure sounds like it. … But then he’s also parroting Joe Biden — another alleged “moderate” — who demonized millions of Americans and claimed that “MAGA Republicans
FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn't Even at the US Capitol on January 6
– , Lisa Gallagher, has come forward saying that the FBI showed up on her doorstep the morning after Joe Biden delivered his “anti-MAGA … Where are the Republicans calling all this out? … The Republicans have been silent since on the stories of the subpoenas and the raids.…
Calling Half of America 'Semi-Fascist' Is 'Courageous,' in Pretend-Conservative S.E. Cupp's World…courageous-in-pretend-conservative-s-e-cupps-world-2-n626288
– S.E., what’s your take on Joe Biden calling Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans semi-fascists? … I think he correctly identified a strain within MAGAMAGA World. … Say, it’s not all Republicans. It’s not all Trump supporters. Look, you and I know Republicans, Sara. We know Trump supporters.…
WATCH: Young Journalist Gets Chilling Call from South Wales Police for Using Term 'Illegal' and 'Alien'…south-wales-police-for-using-term-illegal-and-alien-n626247
– We see it on multiple fronts, with everything from Joe Biden himself trying to demonize millions of Americans who he terms “MAGA Republicans
Senate Democrat Claims ‘Election Deniers’ Are as Dangerous as Those Who Carried out 9/11 Attacks…e-as-dangerous-as-those-who-carried-out-9-11-attacks-n625976
– Warner (D-VA) used the 21-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks to fearmonger about domestic threats coming from those pesky MAGARepublicans with the temerity to question the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. … Republicans, should give us pause.…
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