Results for: idiots

Revealed: The Real Reason for the FBI Investigations of Hillary Clinton: SEXISM!
– kinds of people in this world: 1) people whose eyes involuntarily roll back in their heads upon reading something like that, and 2) idiots
Trump's Post-Apocalyptic Vision of America Inspires the Worst in People
– people tried to spin the situation by saying the man was simply a protester, there to turn his back on Trump) was removed, two more idiots
"People Have to Die": Anti-Trump Protests Start Ugly and Get Worse
– Effigies: These idiots are burning Trump in effigy. Burning flags, and we Trump voters are the scary people🤔🙄.…
Honor Roll Student Shares Fruit With Classmate, Gets Suspended for Violating Weapons Policy…are-classmate-gets-suspended-violating-weapons-policy-n63866
– With every zero tolerance policy comes a 100 percent chance of people acting like complete idiots and blaming “the rules.”…
WATCH: Ted Cruz Slams the Hypocrisy of the Left
– “These are the idiots now protesting by laying down in front of cars and disrupting traffic. … Now go home and stop being idiots. . … @tedcruz: These idiots rioting in the streets are the same people who demanded President-elect Trump accept the results of the election…
Stop Excusing Trump's Mania by Saying He's Just Trolling
– freedom to be a prick, but God knows, Donald Trump should be allowed to be who he is, and therefore all those flag burning, hippie idiots
Washington Post Quotes A Fake News Source In A Story On Fake News
– in this online echo chamber were knowingly part of the propaganda campaign, the researchers concluded, while others were “useful idiots
ABC's Tom Llamas Chokes Up Talking About Sending Kool-Aid Packets To Relatives In Cuba
– Good Morning America (he comments on the stuffing of greeting cards with medicine and Kool-Aid packets at the 2:29 mark): Idiots
LATEST: NC-Gov McCrory Makes a New Request in His Battle to Keep Office
– He may be tired of leftist idiots – who apparently have no jobs or lives to go to – who spend all of their time outside of the Governor…
Social Media Lights Up With Calls on Congress to #ReleaseTheMemo
– The frightening thing is how they’ve harnessed the internet and a large portion of useful idiots in American society, to be unwitting…
How a Baby Is Not a Parasite: A Guide for Idiots
– Every time pro-life chat surfaces in the news, I see stupid people try to justify abortions by any means possible. With the March for Life in full swing, you can bet the pro-abortion crowd has surged forth on social media and put their dumbest foot forward in order to combat the...
Adam Schiff Told Twitter That #ReleaseTheMemo Was a Russian Plot (and Twitter Did the Research)
– people that believe a nation with the population of Japan and the GDP of New York State can drive American politics: poltroons and idiots
An Open Letter to "Mitch" and "Chuck"
– John Kennedy (La.) said recently, “our nation was founded by geniuses but is being run by idiots.” … You, Mitch and Chuck, are the “idiots” to whom Kennedy was referring. It’s time to go.…
Antifa Attempts to Shut Down Another Conservative Speaker in Colorado, Violence Ensues…another-conservative-speaker-colorado-violence-ensues-n84092
– Obviously these idiots aren’t neutral, they’re just projecting their own fascist tendencies onto others. … points of view and free market ideas should be allowed to exist on college campuses without a bunch of stinky, balaclava-wearing idiots
After Thirteen Indictments, the White House Rushes to Give a Propaganda Win to the Russians
– while patriotic Americans look at the news of Russians attempting to tear our nation apart with outrage, a few stooges and useful idiots
A Response to Chuck Todd (Wherein I Violate the First Rule of Arguing With Idiots)
– Chuck Todd is not a happy man. The indictment announced today of thirteen Russian internet trolls (none of whom were arrested) and three Russian entities (two of which have been under U.S. sanctions since 2014) is little more than kabuki. In his announcement, Rosenstein went out of his way...
Joe Scarborough on Guns: Is He Fully "Woke" or Just a Flaming Say-Anything-for-Ratings Hypocrite…ully-woke-just-flaming-say-anything-ratings-hypocrite-n84673
– MSNBC’s Scarborough Labels Opponents Of Gun Control ‘Domestic Terrorist Enablers’ And ‘Useful Idiots’…
Charles Barkley is a Role Model
– While Barkley doesn’t seem to have the highest view of millennials — even calling them “idiots” in the interview — he understands that…
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