Results for: idiots

Donald Trump Surrogate Paul LePage Didn't Really Say That, Did He?
– First, Donald Trump collects idiots the way Velcro collects lint. That is who he hires. … Where many of the idiots he’s collected were mild mannered and mostly harmless ciphers in their pre-Trump lives, their association…
Canada's shorter elections are proof of a democracy DEFICIT
– One of the whines going around this year by idiots in Canada and along the Acela, is that American elections take so much longer than…
The Layman's Guide to the Difference Between a Riot and a Protest
– It turns the protestors from violent idiots to brave agents of change, defending those who have been oppressed for too long!…
Gail Collins of the New York Times is a Slack-Jawed, Drooling Moron
– nonsensical diatribe that (FOR SOME WEIRD REASON) avoids any discussion of what the law says and instead focuses on what other liberal idiots
If Baltimore is the new normal, I really don't care
– On the merits, both Gates and Smiley are idiots. Baltimore’s problems are rooted in a deeply corrupt and entrenched power system.…
New White House Petition Seeks To Have Antifa Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Group…tion-seeks-antifa-designated-domestic-terrorist-group-n75566
– They’re idiots. The group that destroyed a 100-year old Confederate monument in Durham, North Carolina are one example.…
Loony Laura Loomer Loses All Historical Perspective and Connection with Reality
– Sure, Nazis systematically murdered millions of people and plunged the entire planet into war, but a few idiots failed to carry out…
Ted Cruz Talks Charlottesville and a Reporter Becomes Collateral Damage (FULL AUDIO)…esville-reporter-becomes-collateral-damage-full-audio-n75376
– They’re idiots. What they’re saying is wrong. They’re lies.” “And under the First Amendment they have a right to speak,” Sen.…
Charlottesville: Chaos Worship and Crossing the Free Speech Line
– blissfully preoccupied with non-political things), I’d catch snippets of what was going on via Twitter and kept saying to myself, “These idiots
A Big Bunch of Idiots Dressed as Dinosaurs Protested Something at the White House
– A bunch of idiots marched on Washington today dressed up in those inflatable dinosaur costumes that were once kind of funny but have…
Study of College Students' Attitudes Toward Free Speech Is Frightening
– LLuP8jCR9p — Catherine Rampell (@crampell) September 19, 2017 The saving grace here is that while college students tend to be idiots … , many of them realize what idiots they were as they grow older.…
Promoter of Pro-Trump "Fake News" Stories in 2016 Election Cycle Found Dead
– “I mean, that’s how this always works: Someone posts something I write, then they find out it’s false, then they look like idiots.…
RedState Watercooler, 10/11 Open Thread: Weird News
– Don’t be like the idiots at Oxford, who don’t know the difference between “neutralize” and “nullify”… Today’s Birthdays: First Lady…
Hillary Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Phony Moral High Ground
– Both Chelsea Clinton and Donald Trump Jr. look like idiots here.…
Trump Tweets 'Only One Thing Will Work' to Solve North Korea Problem
– In fact, reading them one is nearly left with the conclusion that a) they are idiots (not outside the realm or responsibility) or b…
John McCain Accused of Living It Up at Hanoi Hilton; Twitter Does Not Disappoint
– This fact has been unbelievably twisted in the minds of some idiots as proof that McCain wasn’t, in fact, a POW, but was living it…
The Real Problem with Trump
Idiots read allusions to Hitler or Stalin in a post like this and make the stupid argument that I am comparing Trump to Hitler or Stalin…
Rush Was Right On "Renewable" Energy But He Missed the Human Cost And Hypocrisy
– Having said that, it still irks me when people who are idiots claim Rush is an idiot because they are too stupid to know what they…
Porn Strumpet Who Became Trump's 11th Accuser Was Hiding Something
– After I posted that article last week, I was flooded with outraged messages from sex industry workers and feminist idiots that want…
CHECKMATE: NC Gov McCrory' Drops Economic BOMB on Left's Absurd HB2 Claims
– Since the passage of the bill, social justice idiots from around the nation have painted Governor McCrory as enemy #1.…
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