Results for: chuck schumer

Tom Cotton Talks Trump And Russia On Meet the Press
– TOM COTTON: Well, so Chuck, let’s take that CNN article on face value. … But I think– CHUCK TODD: Senators can call for it on their own. … You know, the eight Democrats who are on that committee and Chuck Schumer know what we’ve learned.…
Howard Dean: Chuck Schumer's Endorsement is the Kiss of Death
– However, he also caught something interesting – Dean saying an endorsement from Chuck Schumer is the kiss of death. … Schumer. … Howard Dean: "I think Chuck Schumer's endorsement is the kiss of death."…
Donald Trump Fires Celebrity Prosecutor Who Would Not Resign
– He was a crony of Chuck Schumer and seems to have a Trump-level obsession with hanging prominent scalps from this lodge pole (I know…
After Meeting With FBI Director, Many Lawmakers Still Not Seeing Evidence Of Wiretapping…many-lawmakers-still-not-seeing-evidence-wiretapping-n68918
– .; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C.; and ranking member Mark…
BBC Reports on Muslim Victim, Indian Perpetrator: What? It's the Same Guy?
– After a great deal of collective outrage and some help from Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Hussain was granted entry…
Chuck Schumer Tweets An Often Debunked Myth About Planned Parenthood
– Senator Charles Schumer repeated it in this tweet: #Trumpcare cuts @PPFA funds, hurting millions of women who turn there for mammograms … , maternity care, cancer screenings & more. — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 7, 2017 It is hard…
Democrats Threaten To Shut Down the Federal Government Over Russia Investigation
– (Chuck) Schumer, who’s our Minority Leader, who’s the leader of the Democratic caucus, is regularly negotiating with Majority Leader…
Judge Gorsuch Is Good, But So What?
– This won’t stop Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer from leading a filibuster against Gorsuch, though.…
Amy Schumer Drops Out of Live Action 'Barbie' Movie
– , Redstate’s Mickey White wrote that Barbie deserved better than Amy Schumer. … Of course, Schumer and her defenders are making this all about appearances. … That last one is another sticking point for the argument to use Amy Schumer.…
Senator Joe Manchin Warns Democrats Planning to Filibuster Gorsuch
Chuck Schumer as the Democrat leader in the Senate appears to be following in the footsteps of his corrupt predecessor.…
POLITICO Hit Piece Shows They've Got Nothing on Judge Gorsuch
– For example: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer held a news conference last week with people that the New York Democrat said had…
Rand Paul Wants Flynn Leakers In Jail (VIDEO)
– Back in January, Chuck Schumer was on Rachel Maddow’s show and opined that it was unwise for Trump to take on the intelligence community … What Schumer was saying is that he is already afraid to call the intelligence community to task and the only reason Trump is doing…
Mitch McConnell Is Daring Democrats to Filibuster Gorsuch
– Right now he is playing Charles Schumer like a grand piano and Schumer knows it. … NY Senator Chuck Schumer announced the Democrats’ intent to filibuster the Gorsuch nomination using a phony, made-up “standard” of … It’s monumentally stupid for Schumer to urge his Democratic colleagues to filibuster the Gorsuch nomination.…
Ready To Go Nuclear. Mitch McConnell Insists Gorsuch Will Be Confirmed, This Week
– According to Chuck Schumer he’s going to have to use that plan, as the Democratic Minority Leader says, they will not get the votes…
The Democrats' Supreme Hypocrisy on the Supreme Court
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is chastising Republicans, telling them “don’t change the rules, change the nominee.” … Schumer and company continue to use Merrick Garland’s scuttled nomination last year as justification for their obstruction now of Neil…
Paul Ryan: Everyone Knew the Russians Were Trying to Meddle in the Election
– Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and I sent a letter to the secretaries of state before the election saying, “Heads up,…
What Could Go Wrong? Interior Secretary Suggests Border Wall Could Be on Mexican Land…cretary-suggests-border-wall-could-be-on-mexican-land-n69789
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer refused to comment on the record Wednesday morning, but his spokesman, Matt House, sent a tweet…
Chuck Schumer's Big Filibuster Gamble
– For Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, this is his chance to win one of the top prizes the Democrats have sought for years: The Supreme … If it did, though, Schumer goes down as the Democratic leader who won the Supreme Court for a generation.…
Gowdy Unloads on Schumer for Recent Attacks
– Trey Gowdy slammed Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday for Schumer’s attacks against the House Intelligence Committee chairman … After Schumer called for Nunes to be removed from his position as chairman, Gowdy spoke to Fox News on Monday to fire back at Schumer … “I just love it when Senator Schumer gives Republicans advice on what we ought to do,” Gowdy said.…
Nunes Answers Demands for Him To Recuse Himself
– This has caused Chuck Schumer (I understand he had to take time out from screaming at random restaurant customers in order to do it…
Trump Signals He Is Ready To Work With Democrats
– Trump has known Chuck Schumer for years, investing in his campaigns, and has some tentative support among moderate Democrats, like…
The Long Lost Beauty of Equal Protection Before the Law
– The Senate Minority Leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer, just yesterday gave us an exquisite visual aide of Orwell’s one warped DC Establishment … of factual falsities contained therein, and focus instead on the underlying Equal Protection Claus-violating enormous cronyism Schumer … And now Schumer is trying to be one of Google’s government enforcers – protecting the massive swaths of additional data-selling turf…
Despite Their Mewling About Merrick Garland, Democrats Behavior Towards Judicial Nominees Is Detestable
– Contrary to Chuck Schumer’s repeated lies, there is no “60 vote threshold” for Supreme Court nominees. … In 2007, twenty-five Democrats including Charles Schumer and Senator Barack Obama pushed Democrats to filibuster the nomination of…
Water Cooler 04/06/17 Open Thread; Things to Know About The Gorsuch Vote
– Democrat: Then: Now: : Chuck Schumer, Sen. … for Supreme Court and in Cabinet should be 60 because on such important positions there should be some degree of bipartisanship,” Schumer
McConnell: Dems Would Filibuster Ginsburg
– Trump nominated, McConnell pointed out Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, even before Judge Gorsuch was nominated, mused on a liberal talk…
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