Former Biden Top Advisor Blames Campaign Demise on 'Unremitting Negative, Horrible Attacks'—by Democrats

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Anita Dunn was until very recently a top Biden advisor (and before that, acting White House Communications Director for Obama), but she has since moved on to working for a PAC that is supporting the Kamala Harris campaign now that the president has cried uncle on his foundering reelection bid. 


However, she’s not real happy with how top Democrats treated the declining commander-in-chief following his ruinous debate performance in late June.

It wasn’t Trump who forced Biden to the sidelines, and it wasn‘t Dem voters—14 million of whom voted for Ole Joe in the primary only to see their ballots ignored—it was the Democrat hierarchy itself that tossed him into the ash heap. We already knew that, but Dunn confirms Pelosi, Schumer, Barack, Jeffries et al. were the leaders behind the coup, vicious sharks in the water. 

While she’s right about that assessment, where she’s wrong is in her take about the debate; she contends Biden didn’t do all that badly despite the fact that he was almost comatose:

"What did change [after the debate], it was 24 days of unremitting negative, horrible attacks on Joe Biden," she said.

When asked to clarify who those attacks came from, Dunn pulled no punches: "From his own party and from the press."

She also said that after that debate there was a press atmosphere that was "just unremittingly negative" and was made worse by leaders of the party speaking out.

Who was one of the chief architects in stabbing Joe in the back? You guessed it, Marvel comic villain Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who for some reason seems to hold more power in this corrupt Democrat party than the actual POTUS himself:


"Clearly there were leaders of the party who decided to go ahead and go very public. And that gave permission to other people to go public," she said.

Dunn was asked if an example of that was when former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., went on TV twice in the days after the debate.

"Absolutely," she said.

The Wicked Witch From the West: Saturday Night COVID Fever: Inside Biden's Decision to Abandon His Reelection Effort

WATCH: Pelosi's Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden

Dunn wasn’t done (sorry, I had to do that), slamming the Democrat powers-that-be, specifically calling out others in the top leadership for their past failures (bolding mine):

Dunn later side-stepped a question about whether Biden is still angry at Pelosi, as well as former President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. — while also taking another swipe at some in leadership.

"The task in front of us is to win this election and to not let Donald Trump become president again and to win the House of Representatives, which had certain leaders in 2022 done a slightly better job, maybe we would control today, but we don’t," she said.

Tensions have been simmering internally within the Biden camp. NBC News reported that those tensions boiled over in light of the debate, with Biden family members discussing whether Dunn should be fired — reportedly angered by her suggestion first son Hunter Biden keep a low profile.


Here’s my question—how can Dunn now be an effective surrogate for the Harris/Walz campaign after she just blasted these apparently all-powerful Dem leaders? Kamala’s going to need their support, just as Biden did, and if one of her strategists is deeply at odds with the Pelosi/Schumer/Jeffries/Obama cabal, that seems highly problematic. Then again, everything about this nascent campaign seems problematic. I’d feel sorry for them if… if… No, I can’t think of a reason.

They all deserve each other.


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