
Joe Biden Says He's Going Away, but He Leaves Us an Immense Legacy of Damages

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden has opened the door to his departure from the White House. As usual, he needed help with it.

Actually, his own party's leadership opened the door for the ignominious exit of the man they had been extolling as a tireless White House leader until they turned on him after his disastrous debate when he stopped being their ticket to four more years in power.

Now, we'll endure too much empty but effusive praise, which was likely part of the bargain they made to get him the hell out of the way. We don't know the rest of the deal. But given the track record of the Biden Family Syndicate, it likely involved a large amount of money.

It will take Biden and his unidentified band of puppeteers six months to make it through the open door. Unless there's yet another unexpected disruption that would turn an incompetent incumbent vice president into an incompetent incumbent president.

Never underestimate Joe's ability to screw things up, Barack Obama is said to have said years ago, though he didn't use the word "screw."

By the time miserable mid-winter weather inhabits his Delaware beach, Biden could be walking his vicious dog alone, oblivious to the incomprehensible damage he so willfully inflicted on the nation he swore to defend before becoming likely the worst president of all 46. 

I was not alive to witness the fractious ineptitude of No. 15, James Buchanan. But no one else here was either. So, my claim can stand undisputed.

One of the starkest bipartisan qualities of our nation's capital is the absence of consequences for people like Joe Biden and Obama, the man who inflicted him on the presidential history of our body politic.

Biden will drift off into irrelevance, where he belongs — or wherever his family tells him he is at the moment.

And leave behind the compounding problems he so conscientiously created. That is the topic of this week's audio commentary.

There was no new Sunday column this week as I traveled to visit family. The most recent one recounted my experiences with political assassination attempts over the years.

The most recent audio commentary detailed the hypocrisy of Joe Biden and his Democrat Party. They were calling for toned-down campaign rhetoric — by others. While ignoring the increased temperature of their own voices and vocabulary:

Man Who Says Trump Is 'Literally a Threat' to the Nation's Freedom Urges Others to Tone It Down

Believe it or not, there is other news occurring that does not involve the man who looks dead, the man who was almost dead, and the woman who speaks like an elementary school librarian:

Hunter Biden's legal team suffered another setback in his bid to avoid another felony conviction.

Chinese and Russian military aircraft were intercepted off the Alaskan coast as they tested and recorded our radar signatures and response times.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress again, displaying once more his masterful understanding of the American public and that body.

Finally, this week's most embarrassing moment. It involves New York's one and only Chuck Schumer. 

Reader Advisory: If you are a diabetic, have just eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or fall into a coma when viewing truly cringe-worthy moments, you might want to pass on this item from my colleague, Nick Arama.

It involves New York Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer trying to appear enthusiastic while endorsing Kamala Harris as his party's presidential standard bearer in this fall's November election. This is even worse than Jeb Bush's plea for applause. Can it really be nine years ago?

Okay, here it is.


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