
Joe Biden Gives Farewell/Acceptance Speech at DNC, but Did He Actually Sabotage Kamala Harris?

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

We knew this week's Democrat National Convention would be filled with interesting oddities and tidbits to chew over. And night one certainly didn't disappoint. The Old Guard was in attendance, as Hillary Clinton put down her bottle of Chardonnay and made her way to Chicago. And an ailing, wheelchair-bound Rev. Jesse Jackson was brought out on stage. The future of the party was also represented by Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But the night's headliner was President Joe Biden's "farewell" speech. While the entire auditorium professed undying love and admiration for Joe, was Joe really there just to bid farewell or for a bit of payback?  

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The facts are thus. Joe Biden has literally given his entire adult life to the Democrat Party. But months ago, when it became apparent to most everyone in his inner circle that he just wasn't right and perhaps was not up to another White House run, no one--not his family or Vice President Kamala Harris--said a word. They let him continue until poll numbers showed that he would lose badly to Donald Trump in November. The Democrat Party politburo is rumored to be in on the palace coup to oust Joe, most likely consisting of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. But could one name be missing from that list? Could Kamala Harris also have been a part of it? 

While publicly, Joe is in full support of Harris' candidacy, there have been reports that he was “feeling angry and betrayed” by supposed long-time allies. But a guy like Joe, who has been in the game this long, knows that everything is fair game when it comes to winning elections, even 40-year friendships. Pelosi admitted the coup to CNN's Jake Tapper on Monday night, saying, "I did what I had to do." Joe Biden's former Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, recently stated that Biden's withdrawal from the race was "unfortunate" and also mentioned the roughly 14 million people who voted for Biden in the Democrat primary who were summarily disenfranchised by Pelosi and company for "democracy" or something:

Joe Biden once told the mayor of Fort Myers Beach, Florida, "Nobody f**ks with a Biden." Could Kamala Harris be finding that out the hard way? As Harris tries to distance herself from many Biden/Harris-era policies, Joe Biden, in his speech, which sounded remarkably like an acceptance speech, reeled her back in and tied her to those policies, many of which are very unpopular, at virtually every turn. 

He made sure to mention that Harris was the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation that actually made inflation worse. Joe Biden tied Kamala Harris to COVID policy, assault weapons ban policy, and, best of all, border policy. Joe has also gotten a little help, whether intended or not, from his friends. Former advisor Susan Rice recently stated that:

"I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration...But this notion that she somehow doesn’t deserve credit for and isn’t part of and wasn’t an integral architect of the Biden-Harris administration agenda is not only false, it’s frankly somewhat bizarre and offensive."

But Joe Biden may have said it best himself recently, when asked by Fox News' Peter Doocy if it "bothered" him that Harris was now trying to create some daylight between herself and him. Biden's answer, "She's not going to." Was that perhaps a sanitized version of Joe's admonition to the Fort Myers Beach mayor? 

At this point, what does Joe Biden have to lose? His lifelong party threw him under the bus, and his good friend Nancy Pelosi looked him in the eye when she shived him. Why should he care one bit about what happens to the Democrats in November? He can now shiv the Democrats back and ride off into the sunset with Jill, who did the minimum requirement of endorsing Harris and exiting the stage. But as Joe spoke and tied Kamala tighter and tighter to those policies, the look on her face may have been an indication that she knows full well she is getting the "nobody 'messes' with a Biden" treatment. Kamala Harris's parting lesson from Joe Biden may just be "everything is fair game":


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