
What Did Biden Expect?

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

Joe Biden was betrayed by the Democrat Party. No one is surprised by that... at least no one but Joe Biden. 

As RedState reported on Wednesday, a recent interview with Biden confirms that he felt betrayed and backstabbed by his fellow Democrats: 

President Joe Biden is frustrated that Barack Obama wouldn’t tell him to his face that he should leave the race. He’s angry with Nancy Pelosi and views her as ruthless for ushering him out the door. And he’s still miffed at the role Chuck Schumer played, too.

Biden has told his closest aides and associates that he is coming to terms with his decision to bow out of the presidential race last month, but still harbors some frustration toward the members of his own party he believes pushed him out, according to three people familiar with Biden’s thinking who are not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations.

As it was confessed, his fellow Democrats turned on him almost instantly, leaving Biden confused, alone, and in the dark. 

But that's exactly how this goes with the Democrat Party. Biden was always bound to be thrown under the bus, and I think it's pretty clear from the beginning that this was always the case. From the start, they always had the press call it the "Biden/Harris" administration, which was a pure signal that they didn't think this was always going to be a sure thing. 

From the very beginning, it was pretty clear that Biden's cognitive abilities were in decline. It was a massive subject both during the campaign and right after it. In fact, the media began circulating the idea that it was a taboo subject. 

They were willing to stick with him until it was clear they couldn't hide Biden's mental decline any further. The man was quite clearly not there and needed to be retired long ago. He should have been in a rocking chair in his Delaware home, but instead, everyone including the DNC and his family kept pushing him out, causing his decline to accelerate as they forced him to perform strenuous tasks for a man in his condition. 

But they wouldn't stop because they didn't actually care about Biden. He was just the most useful tool in the toolbox at that time.

READ: The Party of Elder Abuse

But this is the Democrat Party's way. 

For the Democrats, it needs to be understood that you aren't actually something they care about. The only thing they care about is power, and they'll use and abuse whoever they need to in order to get it. As I wrote back in 2022

Biden isn’t their only victim. Democrats loved to pretend they’re the party of women, yet they’ve stood back and allowed men who claim they’re women to shove them out of their rightful positions. Women must either accept that transgendered individuals are whoever they say they are and must be allowed to enter women’s spaces or be made into a pariah. Feminism, once one of the largest driving forces behind the Democrat Party, has now been told to sit down and be quiet.

Minorities that step out of line will suddenly find themselves outside of the umbrella of Democrat protection. Democrats love to virtue signal about their care for minorities who have it worse off such as those across the border looking to make their way here. They refuse to do much of anything about our porous southern border and become angry at those who even try to do anything about it.

But if those immigrants they care so much about are guaranteed to vote Republican once they get here, then those immigrants must stay in their country of origin. In fact, it was the Biden administration’s policy that Cubans, in particular, needed to be turned away at the border. They are not allowed in.

Biden was always bound to be betrayed, but this might be for the better. He needs to go home and live out the rest of his days like an old man should. That said, he's not their first victim and he won't be their last. Should Harris fail to win, you'll see them dump her faster than you can blink. In fact, given all the background chatter I've heard about her over the years, they can't wait to put her behind them. 

This is the ultimate fate of anyone who decides to give themselves to the Democrat Party. You might be the toast of the town one moment, but don't let that fool you. The moment you become a burden they'll ditch you, and if that burden becomes dangerous enough, they'll destroy you. 

There are no friends in the Democrat Party, just useful relationships. 


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