Results for: Sen. John Kennedy

Red State Weekly Political Synopsis
– Mike Capuano (D-MA-8) and John Tierney (D-MA-6) trail with 7 and 3%, respectively. … Texas: Though Sen. … John McHugh (R) as Army Secretary.…
Red State Weekly Political Synopsis
– Bruce Braley’s (R-IA-1) name is again popping up as a potential challenger to Sen. … Edward Kennedy (D). Republicans asked for a court injunction to bar the appointment. … President Obama could only muster 38% in 2008 against John McCain; President Bush garnered 64% in 2004 versus John Kerry (D).…
Morning Briefing for May 20, 2010
– otherwise win with a united conservative base behind her.As with all myths, this one is wholly false.Of the major polls taken on CA-Sen … A survey of those five polls reveals the following:1) The ideological breakdowns among the CA-Sen candidates broadly follow the overall … Grayson) , and the two candidates he tried to destroy (Pat Toomey & Rand Paul) cake-walked into big victories.Jesmer got NRSC’s John
This Week in Washington - June 21, 2010
– Politico reports that Senator John Kerry (D-MA) has been very aggressive in his push for Global Warming legislation this year.  … But Kerry, along with Lieberman and Sen. … Gary Miller – Financial Services) S. 2865– Congressional Award Program Reauthorization Act (Sen.…
This Won't Play Well In South Carolina
Sen. … earmarks, including one that the State Ports Authority says is needed to study the deepening of Charleston Harbor.”Santorum went on John … In the 104th Congress Sen.…
Senate GOP allows judicial confirmation of ex-Planned Parenthood director
– “Sen. … Ted Kennedy reminded us that ‘the mission of government is not to stand on the sidelines, but to be active in pursuing [the principles … “I voted against the confirmation of John McConnell to be a U.S. District judge.…
Why I Will Not Support Jon Huntsman. Ever. [UPDATED]
John Weaver, formerly of the McCain camp, began advising Huntsman in May of 2009. … Weaver, a former top strategist to the presidential campaigns of Sen. … John McCain, R-Ariz., helped organize the PAC.…
Hillary Clinton Embraces Obama's Immigration Policy and Contempt for Congress…embraces-obamas-immigration-policy-contempt-congress-n54880
– Two of your rivals from your left, Governor O’Malley, and [mc_name name=’Sen. … It reports that the most popular postwar presidents were Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George H. W.…
Dear Mainstream Media Delicate Snowflakes: The Debates Are Not About You
– The moderators, Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick and John Harwood were far more interested in arguing with candidates and asking questions … That is a question better suited for a press conference or if [mc_name name=’Sen. … Compare that, to the first two debate questions in 1960 between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon: To Kennedy: Senator, the Vice President…
The Goldwater Talking Point
– statements that if Rick Perry is the nominee, they’ll go with Goldwater 1964 and if Mitt Romney is the nominee, they’ll go with John … He referred to the 1964 presidential election when the Republican candidate — Sen. … John Kerry portrayed himself as strong on defense, but his record suggested otherwise.…
Media Company Rejects RNC Press Release Because They Are Democrats
– for the two major-party candidates, 98.2 percent (that is, 55 out of 56) said that they were voting for Barack Obama rather than John … A 2004 survey by PoliticalMoneyLine (now CQ MoneyLine) found that the ratio of journalists who donated to John Kerry’s presidential … Sen.…
Rand Paul is no Ronald Reagan
– As Dan Henninger writes in the Wall Street Journal: As to the Gipper’s principles, Sen. … Navy F-14 aircraft based on the USS John F. … Kennedy shot down two Libyan jet fighters over the Mediterranean Sea about 70 miles north of Libya.…
He Didn't Lie, It's Just That The Words He Used In The Order He Used Them Didn't Tell A Truth Per Se…d-in-the-order-he-used-them-didnt-tell-a-truth-per-se-n47190
– It is those biases that made stories like John Edwards’ affair and Anthony Weiner’s sexting go unreported or under-reported for so … (see also Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, [mc_name name=’Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ], Joe Biden.)…
More Bad News For The Press: Barr Announces 'Multiple' Criminal Leak Investigations Related To Russia Probe…le-criminal-leak-investigations-related-russia-probe-n106137
– Attorney General William Barr, when questioned by Sen. … Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) later remarked at the end of his questioning (Barr didn’t have the opportunity to respond), “When you’re investigating…
Labor Day 2021: My How Things Have Changed
– The fact is, as correctly observed by Sen. … John Fitzgerald Kennedy challenged every American — on both sides of the aisle, from all walks of life — to contribute in some way…
Cruz, Cotton, and Kennedy Expose Biden Ninth Circuit Nominee for the Radical She Is…e-biden-ninth-circuit-nominee-for-the-radical-she-is-n443230
John Kennedy (R-LA) that she didn’t know how the letter was going to be used and that it was “several years ago.” … When she was questioned by Sen. … Sen.…
Government Loves to Weaponize the IRS; It Needs to Be Abolished
– Obama took no action, and his handpicked IRS commissioner, John Koskinen, simply stonewalled congressional investigations. … Researchers from Stockholm University, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and the American Enterprise Institute concluded that … Boozman is co-sponsoring legislation with Sen.…
Have You Noticed Modern Presidential Assassins Have One Thing in Common?…dern-presidential-assassins-have-one-thing-in-common-n448945
– Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of murdering Sen. … Robert Kennedy in the basement of Los Angeles’ Ambassador Hotel in June 1968 as Kennedy campaigned for Democrats’ presidential nomination … — John Kennedy in 1963, the first Catholic president.…
Reagan Foundation Now Opposes Release of Would-be Assassin John Hinckley…w-opposes-release-of-would-be-assassin-john-hinckley-n453413
– The California Parole Board has also recommended release of Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian who killed Sen. … Robert Kennedy in 1968 as he campaigned for the Democratic nomination to face Richard Nixon that year. … However, six other Kennedy children strongly objected.…
Tom Cotton Kneecaps Hypocritical 'Woke Progressives' at the NY Times Who Were Triggered by His Op-Ed…ives-at-the-ny-times-who-were-triggered-by-his-op-ed-n139181
– so-called “journalists” at the New York Times became very triggered after the paper’s editorial section decided to publish an op-ed from SenKennedy and Lyndon Johnson called out the military to disperse mobs that prevented school desegregation or threatened innocent lives … Sen. Cotton, a U.S.…
John Roberts' Codependent Relationship With Stare Decisis
– In this image from video, President Pro Tempore of the Senate Sen. … (Senate Television via AP) No one should be surprised by Chief Justice John Roberts’ decision today to join in the judgment of the … The late-Sen.…
John Kennedy Expertly Mocks Kamala Harris With a Hilarious Question During the ACB Hearing
Sen. … John Kennedy, R-La., speaks during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett before the Senate Judiciary Committee … Sen. John Kennedy: "Do you hate little warm puppies?"…
Sen. Kennedy Zings Chuck Schumer With Best Advice After Fits Were Pitched Over ACB Vote (Video)…t-advice-after-fits-were-pitched-over-acb-vote-video-n267465
– But before that happened, Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) got in a sweet little dig at Schumer’s expense during an appearance on “Fox and Friends” this morning, scolding … GOP LA Sen Kennedy on Fox on Schumer/Barrett nomination: Right now Chuck is kind of like a teenager he’s mad at everybody.…
Mazie Hirono Pitches Mini-Fit on Senate Floor Upon Realizing RBG Mask Couldn't Stop ACB's Confirmation…on-realizing-rbg-mask-couldnt-stop-acbs-confirmation-n270550
– Methinks Hirono, like her colleague Schumer, needs to fill out one of those “hurt feelings” forms Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) only half-jokingly talked about last week on “Fox and Friends.” … She should also, as Kennedy advised Schumer, find it within herself to grow up and “move on.”…
The Irony Meter Explodes During Chuck Schumer's Rant About Amy Coney Barrett's SCOTUS Confirmation…rs-rant-about-amy-coney-barretts-scotus-confirmation-n270418
– Outside of perhaps Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Sen. … I think Schumer needs to give serious consideration to taking the advice his Republican Senate colleague John Kennedy (LA) had for … “On the one hand, I mean, Senator Schumer is doing his job,” Kennedy stated on “Fox and Friends” Thursday.…
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