Results for: Bernie Sanders

Peddling The False Trump/Russian Collusion Story Has Become Adam Schiff's Calling Card and He Just Can't Quit It…tory-become-adam-schiffs-calling-card-just-cant-quit-n101682
– published shortly before the convention revealed that DNC leadership, which should have remained neutral, had actively undermined BernieSanders’ campaign.…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Explains Why Farting Cows Must Go.
– ./ Bernie Claus ticket for POTUS? I can and it would be A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! … The Green New Deal is just rehashed crap from 100 years of things that people like Bernie Sanders have been talking about for 100 years … Trust Bernie, he has been there for most of those decades.…
Democrats Top Their Support of Socialism and Infanticide By Embracing Reparations
– impacted by slavery — a policy that experts say could cost several trillion dollars, and one that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, BernieSanders and many top Democrats have not supported.…
Bernie Sanders, Who Owns Three Homes, Recalled Wanting 'To Puke' As He Listened To JFK 'Speak Out Against Communism'…s-recalled-wanting-puke-listened-jfk-speak-communism-n101663
– Last month, Sanders proposed an expansion of the estate tax. … Join me: — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 20, 2019 Considering … It sure looks like Bernie is talking the talk, but not walking the walk.…
Dems Tell Bernie to Kiss His 2020 Bid Goodbye After He Sympathizes With Venezuelan Dictator…iss-2020-bid-goodbye-sympathizes-venezuelan-dictator-n101664
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is refusing to label Venezuela’s ousted President Nicholas Maduro as a dictator. … Sanders was also asked if Maduro should step down, to which Sanders agreed that he’d been abusive, but that they need to hold an election … “I think clearly he has been very, very abusive,” Sanders replied.…
Capitalism: The Known Ideal
– As Bernie Sanders professed in his campaign slogan, this is “A Future to Believe In.”…
Democrats Already Claiming Their Candidates Are Targets For Foreign Election Interference…ing-candidates-targets-foreign-election-interference-n101647
– Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and former Rep. … Since the beginning of the year, those accounts began specifically directing their output at Harris, O’Rourke, Sanders and Warren,…
Two Years Later: The CBO was Indeed Horrifically Wrong on its Obamacare Repeal Estimates
Bernie Sanders made such claims and then, laugably, received a “Mostly True” rating for the astute, non-biased fact checkers at Politifact … “What the Republican proposal (in the House) does is throw 23 million Americans off of health insurance,” Sanders told host Chuck Todd…
Bernie Sanders Pulls In 5.9 Million on His First Day As a Candidate.
– Just a lil over 24 hours ago, the lovable Muppet look-alike from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, announced his candidacy on NPR in his home … Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign estimates he raised $5.9 million from 225,000 individuals donors in the first day following his … Bernie and his Bernie bro’s and bro-ettes have been stewing since the nomination was ripped from them by Team Hillary in 2016.…
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Throws Cold Water on SJW's Hot Take About Racial Disparity…son-throws-cold-water-sjws-hot-take-racial-disparity-n101520
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has announced his candidacy for a run at the White House in 2020 — just like every other Democratic candidate … “How disappointing is it to see [Bernie Sanders] become an identity politics drone?” Carlson asked Patel on Tuesday. … “Let’s bring back the old Bernie Sanders.”  …
The Washington Post Says Democrats Are Still "Center Left"...But Does It Matter?
– Take a recent poll in Iowa, for example, which showed around 40% of Bernie Sanders voters considered Joe Biden their 2nd choice. … Forty percent who list Sanders as their first choice state they would switch to Biden if Sanders failed to advance in the Iowa caucus … Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are as far apart as you can get in the Democratic primary field.…
Julian Castro Sure Sounds like He’s Calling Bernie Sanders a Racist Over Reparations…s-like-hes-calling-bernie-sanders-racist-reparations-n102532
– In a surprising twist, Bernie Sanders has decided to not toe the line on monetary reparations for the descendants of slavery. … Is it just me or does that sounds a lot like he’s calling Sanders a racist? … I fully expect Kamala Harris to go hard at Sanders on this topic.…
A Little Trouble In Paradise for Speaker Pelosi As House Dems Revolt Over Anti-Semitism Resolution…er-pelosi-house-dems-revolt-anti-semitism-resolution-n102308
Bernie Sanders said: Anti-Semitism is a hateful and dangerous ideology which must be vigorously opposed in the United States and … around the world,” Sanders wrote.…
Conform or Be Cast Out: Bernie Sanders Signs the Democrat Loyalty Pledge
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)…at least partially. … NEW: Bernie Sanders signs DNC loyalty pledge saying "I am a member of the Democratic Party" and that he will run for president as a … Sanders’ chances in what’s shaping up to be a very crowded Democratic primary remain to be seen.…
Despite Its Wokeness, Dems Make White Male Joe Biden Their Top 2020 Pick
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) still lead the pack with Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) coming in third: Biden, who has yet to announce whether … Coming in a close second is Sanders, with 27 percent support among Democratic primary voters. … It also suggests that Sanders, who announced his second bid for the White House last month, has early momentum among the very voters…
Bad News, Biden: CNN Focus Group Rejects the Democrats' Last Best Hope Against Trump…n-focus-group-rejects-democrats-last-best-hope-trump-n102211
– CNN has been giving town hall platforms to Democrats who announced their intent to run, including Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Amy Klobuchar…
Let's All Cheer on Democratic Party Craziness
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley walk on the stage at the end of a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and … The 2016 battle between Clinton and Sanders, on the other hand, has left open wounds that have not healed.  … In 2016, the battle lines were neatly drawn between the socialists (Sanders) and the neoliberals (Clinton).…
Bernie Sanders Rejects the Idea of Reparations and SJW's Respond
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is definitely a social justice driven politicians, but apparently, even he has his limits, and handing out cash … Sanders asked. … Sanders asked.…
Democrats and Bloody Sunday
– The cast was a Who’s Who Of Democrat leaders; Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Sherwood Brown among…
Government Is Decades Behind on Even Rudimentary Technology
– Back when there were gasoline lines (despite Bernie Sanders’ ridiculous efforts – lining up for life essentials is NOT a good thing…
Bill to Protect Supreme Court Justices' Families Passes, With 27 Dems Voting 'No'…ourt-justices-families-passes-with-27-dems-voting-no-n578782
– ideology-based violent event that the media gives little attention to: the shooting up of a Republican congressional baseball game by a BernieSanders supporter.…
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