Results for: Bernie Sanders

HILARIOUS: Camera Settles on Bernie’s StinkFace As Trump Socks Socialism at State Of The Union
Bernie Sanders seemed to confirm my suspicion during a speech before the National Committee for Independent Political Action in 1989 … Bernie Sanders has a massive frown on his face — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 6, 2019 And…
#BelieveAllWomen: Dem Senators Feign Ignorance On #MeToo Allegations Against Fairfax…m-senators-feign-ignorance-metoo-allegations-fairfax-n100731
– Potential 2020 presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was perhaps the most cagey of all, refusing to say whether or not…
WATCH: Bernie Sanders Tries to Fake a Call to Avoid Fairfax Questions With Hilarious Results…fake-call-avoid-fairfax-questions-hilarious-results-n100734
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) decided he was going to give it his best shot as he descended an escalator. … Sanders said into the phone. … Sanders yelled, taking the phone away from his ear.…
Another Poll Shows Dems in Big Trouble When Schultz Is Added to the 2020 Lineup
– All the others fell short: Bernie Sanders (50-51), Elizabeth Warren (48-52), Kamala Harris (47-53), Beto O’Rourke (47-53), Kirsten…
“Living Wage” Is a Term for Children
– Rep Ocasio-Cortez Sen Bernie Sanders With the swearing-in of the latest freshmen batch of Congresscritters, the topic of “living wage … This newest group of elected representatives is led by Bernie Sanders at the elder end and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the kiddie end … Sanders has never held a real job, and Ocasio-Cortez’s experience doesn’t show any evidence of economic understanding.…
SOTU Guest List Includes Boy Bullied Because His Last Name Is Trump
– Failed candidate for president Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will respond to the address after Abrams’s concludes.…
VIDEO. Beto-Mania Is Raging Among California Democrats
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sen.…
The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse: Ayanna Pressley- The AOC Mini-Me
– As recently as 2016, while campaigning for Clinton, she highly criticized Bernie Sanders proposals for universal healthcare and tuition…
Bad Ideas Never Die - Government Makes Them Policy Over and Over Again
– Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), California Democrat Senator Kamala Harris and Vermont Socialist Senator BernieSanders – and their titanic struggles with the basic math of Medicare.…
The Democrats and the Politics of Division
– Dividing the successful from the less so, employers from employees, they are all about the politics of division: Bernie SandersBernie Sanders (I-VT) will unveil a plan Thursday to dramatically expand the federal estate tax on the wealthy, including a new 77 … Why do the credentialed media continue to list Senator Sanders as an ‘independent’?…
Top 10 Responses to the Liberal Freakout Over John Wayne's 1971 "Playboy" Interview…s-liberal-freakout-1971-john-wayne-playboy-interview-n101482
– — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 19, 2019 If people are mad at John Wayne in 1971 Playboy, wait'll they read Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Takes the Plunge, Announces Run for President
– I CAN SEE THE WHITE HOUSE FROM HERE   Bernie Bro’s UNITE!! … Bernie Sanders made it official on NPR/Pravda radio in Vermont this morning that the maple syrup would not be the only thing running … Bernie Sanders announced Tuesday that he is running for president again in 2020.…
A War Is Coming Between the Old and New School Democrats
– In the face of radicals such as Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, or O’Rourke, many Democrats choose a man who can play to both Democrat…
Here's Why Bernie Sanders' Spox Can't Even Vote for Him Come 2020
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the 2020 presidential elections, his own spokeswoman won’t be doing so. … She’s not a legal American citizen, or so she claims: Bernie Sanders’ newest deputy national press secretary won’t be able to cast … According to them, Sanders has already lost Florida.…
Kamala Harris Endorses Abortion Up 'til Birth: It's Between a Woman and Her Priest
– Democrat sponsors, including Harris and presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, Kristen Gillibrand and BernieSanders.…
Joy Behar: You Rubes Don't Understand the Nuances in Socialism and Infanticide
– I know exactly what those things mean, and I understand what Bernie Sanders is presenting in front of me and I don’t agree with it.…
Dem Establishment Trying to Screw Over Bernie AGAIN, This Time With CNN's Help
– At the recent town hall for Bernie Sanders, one man from Paste Magazine noted that many of the people asking the questions were billed … This angered a few people to be sure, who began accusing CNN of stacking the audience with establishment Democrats against Sanders … The Democrat establishment is already guilty of working behind the scenes to bring Sanders down during the 2016 elections as is.…
The 2020 Democratic Party Sweepstakes Odds
– #4 Bernie Sanders at 10:1 (formerly #1) Poor old Bernie keeps rising to the top then falling back.  …
NOPE: Jennifer Rubin Says Democrats Are "Moving Closer to the Center"
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) failed to flip a single House seat from red to blue. … Bernie Sanders (I/D). Rubin also leaves out of her piece the fact that Sen. … Sanders, at this stage of the Democratic presidential rat race, is polling second only to former VP Joe Biden.…
Democrats Release Medicare For All Bill And Gue$$ What's Missing
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is joined by Democratic Senators and supporters as he arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington…
WAR: Bernie Sanders Former Staffer Strikes Back At Hillary Camp.
– Last night I wrote this about Hillary 2016 people sniping at current nominee for the Democratic nomination in 2020, Bernie Sanders. … You can read that post by clicking this Feel The BERN: Hillary Clinton’s Ex Staff Slams Bernie Sanders. … Hopefully, if Bernie does win the Dems nod, let’s hope he doesn’t go full Clinton and not visit Wisconsin.…
Feel The BERN: Hillary Clinton's Ex Staff Slams Bernie Sanders
– According to Politico In his campaign launch video last week, Bernie Sanders singled out the fossil fuel industry for criticism, … If Bernie gave a hoot in hell about carbon blah blah blah he would be taking a horse and buggy to events. … Second thing is that former Clinton staffers are so ticked off at Bernie thinking he cost them the election in 2016.…
Democrats Will Manufacture Crises for 2020
– . ========= ========= The Democrat ticket has shown that it is swinging hard to the Left for 2020 with Bernie Sanders (I-VT) leading…
Peddling The False Trump/Russian Collusion Story Has Become Adam Schiff's Calling Card and He Just Can't Quit It…tory-become-adam-schiffs-calling-card-just-cant-quit-n101682
– published shortly before the convention revealed that DNC leadership, which should have remained neutral, had actively undermined BernieSanders’ campaign.…
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