Results for: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Thinks He's Praising Communism During Interview, but Is Actually Applauding Capitalism…g-communism-interview-actually-applauding-capitalism-n114061
Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original China is rife with problems. … Bernie Sanders of Vermont, acknowledges that China has its problems, but seems to believe that the communist country has done more … Bernie Sanders tries to praise communist China, ends up accidentally praising free-market principles: “They have made more progress…
Let the Memes Begin: Video Shows Bernie Sanders Punching a Speed Bag - and It Hits Back…eo-shows-bernie-sanders-punching-speed-bag-hits-back-n114023
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the Ali Center in Louisville, KY – 8/25/19. Screen grab via Reddit user cmplxgal. Sen. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a rally in Louisville, KY on Sunday at the Muhammad Ali Center where his main focus was to attack Sen. … This video of Bernie Sanders trying to punch a punching bag is just such a video …” — Rebecca Randolph (@…
Joe Biden's Approval Numbers are In Free-Fall, and a New Leader May Soon Rise
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the primary field’s top progressive candidates, are each at 20 percent, putting … Biden’s main threat seems to be Sanders. … While Sanders may have more recognition, Warren seems to have the most momentum.…
CA Restaurant Owner: Bernie Sanders Was So Rude To His Staff, He's Lost His Vote
Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original Sen. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made a terrible impression on California restaurant owner John Kinston last week. … Take that Bernie. Manners matter.…
Liz Warren Does Her Best Mr. T: She Pities the Trump Who Thinks He Can Get 'Handsy' with Her. She'll Wreck Him in a Debate…can-gets-handsy-with-her-shell-wreck-him-in-a-debate-n113959
– over her claims of Native American heritage would ruin her campaign, she has remained solid in the polls, competing with Senator BernieSanders for the progressive lane of the party.…
This Is A Big F**king Deal: Biden Tumbles Into Third Place In New Poll
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have increased their support to 20% each. … In June, Warren’s support stood at 15% and Sanders’, at 14%. This can only be described as a major shift in the race. … Biden received 22% of support, Sanders at 19% and Warren at 18%.…
Bernie Sanders and the Left Give Lip Service to Helping Service Workers but Work to Make Them Unemployed…service-helping-service-workers-work-make-unemployed-n113957
– Specifically, Bernie Sanders. … All of them have workers on the payroll that would be specifically who Bernie Sanders would trot out as an example of those in need … These are the very people who are claimed to be in need of a “living wage”, and who nobody cares about more than Sanders himself.…
Amy McGrath Henderson Is Lying To Us . . . Again
– Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) recently released his cockamamie “green new deal” plan, including this gem: Reaching 100 percent renewable … In just eleven years, Mr Sanders wants to completely eliminate the use of coal in electricity generation, and that means an end to…
He's Hip! He's Hip! Joe Biden Sizzles with Teenaged Heat as He Announces His Openness to 'Radical Decarbonization'…aged-heat-announces-openness-radical-decarbonization-n113838
– There is no daylight between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 23, 2019 … According to The Daily Caller, an advisor to Joe’s been trying to get him to lay low in the area of radical climate clamoring: Symone Sanders
The Left Don't Actually Believe What They Are Selling About Climate Change
– Miller (@redsteeze) August 23, 2019 Bernie Sanders also revealed his true colors this week. … “Yeah,” agreed Sanders. “So what ways would you take to practice what you preach if you were to become president?” … “No, I’m not gonna walk to California,” Sanders joked to laughter from the audience.…
Democrats Eat Their Own...Again
– Is this Bernie Sanders Part Deux? … The question is, will Bernie Sanders be a man and step up?…
Biden vs. Warren vs. Bernie
– Those three are former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Senator Bernie Sanders. … However, those who don’t like Sanders do like Warren. … Warren does not have the charisma of Sanders.…
Bernie Sanders' Dangerous 15-Point Plan To Force Workers Into Unions In A Nutshell…angerous-15-point-plan-force-workers-unions-nutshell-n113621
– Despite his own labor problems, Bernie Sanders has a 15-point plan to force workers into unions while killing jobs. … Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original On Wednesday, despite its own ongoing labor problems, Bernie … [Read more about Bernie Sanders plan here, as well as Democrats so-called “PRO Act” here.]…
The Press in Iowa Caught by Surprise they Were Participating in a Bernie Sanders Fundraiser…ey-were-participating-in-a-bernie-sanders-fundraiser-n113655
– During his stay in this foreign land Bernie Sanders made the attempt to stage a campaign event that would endear him to the locals. … Donate any amount to get yours now. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) August 19, 2019 It is that last … This was due to a fundraising email the Sanders team sent out regarding the game.…
Noted Biblical Scholar Bernie Sanders Explains What the Bible Is Really About
Bernie Sanders is here for you and he’s using his noted expertise in Christianity to correct some common misinterpretations about Scripture … “The Bible, if it is about anything, is about justice,” Sanders stated at one point during his 20 minutes on stage. … The message of the Bible isn’t that people deserve a living wage or whatever other socialist policy Bernie Sanders is stumping for.…
New Poll Shows Trump in 'Dead Heat' With Biden, Sanders; Some Voters 'Silently Agree' With Specific Trump Policies…anders-voters-silently-agree-specific-trump-policies-n113467
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) by a 45% to 44% margin, a statistical tie. 11% were not sure. … Sanders topped Trump with suburban women (45% to 36%), Hispanics (52% to 43%), African Americans (77% to 17%), Generation Z voters, … He is now in a statistical dead heat with Biden and Sanders and is seen as narrowly defeating Warren, Harris and Buttiegieg.…
Kamala Harris Says She's Not Okay With the Bernie Sanders' Healthcare Plan Co-Sponsored by Kamala Harris…e-sanders-healthcare-plan-co-sponsored-kamala-harris-n113399
Bernie Sanders despite the fact that she herself co-sponsored it. … Then, once again, she endorsed the idea of getting rid of private insurance, even going so far as to endorse Sanders’ Medicare-for-all … bill, but made it clear that she doesn’t want to walk back all private insurance despite it being in Sanders’ bill.…
‘America Is Awful’: The Left Wants More Government - Because It’s What’s Worst for US
Sanders – is at least slightly honest.  … Bernie – not a fan of America. Bernie Sanders: U.S. Founded on ‘Racist Principles’ Leftists aplenty loathe America. … Democrats Begin Their Defense of Obamacare Joe Biden: We Must Protect And Build On Obamacare Does Bernie Sanders Support Obamacare…
Pete Buttigieg Tells Bernie to Hold His Beer On Abortion
– This comes on the heels of Bernie Sanders saying he supports taxpayer funded foreign abortions to cull the population in order to fight…
Think Progress Shuts Down After Failing to Secure a New Investor
– Another indicator of the deepening problems was this spring when Bernie Sanders erupted in direct conflict with the CAP over the editorial … Making this all the more intriguing — Sanders’ campaign manager is a former editor-in-chief of Think Progress.…
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