Results for: the big guy

Defenders of the FBI's Thuggish Tactics Compare Michael Flynn to a Terrorist and a Drug Lord…compare-michael-flynn-to-a-terrorist-and-a-drug-lord-n135927
– but went into the interview with the express purpose of taking Flynn out. … And this guy who has predicted 15 or so of the last zero times Trump was about to be removed from office and indicted: This isn’t … What is unsurprising is that the very folks yelling “nothing to see here” are the very ones who lead the way in pushing the Russia…
Elon Musk Is Only Shouting "Free America" Because He Only Cares About Money?...Good…free-america-because-he-only-cares-about-money-good-n135885
– As I’ve written before, the people and the economy are one and the same: People thrive when the economy thrives because the economy … and the people are one and the same. … Musk is known as a guy who works his employees to the bone and can be a bit on the erratic side.…
Joe Biden Gives Trump a New Nickname, Shows the Left Still Can't Meme
– Joe Biden, ever the trailblazer, has decided to attempt to get in on the act. … The guy can’t remember what day it is half the time, much less form coherent, humorous thoughts. But does he not have advisors? … The ability to go viral and not appear helplessly awkward while doing so is a big deal in today’s politics.…
My Exclusive Interview With Self Described 'Trumpicrat" Rod Blagojevich
– Which is another question because Cohen, being the sleazy guy that he is and the weak guy that he is, still he has rights as a lawyer … Mueller was the head of the FBI.  He signed off on the arrest of a sitting governor. … This is very dangerous and it is among the reasons why if I ever get my voting rights back, I am going to vote against that guy.…
The Sound of Wireless Tapping
– (AP Photo/ Alexander Zemlianichenko) Our friends on the other side of The Big Ditch are sufficiently upset at the possibility that … Do you see the Russian agent yet? Neither do I. I see a guy that the CIA wants to recruit the minute he gets out of the Navy. … Neither did the fact that the CIA had early on warned the FBI to leave Page alone… he was their guy.…
Bill de Blasio Threatens Fences Around NYC Beaches and Warns Swimmers They'll be 'Taken Right Out of the Water'…s-closed-fences-taken-right-out-of-water-coronavirus-n137523
– He may speak softly, but he carries a big one. And Bill de Blasio has the authority to rake you right out of the river. … area — to open beaches for Memorial Day, the traditional start of the beach season. … It is not safe, it is not the right thing to do in the epicenter of this crisis.”…
Pot, Kettle: Jen Rubin Says Tara Reade's Alleged Credibility Issues Means Time to Move On, It Does Not Go Well…ity-issues-means-time-to-move-on-it-does-not-go-well-n137368
– least self-aware person on the face of the earth. … form or fashion, either on her Twitter feed or by way of the columns she writes for the Washington Post. … The guy is a dirtbag, and it’s mystery why his broader history isn’t relevant regarding Tara Reade.…
'You're the Virus': #Reopen Protestors Savage a New York Reporter as Faith in the Press Continues Its Death Rattle (VIDEO)
– Among the worst hurled: “You’re the virus.” But it wasn’t all bad — one guy gave him the Thumbs-up. … folks in the video appear as Trump supporters, and we all know the gang ain’t big on TV’s talking heads. … Gone are the black and white reports of yesteryear which delivered the facts of the matter.…
Graham Finally Drops the Hammer, Says Hearings Coming on Obama Admin Abuses, Trump Suggests Who Should Be Called…the-hearings-are-coming-on-russia-obama-admin-abuses-n137209
– on Thursday, that he would start “in depth” hearings at the beginning of June dealing with the Crossfire Hurricane, the actions against … My goal is to find out why and how the system got so off the rails.” … We have the former president suggesting the current president is destroying the rule of law by dismissing the General Flynn case,”…
Adam Goldman of NYT Writes Inane Article on Gen. Flynn Case -- 3rd Pulitzer a Given…es-another-highly-dubious-anti-flynn-article-for-nyt-n137099
– Are we still talking about the same guy who said he couldn’t remember making the notes? … The prosecutors already on the case, Mr. … How many times can this guy write the same thing without realizing the inanity of the point he thinks he’s making. …
Biden Gets Asked If He's 'Creepy' and 'Lame,' the Answer Pretty Much Proves the Point…epy-and-lame-the-answer-pretty-much-proves-the-point-n137111
– Biden just got pulled big time into the Obamagate scandal and the improper targeting of Gen. … That apparently is big problem, not just for folks on the right but also for a lot of younger folks on the left who are not as easily … From Townhall: Hamby, the host of “Good Luck America,” presented the former VP with a study recently conducted by the Harvard Kennedy…
Hypocritical Hipsters: Do As I Say, Not As I Do
– So what is the Coachella look? … ’s website announcing a list of products available for pre-order in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the release of the band’ … Now, while I’m a huge music buff, I’m not a big vinyl guy.…
A Washington Cop Has Been Put on Leave for Standing Up for Your Rights, and He Deserves Your Utmost Attention…liberty-constitutional-rights-fired-leave-terminated-n137024
– But I promise you, the American spirit of defiance is going to rise again, and it’s going to be a big problem for our country.” … “Ask yourself,” he insisted, “Am I doing the right thing?” Is this guy running for office? Would he like to? … I’m not sure what the timeline looks like. I walk un-intimidated into the fray. Thank you for all the support.”…
What the Heck: Biden Steps in It Again During Chat With Andrew Yang
– “What are the big ideas?” Biden asked. … guy. … Third, if you’re only “planning now” for reopening and searching around for thebig ideas,” you’re way behind.…
Sunday Humor; Sam The Salesman
– His wife Sweet Allie, is the big sister I never had. Sam, is a natural born salesman. … The next day, Sam shows up and meets the manager from the day before. … The manager shows Sam all around the store and then takes him over to the sporting and camping goods area.…
It Wasn't Racist When Bernie Sanders Said That Elijah Cummings's Constituents Were Living In Squalor and It Isn't Racist Now…ummingss-constituents-living-squalor-isnt-racist-now-n111789
– Cummings, just like the Palestinian authority, has no interests in the well being of his constituents because his only hold on them … He gets stomped in the head. … The outrage should be directed at the conditions American citizens have to endure and the immensely corrupt and deeply inbred political…
Secret FBI Informant In the Maria Butina Case Says He Was Part Of A "Soft Coup" Against President Trump…aria-butina-case-says-part-soft-coup-president-trump-n111739
– One of the saddest episodes to emerge from the anti-Russia hysteria the Democrats and NeverTrump weenies managed to generate after … the 2016 election is the case of Maria Butina. … Earlier this week the attorney for Joseph Mifsud intimated that his client, the guy who allegedly kicked off “Crossfire Hurricane”…
Math Are Hard: Joe Romm of Think Progress Can't Count
– After all, the U.S. is the richest country in the world and the biggest cumulative source of heat-trapping emissions over the past … I’m supposed to give credence to the supposedly scientific arguments made by a guy who can’t even count? … The way we eat, the way we get places, and the way we live are all going to change.…
CNN Hired a Vicious Anti-Semite, Media Watchdog Brian Stelter Oddly Uninterested…mite-media-watchdog-brian-stelter-oddly-uninterested-n111677
– After a man named Mohammed Elshamy was recently hired by the liberal network to do photo editing, Arthur Schwartz brought to the forefront … concerns raised about the sheriff's department … The answer is unequivocally yes, so while I can perhaps believe that CNN didn’t intentionally hire this guy, their hypocrisy is glaring…
Dear American Left, We Fought a Civil War to Make You Understand You Can't Own Minorities Anymore…ht-civil-war-make-understand-cant-minorities-anymore-n111671
– right than you do the left. … I might just be a white guy who supports and his supported by the white patriarchy, but why is it that members of the left believe … The disappearing may have taken on a different meaning decades ago, but the idea is pretty much the same.…
Mike Lindell of "My Pillow" Isn't Running Against Ilhan Omar, but He Is Going to Turn Minnesota Red
– Now he may become known as the guy who helped boot Rep. Ilhan Omar from her seat. … Omar, a prominent member within “The Squad” has been on the bad side of the public lately, but that’s going to happen when you refuse … But I’ve got such a big platform going on right now and I want to help the president help — help turn Minnesota completely red, and…
In Contrast to Bette Midler's Shrill, Clint Eastwood Reminds America to Grow the #%@! Up
– I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. … But everybody—the press and everybody’s going, ‘Oh, well, that’s racist, and they’re making a big hoodoo out of it. … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Yesterday, the Democrats Lost and Putin Won.
– How can we have faith enough in the system to put a man to death, when we have the purported class of the league, the FBI, putting … As I’ve noted elsewhere however, the Russians won big time, with help from their like thinking fellow travelers, the press and the … For a few hundred thousand bucks, this guy has managed on a shoestring to sap energy of the Trump Administration for almost 3 years…
Dear Bette Midler: Black People Don't Need You To Tell Us How To Think
– For all of our talk about tolerance, diversity and how racist those big, bad scary Republicans were, the worst discrimination and stereotyping … The Black American experience ranges from the ghetto to the mansions of Beverly Hills, the coasts to the midwest, the inner city to … I’m the good guy!”.…
The End Of A Dream...Not Even Chris Wallace Thought The Democrats Had A Good Day
– By the afternoon, committee members had gotten the memo. … He was supposed to be say, “I can’t get the guy, but you have to!” That’s what they were hoping! … I couldn’t get the guy. You have to do it.” That’s what they wanted him to say.…
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