Well you know it had to happen. You cant defy Big Gretch in her state and not expect to get fined.
Yesterday, I posted a story about a barber here in Michigan who had enough of waiting for the state to give him permission to earn a living and decided to open his shop. Standing up to Big Gretch: 77-Year-Old Michigan Barber Defies Governor Whitmer and Opens His Shop. True to form, Big Gretch could not allow that to go unpunished.
According to ABC 12…
Owosso police say they won’t issue any more tickets to barber Karl Manke, who remains open Thursday in violation of Michigan’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order.
Manke opened his barber shop in Owosso on Monday even though it has been designated a non-essential business under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s order. The Owosso Police Department issued a warning and two tickets this week.
Supporters have offered to pay part of the fines for the tickets, which could cost up to $500 apiece, and Owosso Public Safety Director Kevin Lenkart said police will not issue more.
Thanks there, Kevin. Glad you can find other things to do than fine a 77-year-old guy for making a living. You are truly a hero.
Numerous attempts to reach the Shiawassee County Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor Scott Koerner went unanswered (being they were trying to figure out how to get out of this mess.)
You do not get to say we are just following the law given that there is no “law” here to follow. These Executive Orders are merely suggestions. Oh, I know that the Guv and A.G. would disagree but laws are passed by legislatures and signed into law by Governors or Presidents. Can anyone tell me where the law states that a 77-year-old fella cutting hair that he has been licensed to do in this state since 1961 is breaking a law?
Thankfully, people in Karl’s community will step up and cover the fines for him doing what he was born to do. Make people in his chair look a lil’ bit better after lowering their ears.
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