Results for: Bernie Sanders
As Super Tuesday Results Roll In, Bernie Sanders Has Collapsed In the Latest National Polling…ie-sanders-has-collapsed-in-the-latest-national-poll-n130200…ie-sanders-has-collapsed-in-the-latest-national-poll-n130200
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks to supporters at a primary night election rally in Manchester, N.H., Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020. … Joe Biden has moved to 36% nationally 8 points ahead of Sanders in a new Morning Consult poll. … The only question is how close Sanders will be in the end.…
Never Trumper David Frum Clobbered for Saying Bernie Bros Are People Who 'May Forget to Pay Their Bills'…ie-bros-are-people-who-may-forget-to-pay-their-bills-n130189…ie-bros-are-people-who-may-forget-to-pay-their-bills-n130189
Bernie Sanders with Joe Biden supporters. … Bernie Sanders appeals to people who may forget to pay their cable bill entirely.” … Bernie Sanders appeals to the people who have to decide between groceries and medical bills.…
What is This? CNN Refers to Bernie Sanders as Thanos
I thought Thanos was Trump, but apparently it’s Bernie Sanders.”
How’s the likeness? … Therefore:
“I think Bernie is going to get the delegate edge.”…
Good News, Bernie Sanders Is Now Ronald Reagan
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC … Perspective: Bernie Sanders is the new Ronald Reagan. … Like Sanders, Reagan shrugged off his detractors. Like Sanders, he bore little allegiance to the party.…
Lou Dobbs et al on Doug Collins Challenging Republican Establishment-Backed US Senator Kelly Loeffler in Georgia…lishment-backed-us-senator-kelly-loeffler-in-georgia-n130130…lishment-backed-us-senator-kelly-loeffler-in-georgia-n130130
While we have all been watching the Democrat Establishment attack Bernie Sanders over the past couple of months, it should be noted…
James Comey Endorses Joe Biden, Biden's 'Rapid Response Director' Refuses Delivery
Bernie Sanders (I-VT). … There is a reason Trump fears @joebiden and roots for Bernie.…
Donna Brazile Tells GOP Chairwoman to 'Go to Hell' In Incredibly Bizarre Rant…chairwoman-to-go-to-hell-in-incredibly-bizarre-rant-n130146…chairwoman-to-go-to-hell-in-incredibly-bizarre-rant-n130146
Sanders at a brokered convention. … If the Democrats get to a brokered convention and Bernie isn’t up at least by a significant margin, they are not going to give him … Regardless, what the DNC and Democrats are doing to Bernie is not a Russian talking point.…
Joe Biden Jumped the Shark
Democrat-media complex excuse this recurring behavior and have now designated him as the man who will somehow save the Democrat Party from a Bernie … Sanders presidential nomination.…
On Super Tuesday Democrats Need Clarity but Most Likely They are Racing Towards Chaos…larity-but-most-likely-they-are-racing-towards-chaos-n130143…larity-but-most-likely-they-are-racing-towards-chaos-n130143
All of this has now arranged for a true squaring off on Super Tuesday between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, with all indicators being … No poll had Biden tracking over 38%, and leading Sanders by more than 20%. … He received nearly half of all votes, winning over Sanders by a 29% margin.…
It's Come to This: Joe Scarborough Lavishes Praise on Pete Buttigieg, Likens Him To... the Founding Fathers…se-on-pete-buttiegieg-likens-him-to-founding-fathers-n130140…se-on-pete-buttiegieg-likens-him-to-founding-fathers-n130140
He said Buttigieg emphasized how there must be a candidate who could “truly counter” Bernie Sanders so he would not have an “insurmountable…
A Different Way to Look at Socialism – and to Educate the Fools Who Support It…at-socialism-and-to-educate-the-fools-who-support-it-n130088…at-socialism-and-to-educate-the-fools-who-support-it-n130088
The fact that Bernie Sanders is currently leading the Democrat field in pursuit of the Party’s nomination for president is a clear … Do we REALLY want the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or that millennial fool Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez arbitrarily deciding…
Never Trumper Jen Rubin Floats a 'Team of Rivals' Cabinet for Joe Biden, and the Jokes Write Themselves…als-cabinet-for-joe-biden-the-jokes-write-themselves-n130119…als-cabinet-for-joe-biden-the-jokes-write-themselves-n130119
was not among her picks, something Bernie Bros. made sure to point out. … even suggested an end-run around that whole messy general election thing:
Biden should give himself the VP slot and nominate Bernie … Sanders as president.…
MSNBC Is All A-Dither About the Democrat Presidential Race (But That Doesn’t Mean They Know What They’re Talking About!)…that-doesnt-mean-they-know-what-theyre-talking-about-n130068…that-doesnt-mean-they-know-what-theyre-talking-about-n130068
“Stop Bernie!” is MSNBC’s rallying cry, by all accounts. … There appears to be a lot of lower-level Democrat Party angst in state organizations about Bernie Sanders, and who knows how that pressure … Nationally, in the latest Real Clear Politics averages, Bernie Sanders is still 10 points ahead of Biden, but where it really counts…
Biden Gets Endorsed by Beto, But It's The Job He Would Give Beto That Has People Talking…s-the-job-he-would-give-beto-that-has-people-talking-n130104…s-the-job-he-would-give-beto-that-has-people-talking-n130104
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from getting the nomination.…
Super Tuesday Predictions Sure to Go Wrong
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and former Vice President Joe Biden, participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at the Gaillard … Bernie Sanders is currently the front runner, but a late round of backroom dealing against him and terrible press (completely deserved … #New Super Tuesday @DataProgress Polls:
CA: Sanders +7TX: Biden +2NC: Biden +9VA: Biden +15MA: Warren +2MN: Sanders +5CO: Sanders…
A History of Russian Meddling Not Involving Trump
It will be interesting to see how this plays out in 2020 if Bernie Sanders is the nominee for the Democrats. … Here, it will be one alleged beneficiary of Russian meddling (Trump) versus another alleged beneficiary of Russian meddling (Sanders…
Biden Rally 'Had the Feel of a Bob Dole Rally...Without the War Hero'; Supporter Says 'He Needs to Get Some Rest'…ad-the-feel-of-a-bob-dole-rally-without-the-war-hero-n130095…ad-the-feel-of-a-bob-dole-rally-without-the-war-hero-n130095
There’s not the excitement or the drama of a Trump rally, for instance, or even a Bernie Sanders rally. … Especially when there is an exciting alternative like Bernie Sanders. … In a fair world, Bernie Sanders would probably run away with the nomination.…
CPAC - James O’Keefe and Project Veritas Manage to Get Journalists to Change Their Minds About Whistleblowers…urnalists-to-change-their-minds-about-whistleblowers-n130092…urnalists-to-change-their-minds-about-whistleblowers-n130092
He shot the video of Bernie Sanders supporters declaring when he wins people will be sent to gulags.…
Video: Chris Matthews Abruptly Retires From MSNBC Just Days After Feminist Groups Called for His Firing…ust-days-after-feminist-gropus-called-for-his-firing-n130067…ust-days-after-feminist-gropus-called-for-his-firing-n130067
Bernie Sanders over his relentlessly negative coverage of the Sanders campaign, even comparing Sanders’ win in Nevada to the Nazis…
One of the Biggest Rap Groups in History Breaks Up Over...Bernie?
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC … And remember that time Bernie Sanders broke up Public Enemy? … ,,,over Bernie Sanders??? You wanna destroy something we've built over 35 years OVER POLITICS???…
Buttigieg, Klobuchar Will Endorse Biden in Dallas Tonight; Here's What that Means for the Race
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … Bernie is expected to win in California tomorrow. The RCP average of polls shows him at 33% and Biden at 18.3%. … The previous day (Sunday), Bernie was at 33.7, Biden was at 15.3%, On Saturday, Bernie was over 35% and Biden was at 11% going into…
As the Democrat Establishment Makes Moves to Stop Bernie, the Backlash Begins…ments-makes-moves-to-stop-bernie-the-backlash-begins-n130037…ments-makes-moves-to-stop-bernie-the-backlash-begins-n130037
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … One thing that I’ve been speculating on for a while is that the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic party is not going to sit idly … If Bernie is the nominee, they are saddled with a socialist who won’t back down from praising communists and yells a lot.…
Democratic Congressman Provides a Very Ominous Warning to Party Members About a Bernie Sanders Nomination…g-to-party-members-about-a-bernie-sanders-nomination-n130025…g-to-party-members-about-a-bernie-sanders-nomination-n130025
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., with his wife Jane O’Meara Sanders, arrives to speak to supporters at a primary night election rally in Manchester … Sanders. … from Bernie (who hasn’t won it – yet).…
Kira Davis: Trump Could Flip California...Here's How
The rise of Bernie Sanders and the ensuing chaos in the Democrat party is indicative of this opinion.…
Biden Starts Quoting the Declaration of Independence But It Goes All Kinds of Wrong…ation-of-independence-but-it-goes-all-kinds-of-wrong-n130014…ation-of-independence-but-it-goes-all-kinds-of-wrong-n130014
Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
But it remains to be seen as to whether that will be enough. … This might mean more there for Sanders. … But Biden still may have an uphill battle, given Sanders’ lead in places like California.…