Results for: Gascon

After Four Colleagues Commit Suicide, an L.A. County Deputy Sheriff Writes a Heartbreaking Letter…is-bringing-deputies-to-their-knees-a-series-part-3-n2166212
– Sheriff Luna, his command staff, and DA Gascon push for leniency toward criminals. … Luna didn't attempt to argue with the mercenary DA Gascon for maximum punishment.…
Man Convicted of Brutal Sexual Attack on 10-Year-Old Will Only Serve a Minimal Sentence Thanks to Plea Deal With Progressive DA Gascon…eal-time-while-victims-continue-to-be-denied-justice-n525864
Gascon, flanked by more than a dozen district attorneys from other states, addressed the media, saying the so-called “tough-on-crime … to dramatically change a system that has served no one, not the victims of crime, not those who are accused and not the public,” Gascon … A spokesman for DA George Gascon tells me the administration wasn’t aware of the calls until I reached out last week.Gascon released…
Conservative Orgs. Notch a Major Win in Arizona for Election Integrity
– neighboring California where citizens tried to recall radical leftist dream team member, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon
Actress Patricia Arquette Pulls Her Endorsement of L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón…sement-of-l-a-county-district-attorney-george-gascon-n345753
– There are many Angelenos, including us line DAs, who can see that Gascon is more concerned with improving his political standing than…
Street Justice Comes Calling for One of George Gascón's Coddled Criminals…calling-for-one-of-george-gascons-coddled-criminals-n691668
– hit-and-run will spend just five months in a “diversionary program” thanks to soft on crime LA County District Attorney George Gascon … She continued, “I’m just beside myself with the comments that [Gascon] has come out with on Twitter citing that California law says…
Thursday Morning Minute
–  TOP O' THE MORNIN'Top Advisor to LA DA Gascon Arrested, Allegedly Stole LA Sheriff Deputy Personnel FilesSo, why is Bonta suddenly…
LA Officials Have Approved a Petition to Recall District Attorney George Gascon
– In California, the year 2021 is officially the Year of the Recall. The Los Angeles County Registrar has approved the petitions to Recall Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón. Now the clock starts ticking, and the real work begins! #RecallGeorgeGascon — recallgeorgegascon (@recallgascon) May 20, 2021...
Friday Cartoon: Hochul on NY's Crime and *No* Punishment
– The district attorney in Los Angeles County, George Gascon was sued by his deputies for refusing to prosecute criminals.…
EXCLUSIVE: LAC DA Candidate Nathan Hochman Talks Gascón's Lack of Experience vs. His Unique Experience…gascons-lack-of-experience-vs-his-unique-experience-n2168638
– Man Convicted of Brutal Sexual Attack on 10-Year-Old Will Only Serve a Minimal Sentence Thanks to Plea Deal With Progressive DA Gascon … In this discussion: do you feel more safe today than you did three years ago when George Gascon got into office?…
California Primary Recap (So Far)....Everything You Need To Know
– police”  Although this is not a current election issue, a new poll suggests extreme leftist Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon … @DAGasconRecall — STREET PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES (@streetpeopleLA) June 3, 2022 George Gascon put this … RECALL GEORGE GASCON #RECALLGASCON — STREET PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES (@streetpeopleLA) May 10, 2022 And…
Not Content With Gun Safety Bill, Democrats Push for an Assault Weapons Ban
– and there is little repercussion, as they don’t serve their full sentences due to soft-on-crime district attorneys like George Gascon
L.A. Prosecutor Jonathan Hatami Running Against George Gascon for District Attorney in 2024…against-george-gascon-for-district-attorney-in-2024-n723621
– If Hatami follows his conscience and the law and refuses to drop the strikes or enhancements, he’s subject to “discipline” by Gascon
Los Angeles DA Gascon Refuses to Press Felony Charges Against Dave Chappelle’s Attacker…ress-felony-charges-against-dave-chappelles-attacker-n560481
– Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón has decided not to file felony charges against Isaiah Lee, the man who assaulted comedian Dave Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl on May 3rd. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office‘s statement on the matter stated that instead of filing felony...
WATCH: Brilliant Ad by Citizens for Sanity - if This Doesn't Encourage People to Vote, Nothing Will…if-this-doesnt-encourage-people-to-vote-nothing-will-n622495
– — Citizens for Sanity (@citizens_sanity) September 3, 2022 Pro-crime District Attorneys like George Gascon
Robbers Steal up to $150 Million of Jewelry From Armored Truck
– seems to be on its way to the ballot, and in November, voters in Los Angeles County will have the opportunity to recall and replace Gascon
New San Francisco District Attorney Is Creating a Criminal Justice System 'Earthquake'…ney-is-creating-a-criminal-justice-system-earthquake-n599860
– of scenes that are repeated over and over again throughout parts of the city that have gone unabated, that have been caused by Gascon
Hell Hath No Fury: Progressive LA County DA Gascon Exacts Revenge Against Recall Supporters…y-da-gascon-exacts-revenge-against-recall-supporters-n632310
– As we’ve written extensively at RedState, progressive, George Soros-backed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón has wreaked havoc on the City of Angels with his soft-on-crime, victim-hating prosecutorial policies that have led to a dramatic increase in crime. Fed-up residents of all political persuasions joined a recall effort...
Alex Soros Is the Heir Apparent to George Soros' Empire - A Dangerous Individual We Need to Watch…pire-and-a-dangerous-individual-who-we-need-to-watch-n761756
– Funding district attorneys of the ilk of George Gascon in Los Angeles County, Kim Gardner in St. … Down the coast in Los Angeles, another recall effort is targeting DA George Gascon — who got nearly $3 million in campaign funds from…
Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen: The LA Times Appears to Be in a State of Imminent Collapse…times-appears-to-be-in-a-state-of-imminent-collapse-n2169102
– For example, as Van Laar covered earlier Tuesday, LA Times had the nerve to endorse LA's District Attorney George Gascon for his re-election … As she pointed out, Gascon has never once in his professional time as a prosecutor tried a felony case in court, is a far-left DA who…
California Father/Daughter Stabbed To Death By Deranged Homeless Man
– completely hobbled law enforcement in service of the “defund the police” movement, aided by activist district attorneys like George Gascon
The Woke Learn What Consequences Are
– Yet, there are signs things are breaking down, including the coming recall vote of Los Angeles’ George Gascon.…
California State Capitol Sees Surge in Homelessness, Surpasses San Francisco for First Time…homelessness-surpasses-san-francisco-for-first-time-n586194
– Instead of backing tough-on-crime District Attorneys, California leadership backed soft-on-crime DA’s like George Gascon and now-recalled…
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