Results for: elites

Opinion: I Am Cletus
– Williamson, by his choice of words, clearly belongs to the same class(less) and clueless type of coastal elites that stroke their own … Or, could it be that like many self designated elites, you were frustrated that you couldn’t get away with what you really wanted to…
Jason Whitlock Tells Tucker Carlson: Black Lives Matter and Antifa Are the 'Enforcement Arm of the Democratic Party'
– . […] Political elites are demonizing the people they’re supposed to represent. This is an attack on the American people.…
Kevin McCarthy Tries to Have It Both Ways on Liz Cheney's Treachery and Shows He Is Not up to the Job
– Just like Cheney’s actions are best explained by her seeking approval from the Democrat elites and her contempt for her colleagues…
The Phantom Inauguration
– The political elites are back, and they’re all over making sure you know who is in, and who is out.…
Tolerance: The One-Way Street
– The Left opposes charter schools and parents having the right to choose the best school for their children, while leftist elites enroll…
Is It All Unraveling After the TIME Magazine Secret Cabal Piece?
– I just want to say that it is the opposite of Democracy when a secret cabal of wealthy and politically connected elites conspire to…
Opinion: These United States, a Tale of Two Cities
– vast majority of us unwashed peasants believe that, more than any other time in our history, there are two Americas — one for the elites … Moving on to justice, let’s contrast how the legal system views us vs the elites. Remember the Durham Investigation?…
Yellen, Waters and Pelosi Are the Only Beneficiaries of an SEC/Stock Market Investigation of GameStop…ies-of-an-sec-stock-market-investigation-of-gamestop-n320273
– market battle with the Hedge Funds is turning the entire financial world upside down, but particularly the world of the financial elites—the…
From GamerGate to the Stock Market Revolt: How the Elite Fall Before the Unlikely…market-revolt-how-the-elite-fall-before-the-unlikely-n319909
– A stock may begin to go up and so these elites who have bet against the stock will have their media cronies announce that the stock … Elites in control of media outlets will attempt to rewrite history to make it seem as if a bunch of very bad people did a lot of damage … to innocent Americans, but these Americans will know the truth, and the truth is a very clear message that the elites would do well…
Newsweek Goes Scorched Earth on Wall Street Bets, Tying Them to Far-Right Extremism…n-wall-street-bets-tying-them-to-far-right-extremism-n319883
– Why is Newsweek using a broad brush to attach negative groups to what is an explosive exposure of the Elites vs. the common man?…
Opinion: The Enemy Is Us
– They are the hardcore Leftists and the self-described, Elites. … There really are two Americas, three if you count the Elites and the Leftists as two groups. Make no mistake about it. … The Elites and the Leftists do indeed pose a huge danger to America. And make no mistake about it.…
Here's How Much Money Some Reddit Trolls Cost the Hedge Funds, and It's Going to Get Worse
– way out over their skis shorting the stock in hopes of profiting off its demise (see Reddit Trolls Beat the Stock Market, and the Elites … It was also somewhat cathartic to see elites that have rigged the system in their favor have it used against them.…
Sen. John Thune Warns Against Using ‘Cancel Culture’ Against Lawmakers Who Supported Impeachment…culture-against-lawmakers-who-supported-impeachment-n329417
– is locked in what will likely be a vicious civil war between the rank-and-file conservative movement and the establishment GOP elites
Biden's China Virus Guru Is Asked Why Florida Has Better Data Than California and His Answer Will Not Surprise You…than-california-and-his-answer-will-not-surprise-you-n328917
– PolitiFact, the notorious left-wing #FakeNews organization that Facebook and others use to ensure that ideas unpopular with the elites … But in the pseudo-religion of masks and social distancing surrounding the Wuhan virus, our elites avert their eyes, and our brave firefighters…
New Report Declares That GOP Hill Staff Are Less Educated Than Democrats
– The subject was the myth of competent elites. … drilling down into why so many people who seem so smart on paper can make such boneheaded decisions as those that come out of our elites
Normalizing the Forever Pandemic
– This bears repeating, as some elites seem bent on prolonging restrictions for a long time, perhaps indefinitely.…
Impeachment: They Are Above It All
– the political class has elevated itself above regular Americans, and that there are only two classes of people in the US: the “elites
WATCH: New York Officials Try To Enforce Restrictions Business Owners. It Doesn't Go Well.…d-sheriffs-enforcing-cuomos-coronavirus-restrictions-n283581
– While small business owners in New York are struggling to make ends meet, the progressive elites are wining and dining themselves at…
New York Times Contributor Smears Trump Supporters Because He Couldn’t Change Their Minds…ump-supporters-because-he-couldnt-change-their-minds-n282822
–   A New York Times contributor recently penned an op-ed that might perfectly illustrate how the progressive elites in the corporate…
Watch: California Congressman Humiliates Gov. Gavin Newsom in Blistering Pro-Liberty House Floor Speech
– criticism they faced for actions that confirmed everything Republicans have ever said about the double standards of the leftist ruling elites
WaPo Tik Tok Reporter Shares Offensive Liberal Video Mocking Georgia Voters
– Liberal elites are going all in to try to win the run-off Senate races in Georgia, from suggesting that progressives actually move … They’re not going to be buying some of the more radical stuff that the liberal coastal elites are pitching.…
A School District Classifies Asians with Whites, and Hilarity Ensues
– You are now among the elites whereby no matter how bad off you actually are, you are always considered better off than the richest,…
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