Results for: Bernie Sanders

Never Trumpers Lust After a Romney-Bloomberg 'Unity' Ticket
– With the democratic-socialist Bernie Sanders now the Democratic frontrunner and the political arsonist Donald Trump as the Republican…
New Texas Poll Shows Six Democrats Within Striking Distance of Trump.
Bernie Sanders came closest to defeating Trump in Texas, trailing by only two percentage points, 47-45, according to the poll. … Now in the individual matchups, Trump is leading although with Sanders he is within the margin of error. … There would have to be a massive collapse from 2016 for a socialist like Sanders to take over Texas where the President beat Hillary…
A Desperate Elizabeth Warren Tries a New Tactic to Explain Away Her Presidential Campaign Failures…w-tactic-explain-away-presidential-campaign-failures-n128815
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on the whole “is he or is he not a sexist” controversy about that disputed December 2018 meeting they had where…
Michael Bloomberg Decides to Torch His Campaign by Trashing Farmers
– This is no doubt being driven by Bernie Sanders, who isn’t going to just sit idly by and have the nomination snatched from him again…
Joe Biden Thinks He's in California When He's in Nevada -- but It Gets Worse
Bernie Sanders (I-VT). But he’s never won a primary in the three times he’s run for president so how electable is that?…
Topless Protester Takes Over Bernie Sanders Rally in Nevada
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by ABC News, Apple News … Bernie Sanders is being treated like a rock star while he tours the country touting the need to give away all kinds of free stuff. … Bernie Sanders’ campaign rally in Nevada on Sunday — moments after Mayor Bill de Blasio introduced the Democratic presidential candidate…
Bad Move: Bernie Bros Are Attacking Nevada Union Workers Via Social Media
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … Bernie Sanders’s campaign received a strong rebuke last week from the Nevada Culinary Workers Union about what his universal healthcare … Sanders called for an end to the comments on Thursday, describing them as “unacceptable.”…
Latinos Could Seal The Democratic Nomination For Bernie Sanders
– The results in Iowa and New Hampshire have produced a muddled picture for the Democratic nomination with Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg … The Nevada caucuses on February 22 will prove a critical test for the Sanders campaign.  … at the convention will ensure that Sanders gets screwed out of the Democratic nomination.…
Russians Again: Bernie Sanders Gets Punked by Russian Phone Pranksters
– Although with Sanders and his love of all things communism, this really does make sense. … Seems that those Russians who like to do phone pranks were able to get through to socialist superhero Bernie Sanders back in November … Maybe we will all find out when Sanders gets pranked next time by Borat.…
Report: Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as a Vice Presidential Running Mate…hillary-clinton-as-a-vice-presidential-running-mate-n128675
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), believing he is one of the reasons she lost ultimately. … “Hillary apparently can’t resist trying to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders a second time,” said Erin Perrine, deputy communications … (RELATED: Bernie Sanders Calls James Carville A ‘Political Hack’) “It appears that Bloomberg is colluding with Hillary to once again…
The News the Legacy Media Hides (9 – 15 February)
– That will leave Buttigieg and Sanders as the only non-billionaires with a real shot. … Bernie Sanders raised $25 million in January. Buttigieg put together almost $3 million after Iowa. … That description covers Sanders, Bloomberg, and Buttigieg to varying degrees.…
Bernie Claims We Shouldn't Be Worried About Socialism Under Him, Because We Already Have It Under Trump…ism-under-him-because-we-already-have-it-under-trump-n128655
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., gestures during the CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate with Hillary Clinton at the Brooklyn Navy Yard … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) did an interview on CBS on Friday and he told some huge whoppers on which he didn’t get challenged. … That’s when Sanders told one huge whopper. .…
If You Think Bernie Won't Get His Crazy Plans Passed as President, Here's Evidence You're Wrong
Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original A common refrain is starting to build on the left as the … ) February 12, 2020 Krugman again: Take Bernie Sanders seriously, not literally — Dan McLaughlin (@ … According to @axios, Bernie Sanders plans to use the Senate reconciliation process to push through Medicare for All, Green New Deal…
Podcast: The Morse Code Ep. 2 - Stop Trying to Make Bernie Sanders Happen, He's Not Going to Happen…rying-to-make-sanders-happen-hes-not-going-to-happen-n128634
Bernie Sanders, the socialist that went from being the fringe part of the Democrat party to the man who currently defines it. … Despite the burst of support for Sanders, I sincerely doubt it’s going to happen for him.…
Bernie Sanders Upsets the Most Powerful Union in Nevada - UPDATE: Biden Will Not Benefit, Labor Group Rescinds Endorsing Any Candidate…benefit-labor-group-rescinds-endorsing-any-candidate-n128607
– Next you have Bernie Sanders relying heavily on his healthcare-for-all plan as a lynchpin proposal of his campaign. … Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. … It is also a strong enough union to provide high-level healthcare plans for members, and the concern is that a Bernie Sanders single-payer…
Hilarity Ensues After Paul Krugman Claims Admitted Socialist Bernie Sanders... Is Not a Socialist…ms-admitted-socialist-bernie-sanders-not-a-socialist-n128590
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won the New Hampshire primary, and in the midst of the liberal freakout over his rise in the polls, Krugman wrote … a column in which he tried to prove that Sanders, an admitted Democratic socialist, is not a socialist: Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Socialist … That Sanders is a socialist is not in dispute.…
Civil War: An Amazing Democratic Socialists of America Election Poll
– A previous article discussed the schism and the reasons why the Democat Establishment fear a Bernie nomination. … Bernie Sanders after the Vermont independent dismissed him as a “political hack” in an interview with CNN. … “Last night on CNN, Bernie called me a political hack. That’s exactly who the f**k I am!”…
The 'Tolerant Left' Won't Even Tolerate The Left
– Union over their opposition to Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ plan. … The so called Bernie Bros, like their hero, are probably adherents to Saul Alinsky’s 13 ‘Rules for Radicals.’ … All three of these rules were used last September by Bernie Bros who were upset over Sanders not receiving a particular endorsement…
Opinion: Democrat Justification for Investigation and Impeachment Now Debunked…ation-for-investigation-and-impeachment-now-debunked-n128576
– Read: Biden takes 32-point lead over Sanders in new 2020 poll How did this state of affairs occur? … Even if the bosses in the smoke-filled rooms manage to cheat Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and award it to Biden as a “lifetime…
The 'Conservative Case' for Bernie Sanders Has Been Made
– Last, the least surprising person to have penned an essay like this, decided it was time to make the conservative case for Bernie Sanders … But the choice isn’t merely: (A) America elects Sanders and becomes Venezuela, or (B) America elects Trump and stays great. … I mean, for starters, Bernie is not going to eliminate private health insurance any more than Trump has built a wall from coast to…
Was Bernie Fighting Income Equality by Flying First Class? A Viral Photo Says Yes, and His Expression is Priceless…viral-photo-says-yes-and-his-expression-is-priceless-n128565
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Town Hall Breakfast Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, at the Newport Opera House in Newport, N.H. … (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter) Was socialist Bernie Sanders “embarrassed” to be in first class? Judge for yourself. … All should join Bernie in his top tier seat. Coach just doesn’t cut it for the socialist 1st class.…
Bad Idea: Wisconsin Wants to Extend Bars Hours Until 4 A.M. During DNC Convention.…extend-bars-hours-until-4-a-m-during-dnc-convention-n128549
– When the DNC clown show rolls into your town ( making up for Hillary totally blowing you off in 2016) the Bernie bros are gonna be … This is such a bad idea I’m almost tempted to believe that Bernie Sanders came up with it to encourage his supporters to lig………… WAIT…
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