The irony here is so enjoyable I can’t stand it.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren for about a minuscule 12-minute window was leading all things in national polling and in Iowa and she started to strut and fluff up her feather headband. Then people started paying attention to her and remembered she was the old white lady that lied about being an Indian to get breaks on stuff. Her stock fell and she is now dropping like a rock and she just passed on her way to bottom a guy not campaigning in Iowa, New Hamshire or South Carolina.
Mike Bloomberg.
Some guy who is a BILLIONAIRE.
You can hear me laughing right now right?
The type of person Warren can’t stand just sped by her as she watched helplessly on the road to irrelevancy in the 2020 primaries. Someone in her camp is gonna get a tomahawk chop when she finds this out.
From The Hill…
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg surged past Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in the latest nationwide Hill-HarrisX poll, putting him in third place in the field of Democratic presidential candidates.
The survey, released Thursday, showed Bloomberg’s support ticking up 4 percentage points to 11 percent from a Jan. 13-14 poll. Warren dropped 2 points, to 9 percent.
Other candidates registering in the single digits included former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, at 5 percent, and businessman Andrew Yang and billionaire Tom Steyer, who each received 4 percent. The rest of the White House hopefuls polled at 2 percent or less.
But Warren isn’t the only top-tier candidate to slide in the polls ahead of Monday’s Iowa caucuses. Progressive rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dropped 2 points, to 17 percent.
The socialists are slipping and the Capitalists are surging. Now Bloomberg is more like an older Napoleon that wants to make sure you drink only small pops and have no guns but he made his dough as a capitalist. Mike surely has forgotten how he made it and even if he hasn’t then he doesn’t want you to make it.
Warren has been camped out in the traditional first states and Bloomberg has focused on the Super Tuesday ones while spending a TON of money all over the country. In fact, he will be airing a Super Bowl ad this Sunday that will possibly bump him even farther up in the next poll.
So while Elizabeth still sits in D.C. for Impeachment-Palooza and Bloomberg drives around in a bus with Judge Judy, he inches up and past the lady who wants to take 90% of his money ASAP. That has to just drive her crazy and it could not happen to a nicer faux Indian.
I swear.
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