Results for: elites

Tucker Carlson's Point About the Ruling Class Is the Most Important for This Election
– But we can leave Washington and get the same feeling from the elites in Hollywood and New York.…
Trump Just Landed an Amazing Endorsement in a Key Battleground State, Makes Terrific Case Why We Must Vote Trump
– And many of the elites treat the “flyover country” as something to mock, with Biden calling Pennsylvanians both “ugly” and “chumps.…
Violent Crime on the Rise in Austin After City Defunds Police
– But, as always, the white progressive elites care nothing for black Americans’ wishes or safety.…
Checking In On the Blue-Check Elites who Promised to Render the Country if Trump Appointed a SCOTUS Justice…nder-the-country-if-trump-appointed-a-scotus-justice-n270459
– It is almost as if the promise of shutting things down entirely is as empty a threat as leaving. It is one of the predictable characteristics of the celebrity set; demanding political results or else they promise some allegedly negative recourse will be enforced. The usual tactic here is...
Joe Biden's COVID Advisor Pushes Anti-Science Garbage, and People Have Thoughts
– Prepare for more economic and mental pain as the elites in our media continue to make bank from their home studios.…
President Trump Must Never Concede This Election to Joe Biden
– by our political, corporate and cultural [thanks to edintexas and refr in the Comments for this addition–I do read the comments] elites
DC Mayor Bowser, Staffers Flout Her Own COVID Rules, Attend Fancy Biden 'Do in Delaware…er-own-covid-rules-attend-fancy-biden-do-in-delaware-n277909
– But the Free Beacon noted later in the piece that Bowser has written in a loophole in the rules—making it a cinch to flout what elites … But not our annointed [sic] political elites… If you or I go to Delaware, we must quarantine for 14 days before returning to work … But not our annointed political elites… — Larry O'Connor (@LarryOConnor) November 9, 2020 It’s just…
Why Paul Krugman Is Wrong to Be Terrified That Trump Might Win the Election…ng-to-be-terrified-that-trump-might-win-the-election-n247967
– American people want to continue the wave of outsiders challenging the Washington D.C. establishment or hand power back to the elites
Outsiders vs. the Establishment
– Or should we return control of the country to the Washington DC elites?”…
Opinion: The Central Question of the 2020 Election
– Or should we return control of the country to the Washington DC elites? … It means you as a citizen are willing to let these elites run the country for you. … The new outsiders have upset the establishment elites.…
Robert Mueller's Whining About Roger Stone Not Going to Prison Is the Kind of Unmanly Behavior We've Come to Expect From Him
– In a Washington Post op-ed, the weapon of choice of leftwing Washington elites, titled Robert Mueller: Roger Stone remains a convicted…
Seattle Police Chief Lays Down A Hard Truth For The 'Defund' Crowd…ys-down-a-hard-truth-for-the-defund-the-police-crowd-n247494
– RedState’s Bonchie noted that, “The people behind these pushes at the governmental level are mostly white, liberal elites who figure … This lack of concern on the part of the elites who are the driving force behind the anti-police initiative is not only present in Seattle…
Woke: As Crime Surges, Seattle Votes to Defund the Police by 'At Least' 50%…s-to-cut-50-of-police-budget-to-perform-woke-theater-n245810
– The people behind these pushes at the governmental level are mostly white, liberal elites who figure they’ll never have to deal with…
Susan Rice and Retired General Russel Honore Conspire to Make Themselves Look Dumb as Dirt
– What the incident points to is a craven and callous willingness of our “elites” to tell blatant lies to aid the anarchist violence…
Breitbart Falls for Some CNN Fake News About Trump's Prospects With Black Voters
– infected virtually every aspect of American life and a fervent wish to see ordinary black and white Americans join hands to defeat the elites
Biden-Harris Democrats Are Trying To Erase Our Founding Principles
– The curtain that Michelle Obama briefly pulled aside is now wide open: Democrat elites are not proud of America, and Joe Biden is showing…
Democrats Go Quiet Over Trump's Peace Deal Between Israel and the UAE
– The dereliction of duty from everyone in the media to Washington elites in acknowledging this isn’t surprising or shocking.…
Does Kamala Harris Have a Political Advantage with Longtime Former Staffer Running Communications at Twitter?
– Biden’s selection of Harris — who has glad-handed with San Francisco elites for decades — as his choice for vice president is likely…
The Weeping Over the Fire-Bombing Lawyers Is Exactly How You Got Trump
– in their thirties, because they are of the same background, educational attainment, political leanings, and social class of the elites … a police car, no one would have said boo about sending him to prison for the rest of his life because the perception among our elites
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