Results for: the big guy

Water Cooler 3/13/16 OPEN THREAD - Microphone testing, A willingness to serve, No cheating
The floor mat on the driver’s side can get stuck between the accelerator and the carpet and forces the car go fast making it dangerous … The term “rig the vote” was used in one tweet but the Secretary’s office said the Trump campaign has, so far, produced no any examples … The Miami Herald has a grab of the accusatory tweets.…
(VIDEO) Watch Ted Cruz Reduce Sean Hannity To Silence As He Takes Donald Trump Apart
– Listen, to heck with big business. The focus of growth has got to be small business. … Donald and Hillary are the flip side of the same coin. They are Washington. They are power. They are big business. … and on air with an actual conservative, so he couldn’t carry Trump’s water, and had to sit silently while he was told the guy he has…
Rush Limbaugh Suggests Corey Lewandowski Arrest Nothing But A Political Attack
The guy has been arrested (yes, he has been arrested) for battery of a member of the press. A female member. … As a political expert, the idea of not firing this guy during a presidential campaign should offend your sense of not being a complete … But I do think that he has missed big parts of this story, whether from simple lack of all the facts, or from a long, practiced, understandable…
New development in Donald Trump Louisiana lawsuit saga!
– They’re just going to whine at the RNC (and I wish them joy of the prospect). The reason for that?   … And the process, in response, spanked the incompetent candidate forthwith.  Moral of the story: pay attention to the process. … “He got 40% of the votes, he got 40% of the delegates,” Doré told TIME Monday.”…
Ted Cruz WINS Louisiana, Donald Trump Threatens To Sue
– In fact, he lost the actual primary day turnout. A big win in early voting helped him keep the lead, but it was close. … You see, when it came down to the actual election of the delegates, Cruz had more support in the room. … His campaign can’t organize well enough to actually get his delegates to the convention, and party leaders don’t like the guy enough…
(VIDEO) Obama Unveils His New Strategy To Defeat ISIS: The Tango
– Obama attended the first few innings of a baseball game between the Cuban national team and the Tampa Bay Rays in Havana on Tuesday … A few days later, people were in that baseball stadium and singing the national anthem and Big Papi was saying what he felt about Boston … The resilience of the people in Boston, who are not president of the United States, inspired him to do nothing after Brussels?…
Can Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Beat Hillary Clinton? A New National Poll May Surprise You…z-beat-hillary-clinton-new-national-poll-may-surprise-n57785
– We forget what a wipeout that big looks like: in the past 40 years, nobody but Walter Mondale in 1984 has lost a presidential election … Diving into the questions, we see the problem. … Cruz 47, Trump 43 Yeah, let’s go with the guy who our own voters think is temperamentally unsuited to the job, has no morals, is…
This Election Sucks: Let's Get Over It Together.
– In presidential elections, you’d often find the “establishment” side saying things like “Your guy lost! … Think of the big picture!” and the grassroots side would say “BLOCKED. No patience for FAKE conservatives who demand uniformity. … the importance of the election.…
Dude: Why Did George Soros Just Write ANOTHER Big Check to John Kasich?
– George Soros is such a big-hearted guy, he just looks at John Kasich and sees the face of Jesus. … the hell it is in Chicago was such a big to-do he had to go hat-in-hand to old Georgie himself, along with Deutschbank and Manchester … …and ain’t it just a tad interesting that Donald Trump rallies only seem to get restive on the weekends before big primaries just in…
Here is Proof that Donald Trump is Obsessed with the Size of His Hands
– Look, this guy. Here’s my hands. Now I have my hands, I hear, on the New Yorker, a picture of my hands. … And, by the way, by saying that I solved the problem. … And then I held up the hand, I showed people the hand. You know, when I’ve got a big audience.…
Shock poll: California poll suggests a tough fight ahead for GOP Delegates
The Field Poll is the long-standing polling institution in California. … The statewide winner wins 10 delegates, but the fight for the remaining 159 is the results of 53 local elections. … Trump is crushing among Arnold Schwarzenegger voters 54-21, but among Tom McClintock voters (the guy who surely would have been the
Watercooler 4/6 Open Thread: Morning After, Weird Files, If RS Were High School
– out on the guy so long ago…   From the Weird Files: 20 to Life for stealing $30 of candy bars?  … Quote of the Day In recognition of the parallels between our win in Wisconsin and the Battle of Britain: “Now this is not the end. … It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”…
One Yuge Reason Why Donald Trump's Polling Lead In Pennsylvania Is Meaningless
Big beautiful new Pennsylvania poll gives Trump 18 point lead over Cruz and a near majority — 47 percent of the vote! … Adding to the confusion, the affiliation of the delegate is not on the ballot. … , who is getting rolled in slow motion in Colorado, B) the guy who rolled guy A, or C) the favorite of the Pennsylvania GOP establishment…
No, Donald Trump Can't "Burn It Down." Washington Would Go On The Same.
– Writers on the Left and the paleocon and libertarianish Right often refer to this complex – sometimes including the big donors, federal … Yes, sure, Trump is a guy who dislikes letting the Beltway Establishment set rules for him. … Fortunately, there happens to be one guy left in this race who actually cares very deeply about the rules of the game and how to change…
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win
– “I don’t know who the hell they are. … So big deal. You’ve got the governor.” This was carried live by ABC News, by the way. One hour and thirteen minutes. … This guy is a case study in the Big Lie.…
Donald Trump Is Still Sniveling Like A Losing Loser Over Louisiana
– And I won Louisiana, and I got less delegates than the guy who lost. … DICKERSON: But isn’t that proof that the people who took the delegates are beating you at the game? TRUMP: No. No. No. … When I go in and win the state of Louisiana and I get less delegates, that’s not the way the system is supposed to work.…
Ted Cruz's, John Kasich's, and Donald Trump's post-Tuesday schedules.
– Because, let’s face it: tonight’s New York results on the GOP side are baked into the cake. … The possibility of Donald Trump not winning the NY primary are so low that if it somehow does happen the guy might as well just quit … Trump is actually going to go campaign the day after a big race (and his anticipated big primary victory party tonight in, naturally…
Biden: Raising Taxes on Hedge Funds is like "Liberating [Nazi] Death Camps."
– which would have the effect of raising taxes. … As an admittedly over-the-top way of describing the effect of Obama’s policy as a camel’s nose under the tent, a Wall Street guy said … When you started doing that, a big Wall Street guy, Steve Schwarzman, said the Obama administration’s like Hitler invading Poland.…
Rush Limbaugh is a HACK Who Thinks Lying Is AWESOME As Long As His RICH BOYFRIEND Is The One Doing It
– You cannot have populism without the impression that the man is shafting the little guy. … against the little guy, in this case Trump’s the little guy, he’s the outsider. … So the political process is rigged against the little guy. He’s the champion of little guys, so they’re rigging it against him.…
Rush Limbaugh Has Completely Lost His Way
– Petain’s history is complicated, and to tell the whole tale honestly requires acknowledging both the good and the bad. … by Republican attendance at these various county conventions and at the big state convention, but there was never gonna be a vote. … I mean, every supporter loves it when their guy is the victim of some cheating or some dirty trick. …
Karl Rove Super PAC Ready To Help Trump
– After months of demented ranting about the “GOPe,” the poster boy for the establishment, Karl Rove, may be quietly working in the background … “a softening of the anti-Trump position” within the big-money GOP establishment. … The source added of Crossroads’ stance on Trump, “It’s not that they support him, only that if he’s the guy, we can do something to…
Watercooler 4/13 Open Thread - Of Conservative Alternatives, BS Flags and Troubled Turtles
– About That Guy Who Burned His Voter Registration… You all remember the Trumpkin headlined on Drudge for torching his registration? … Well, seems the folks who threw the B.S. Flag on the play were right.  … Most of the big stories have already been covered before I hit keyboard this AM, so it’s y’all’s turn to bring something to the potluck…
Trump has it All Wrong, it's Lying Don
– PolitiFact designated the many campaign misstatements of Trump as the 2015 Lie of the Year. … But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy. … to Perkins Coie, the law firm that defended the campaign in some of the eligibility lawsuits.…
Donald Trump Henchman, the Racist Nutbag Roger Stone Calls Carly Fiornia A Racist…racist-nutbag-roger-stone-calls-carly-fiornia-racist-n58702
The Republican presidential front-runner told supporters in Indiana on Wednesday that he had the support of the former world heavyweight … from the media in Indianapolis, said she was “interested to see” the endorsement and blasted the real-estate mogul for calling Tyson … “You have a young woman seen dancing for the beauty contest — dancing with a big smile on her face, looked happy as can be.”…
John Boehner: I Will Vote For Hillary Clinton Over Ted Cruz
– Once you got past the weird purple-orange fake tan, he was a funny and sociable guy that you didn’t mind drinking a bottle of scotch … Boehner for the most part accepted Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, though he did express his surprise at the candidate … creates exactly the same argument for me as does the issue of adultery.…
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