Results for: critical race theory

Hail Mary? Teachers Union Claims Reopening Schools is Rooted in 'Sexism, Racism, and Misogyny'
– writing & arithmetic skills How many kids from unionized public schools can’t read at grade level but know almost every facet of CriticalRace Theory?…
Citizenship Examination Cuts Religious Freedom and Free Speech Questions While Both Are Under Heavy Attack From State Governments
– His repudiation of the odious and false 1619 Project and rejection of critical race theory indoctrination within the US government…
IN MY ORBIT: Raphael Warnock Is Loud About Black Injustice and Genocide, Unless It Involves Abortion…k-injustice-and-genocide-unless-it-involves-abortion-n298818
– It’s like they are all Nubian Candidates indoctrinated to spout the disconnected babble of critical race theory and Leftist diatribes … It is the height of hypocrisy to marshal the drumbeat of race and the police, race and the justice system, race and the military, and … totally and completely disregard race and reproduction.…
Seattle Tells Its White Teachers to 'Bankrupt' Their Privilege and Acknowledge Their 'Thieved Inheritance'…ols-washington-christopher-rufo-critical-race-theory-n297133
– Front and center: critical race theory training for its molders of young skulls. … The participants identify themselves by both gender pronouns and race labels. … It seems to me America’s in the midst of the Great Pitting — of one race against another, or of all races against one.…
CDC Is Literally Trying to Kill Granny by Using Critical Race Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine…e-and-income-decide-who-will-get-wuhan-virus-vaccine-n296717
– Earlier today, my colleague Bonchie posted about the feeble effort of talentless grifter Charlie Three Wives to dunk on a [sorta] conservative woman who was refusing to have her life controlled by the irrational fear of a virus that causes no symptoms in most people which it infects and which...
New York Bill Allows for State to Detain You If You Are 'Carrier' of Virus or Contact With Carrier
– Btw, it would only be a little crazy to remember that "racism" is now a public health crisis too under medicine based in Critical RaceTheory.…
Shockingly NBC Reporter (Intern Actually) Finds GOP College Students Who Think The GOP Should Become More Like the Democrats Post-Trump…gop-should-become-more-like-the-democrats-post-trump-n303428
– Shockingly, each of the four GOP College representatives wants some aspect of the Democrat/Socialist/Antifa/BLM “Critical Race Studies … anyone paying attention to the reality of the world around them, and not just their college social group and the SJWs teaching “CriticalRace Theory” on college campuses, knows the GOP isn’t “just a bunch of old racist white people.”   …
RedState's 25 Most Viewed Stories of 2020
– Generals and Admirals Are Now Obvious His Executive Order directed “government-wide diversity and inclusion” training, including CriticalRace Theory.…
The Lies by Fauci, Birx, Redfield and Others Come Home to Roost as at-Risk Healthcare Workers Refuse the Wuhan Vaccine
– In some jurisdictions, the best principles of social justice and critical race theory are being used. … Race Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine). … About two weeks ago, NPR ran this story As chief of critical care at Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center, Dr.…
Chicago Has Nearly 40,000 Residents Aged 85 or Older but Only 22 of Them Have Been Given the Wuhan Vaccine
– Unfortunately, the decision-making process has become infected with critical race theory nonsense that seeks “equity” of outcomes based … on income, age, and race. … READ: CDC Is Literally Trying to Kill Granny by Using Critical Race Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine.…
Conquest’s Second Law of Politics in America
– When the law is examined in the evolution of important American institutions over the past 60 years or so, the theory behind it is … But the worst may be support for the Marxism of Black Lives Matter, which is now being propagated as “critical race theory” in many…
Nevada School Attempts to Teach Anti-White Propaganda and One Mother Is Teaching Them a Lesson…propaganda-and-one-mother-is-teaching-them-a-lesson-n301195
race theory. … Critical race theory is a social justice concept that effectively forces those who adopt it to view everything through the lens of … Race Theory and Intersectionality, was done stealthily: "The generic name and syllabi provided to parents remained the same," and…
Most Healthcare Workers Are Not Heroes, Many Are Sociopaths and We Must Keep That in Mind When Dealing With Them…and-we-must-keep-that-in-mind-when-dealing-with-them-n300815
Race Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine). … We don’t make that choice based on your race, ethnicity, or perceived value to society. … This is particularly critical when the people making the decision to prioritize health care workers are, in effect, placing themselves…
Will Trump Defund California Schools If They're Teaching the 1619 Project?
– Bonchie explained thusly: [The President] has apparently had enough of seeing taxpayer money wasted on things like teaching criticalrace theory and white privilege at the federal level. … Numerous agencies have previously paid obscene amounts of money to race hustlers to come in and tell them how racist they are.…
Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ From Federal Agencies: What It Is & Why Trump’s Order Matters…federal-agencies-what-it-is-why-trumps-order-matters-n253658
race theory from the federal government. … Under the direction of @POTUS we are directing agencies to halt critical race theory trainings immediately.” … “Critical race theory” (CRT) is, as defined by Britannica, among others: Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal…
A Great Triggering Commences After Trump Cancels 'White Privilege' Training for Federal Agencies…ancels-white-privilege-training-for-federal-agencies-n253618
race theory and white privilege at the federal level. … race theory,” “white privilege” or any other material that teaches or suggests that the United States or any race or ethnicity is … At first, they attempted to make it seem as if Trump was just making up the existence of the critical race theory classes.…
The Four Stages of a Communist Takeover as Told from an Ex-KGB Agent That are Happening Right Now
theory to make sin out of next to nothing. … The left is currently attempting to inject critical race theory into our military in an attempt to divide and destabilize it. … Proud and fierce in their identity, the Marines have a singular race problem that critics say is rooted in decades of resistance to…
Andrew Sullivan Throws Dirt On The Biden 2020 Campaign's Grave -- He's Voting for Trump (Maybe)…iden-2020-campaigns-grave-hes-voting-for-trump-maybe-n252826
race theory” grievance politics. … race theory” in education.  … They saw restoring order within the prism of their own critical race ideology, which stipulates that the police are enforcers of white…
Opinion: Trump “Amateur” Diplomacy Shows That Establishment “Experts”...Aren’t
– appears to be open and notorious defiance of the Commander In Chief’s orders regarding the elimination of the long discredited criticalrace theory” instruction at the U.S.…
The Adverse Effects of Obama’s Executive Order 13583 and the Purge of Generals and Admirals Are Now Obvious
– Media targeted at military service personnel are replete with stories focused on critical race theory, racial injustice, and other … It has been widely reported that President Trump directed the Office of Management and Budget to end critical race theory training … Midshipmen are to be “trained” in critical race theory. Trained in cultural Marxism!…
Ever Seen a Woke Instructor Teach a Roomful of White People They're 'Racist, Sub-Human Demons'? Here Ya Go...…ite-people-theyre-racist-sub-human-demons-here-ya-go-n253836
– This is Critical Race Theory in a single image. — James Lindsay, obvious right-winger (@ConceptualJames … Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ From Federal Agencies: What It Is & Why Trump’s Order Matters. … Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being…
I Know What You're Thinking: How Is It That Government Agencies Come to Have Instruction on "Critical Race Theory"?…ies-come-to-have-instruction-on-critical-race-theory-n253778
race theory” and “white privilege.” … From Oxford Research Encyclopedia for Education: Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a framework that offers researchers, practitioners … Placing race at the center of analysis, Critical Race Theory scholars interrogate policies and practices that are taken for granted…
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