Ahhh, what a year – as long as it’s in the rearview mirror. But, we must thank you, readers, for making 2020 an extremely successful one for RedState, where we’ve set site traffic records each and every month.
This year we’ve also unfortunately seen unprecedented levels of censorship from Big Tech, who censored the Hunter Biden story long enough to allow Joe Biden to purportedly win the presidency. One way to help us fight back against this censorship is to become a VIP member; VIP memberships make us less vulnerable to Facebook, Twitter, and Google throttling and censorship. If you’re not currently a VIP member, please join today! (If you use code “JENNIFER” you’ll get a sweet discount.)
So, without further ado, here are our most-viewed stories of the year. We wouldn’t say these are the “top” stories of the year in terms of importance, but simply the ones people were most interested in reading. You’ll sense a few themes: Coronavirus, hypocrisy, corruption, and Black Lives Matter.
25. The Adverse Effects of Obama’s Executive Order 13583 and the Purge of Generals and Admirals Are Now Obvious
His Executive Order directed “government-wide diversity and inclusion” training, including Critical Race Theory.

24. Ilhan Omar’s Response to a Tweet About Adultery Is Making Heads Spin
Physical punishment for pointing out the obvious? Sure, Jan.

22. Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad
An exclusive from Editor at Large, Kira Davis.
21. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Swoops in With a Sweet Offer for CA Salon Owner After Pelosi Dust-Up
This is how to do economic development.

20. Democrats Are Currently Trying to Steal a House Seat in New York
Stealing elections was a big theme in 2020.

19. Ted Cruz Has an Idea That Trump Needs to Execute Now
Preventing the US from re-entering the Paris Climate Accord and another Iran Deal should be a top priority.

18. NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse!
Our Michael Thau has exhaustively covered all issues COVID.

17. Tucker Carlson Delivers a Monologue So Damning That President Trump Shares It, Includes Explosive Hunter Biden News
Another big topic this year was Hunter Biden’s connections to China, and the media cover-up.

16. Virus-Panicked Liberal Gun Buyers Are Getting Angry When They Discover Their Own Gun Control Laws
A record number of people became gun owners in 2020, and some of them were in for quite a surprise.

15. Governor Gretchen Whitmer: If You’re Tired of Masks and Wish You Could Go Back to Church, Vote for Biden
Ahh, masks. Gretchen Whitmer. Two things we hope we see a lot less of in 2021.

14. Very Odd: Michigan Found Over 100,000 Ballots and Every Single One Has Joe Biden’s Name on It
The initial post was updated to show that allegedly this happened due to a data error, but at this point, who really knows?

13. LeBron Runs His Mouth About Kenosha Shooting; Leo Terrell Shows Up With a Few Suggestions
“Woke” celebrities and athletes with terrible takes on Black Lives Matter and alleged police brutality. This trend can stay in 2020.

12. Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers Consider Whether a Looter “Needed” Stolen Goods Before Charging
Soros DA’s are a stain on this country.

11. BLM Blocks Highway in Seattle, Call Black Cop a Racial Slur, but Troopers Shut Them Down Hard
What is it with these people and blocking highways?

10. Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson and … Bill Clinton: All Named in Epstein Court Documents as Involved With Underage Girls
Many of them have denied it. Naturally.

9. The Lights Are “Blinking Red” in Portland — The Rubicon May Have Been Crossed Today
Portland, Seattle – cautionary tales for the rest of the country.

8. A Warning to Rioters and Antifa Members Threatening to Come to the Suburbs
An opinion piece from Brandon Morse, VIP Editor.

7. Oprah’s ‘O’ Magazine Calling It Quits on Print in Wake of Sexual Harassment Claim Against Exec
As usual, the people who are most “woke” are usually the ones who are the most guilty of breaking the woke rules.

6. Dozens of BLM and Antifa Full On Attack Police in Chicago, Police Reinforcements Make Them Regret It
These idiots asked for a response with their actions and they got it, with pepper spray and batons.

5. Narrative Fail: Turns Out the Folks Behind the Whitmer Plot Aren’t Who Dems and Media Are Painting Them As
When the Dems and the Media say something, just know that the truth is the opposite of their statement.

4. Hobby Lobby Gets Last Laugh Over Dallas Judge Who Forcibly Shut Them Down and Insulted Them On Social Media
We love it when that happens.

3. Gavin Newsom’s $3.7 Million Estate Was Gifted to Him in 2019; 3 Months Later He Got a $2.7 Million Tax Free Cash-Out
The first an investigative series of Gavin Newsom’s sweetheart financial deals.
An aerial view of Gavin Newsom’s $3.7 Million California Estate. Credit: Google Maps
2. Atlanta Mayor Drops Reality Bomb: It’s Not Police Shooting up Communities
An inconvenient truth.

Coming in the top spot:
Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns Including a Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist. The Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know
We all know the lockdowns are a terrible idea; the Media just don’t want you to know that many medical professionals agree.