Results for: the big guy

Sen. Ted Cruz Goes Rogue During Joe Biden's Speech, Earns a Hilarious New Nickname…ing-joe-bidens-speech-earns-a-hilarious-new-nickname-n370973
The speech failed to match the “very positive” numbers of Trump’s first speech to Congress, according to a post-speech CNN poll. … And you think of it, after four years of every day, the president driving the news. … Congress, however, Cruz, who was in attendance for the speech, put the emphasis on the “boring” part of his earlier remarks when he…
Noted Expert Hunter Biden Will Be Instructing Students at Tulane University…ucting-students-the-subject-will-make-your-head-spin-n370060
– So unless they want to hold him up as an example of how the media will spin and lie to protect a politician, or how Big Tech will even … So they “will explore the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news, and the … "The nice thing is when the media writes a negative story about my corruption, big tech will block anyone from sharing it." – Hunter…
Tale of Two Bidens, Old vs. New: 'Who the Hell Is This Guy?'
– “Who the hell is this guy?” … “Who the hell is this guy? … Who the hell is this guy?”…
As the Oscars Celebrated Excellence in Cinema, the Ratings Were a Horror Movie…excellence-in-cinema-the-ratings-were-a-horror-movie-n369332
– (ironically I ended up muting the guy who won for Best Sound) but the worst of it all was the anti-climatic finale. … before the two big acting winners had been announced. … Then the announcement came that, shockingly, the winner was an 80-year-old white guy, Anthony Hopkins.…
Jen Psaki Gives Astonishing Answer When Asked Why Biden Does Not Join Weekly COVID Calls With Governors…iden-does-not-join-weekly-covid-calls-with-governors-n369344
– So I guess we’re supposed to believe that putting the guy who completely mismanaged the pandemic crisis in his state, where over 15,000 … That said, it’s still a pretty big freakin’ deal that they haven’t taken part in any of the calls. … Ironically, the big reasons why Biden is enjoying high marks from voters on his handling of the pandemic is because 1) the media’s…
Man Arrested for Running a Serial Dating Scam, so He Could Get Birthday Presents All Year Long…scam-so-he-could-get-birthday-presents-all-year-long-n368738
– No matter how expert you are in the area of dating scams, you’ve probably never heard of the one run by a man in Japan. … File the reason under Evil Genius. … Still, for a moment in time, the guy was a regular Hugh Hefner.…
Kamala Goes on CNN to Defend Her Border Response, Burns Joe Biden in the Process…d-her-border-response-burns-joe-biden-in-the-process-n368539
– I’m sure that will stop the folks flooding across the border now. … So, you’re saying the guy who couldn’t figure it out then is the guy who’s in charge now? That’s reassuring. Not. … The RNC Research folks were not shy about pointing out her failings and how she seemed to think going to the border was just a big
Chain-Link Nation
– fact that the G-Men have pretty much neutralized the desk-crapper, podium-stealer, Viking hat guy, and anyone with airplane peanuts … In the event the clowns on the City Council grant them the privilege of opening their doors again, the Lepejians can thank taxpayers … And, so the cameras would not accidentally film a guy defecating on the sidewalk. …
WATCH: Cop Completely Owns Man Who Tries to Heckle Him Over Ma'Khia Bryant…owns-man-who-tries-to-heckle-him-over-makhia-bryant-n367685
The girl in the pink was not threatening Bryant in any way as Bryant charged at her, swinging the knife and pinning her on the car. … Second, how funny is it that this guy thinks he’s got a viral moment on the cop when he’s really owning himself with this? … Let’s just hope that the Metro Police give this cop a medal and don’t discipline him for schooling this guy with a little reality.…
Lebron James Says 'Hold My Beer,' Threatens Officer Involved in Columbus Police Shooting…reatens-officer-involved-in-columbus-police-shooting-n366295
The shooting of a 16-year-old in Columbus, OH, which occurred as she was trying to stab another girl, has become the story of the … Now, the big brains in politics and sports are weighing in despite the body-cam footage being very clear-cut as to what happened. … confidence you could stop the threat before the knife was plunged into the probable victim.…
CNN's Chris Cuomo Gets Rude Awakening After Saying Fox News 'Sold Fear' During Chauvin Trial…after-saying-fox-news-sold-fear-during-chauvin-trial-n366022
– He finished his tweet by proclaiming the network that constantly trounces his in the ratings wars was guilty of operating off of the … Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) April 21, 2021 The only part of Cuomo’s rant that was right on the money was the bit about how Fox News opinion … Aren’t you the guy who said police reform wouldn’t happen until white people’s kids start getting killed?…
Author: Trump Should Take 'Groundbreaking' Facebook Ban Case All the Way to SCOTUS…oundbreaking-facebook-ban-case-all-the-way-to-scotus-n377487
– In other words, this guy is hardly the “peer” of hacks like CNN’s Fredo and Donnie Lemón. … And as Ramaswamy effectively argues, the “stick and carrot” approach foisted on Big Tech by the Democrats turns “private action into … I think Trump should take it all the way to the real U.S. Supreme Court.”…
How Trump’s Twitter Ban Could Be Good for His Future
– Here’s a contrary thought: The banishment of Donald Trump from the omnipotent octopus of Big Tech’s social media is actually good … And it allows the public to focus on the disturbing ineptness and glazed eyes of the “shovel-ready” ex-vice president. … Electing someone as confused and cloistered as the 78-year-old Biden is what happens when a majority votes against one guy we don’t…
Happy Mother's Day — to the Fur Mamas, Too!
– His original owner was friends with the lady who ran the rescue. The owner was relocating and needed to re-home one of her dogs. … The owner was actively involved in meeting us and during the visitation of the house, and we kept in touch even after the adoption … There was no explanation from the rescue’s vet on why this was the case.…
The Forgotten CA Candidates in the Recall Gavin Newsom Election
– Mike Netter, the lead proponent of Recall Gavin 2020, said this in the early days of the Recall effort: The success of this Recall … They say, the one with all the gold makes the rules….Together we HOLD ALL OF THE GOLD! … We will make policy with the best interests of the public in mind and not pander to the big pharma and other industries that now have…
Jen Psaki Drops Big News About Fleeing the Sinking Ship
– is undaunted by the challenge and the responsibility (which she says she loves), but when she discussed the role with the Biden transition … from the press. … Sorry, Jen, the facts and the people having to deal with it on the border, like your fellow Democrats Rep.…
The Floyd Template
– Here are the key elements of the “Floyd Template”: Create the narrative. … Or the “insurrection”? Or the need to “reimagine” if not defund the police in the wake of Floyd’s death? … Other than that guy in Mar-a-Lago, that is. The end.…
Food History Friday: The History of American Barbecue (Part III)
– As I mentioned last week: Slowly, the tradition of barbecue established itself in Virginia for one really big reason: pigs. … A big pit is built and the pig is slow-roasted with heat and smoke until it’s easy to shred and pick apart. … The tradition of the barbecue entered the Carolinas through Virginia, but often lacked the elegance of the Virginian events, which…
Wokies Push for Black Superman Instead of Actually Elevating a Black Superhero…rman-instead-of-actually-elevating-a-black-superhero-n375776
– Yes, the same guy who wrote a comic comparing professor and author Jordan Peterson to the Red Skull, a Nazi supervillain who is also … When the news first broke regarding this project, the exact nature of the portrayal of the character wasn’t known, but now there are … In some cases changing the race of a lesser-known character might not be as big of an issue, but altering a character who is as iconic…
Michigan Gov Sneaked off to Florida in a Billionaires' Jet and No One Seems to Care…orida-in-a-billionaires-jet-and-no-one-seems-to-care-n375410
The state is lagging behind almost all other states around us in the Great Lakes region in how we have been dealing with the COVID- … The only reason we do know any of this now is because of one guy who is actually committing the act of journalism today in a world … I don’t care if it is an orange guy named Trump or some gal given the nickname Big Gretch.…
Joe Biden's Bizarre Amtrak Story That Never Could Have Happened as He Claimed…k-story-that-never-could-have-happened-as-he-claimed-n375321
– He said, “Joey, what’s the big deal? 1,200,000 — 300,000 miles on Air Force Two. You know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak?” … So the fact is, I’d probably take Ang’s word before I took the word of what the article said. Here are some of the problems. … This is the guy we now have in charge and that’s beyond troubling.…
LeBron 'Regrets' M'Khia Bryant Tweet, Says He 'Fueled Wrong Conversation'…ays-he-fueled-wrong-conversation-then-makes-it-worse-n374640
– back of the officer involved in the shooting. … Deleted — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 21, 2021 James was widely skewered over the tweet, including … the “failure of the institution” to “provide safety for the communities” it serves.…
On the Brink of Taking the House Back, Republicans Opt for Chaos Instead of Unity…ouse-back-republicans-opt-for-chaos-instead-of-unity-n374557
– Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system. … We are now four months removed from the January 6 riot and the loss of the Senate, and six months from the loss of the White House. … But hey, as long as we make our stance on the last guy to run our party known, that’s all that matters, right?…
Trump Blisters 'Big-Shot' Liz Cheney, 'Stone Cold Loser' Romney in Separate Statements…heney-stone-cold-loser-romney-in-separate-statements-n374203
– will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE! … Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system. … They are among the earliest to have figured this guy out, a stone cold [sic] loser!”…
Gov. Whitmer Gives up on 'Data' COVID Rhetoric, With Michigan Now Reopening by July…a-covid-rhetoric-with-michigan-now-reopening-by-july-n383788
– of the state. … And at 70 percent, we would get the biggest freedom cookie of all — no more lectures from Big Gretch. … So, how can any of the recommendations that the governor made just three weeks ago be based on the science and the data of people being…
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