Results for: MAGA Republicans

The Democrats Face a Rendering of Their Own Making in 2022 Elections and Learned No Lessons in the Process…2022-elections-and-learned-no-lessons-in-the-process-n655887
– Some studies have blacks voting with Republicans this year at a rate doubling their vote tally in 2020. … The latest explanation is also insulting – the trend to declare that Latinos voting for Republicans have become white supremacists. … The Republicans would have ruled the nation for decades! …
'I'm Not Arguing, I'm Explaining Why I'm Right': The Sorry State of Political Discourse in Today's America…sorry-state-of-political-discourse-in-todays-america-n663674
– Today, President “Time to Heal” sneers at former President Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans” as “semi-fascists” who threaten democracy…
Here’s Why the Chesapeake and Colorado Springs Shootings Will Soon Fade Into Distant Memory…springs-shootings-will-soon-fade-into-distant-memory-n663296
– this shooting to be useful to the left, the alleged perpetrator would have to be a straight white male, preferably one wearing a MAGA … Indeed, it only took about seven seconds after the story broke for them to go on television and social media to claim Republicans are…
Washington Post Columnists Still Whining After Midterm Elections
– Everyone expected that Republicans would win big this year, but that didn’t happen. … Dana Milbank also wrote a piece complaining about Republicans. … Voters who elected Republicans to fight inflation and gas prices might be feeling puzzled, if not swindled.…
Kinzinger and Schiff Tag Team Delusion About Kevin McCarthy as New GOP Leader…team-delusion-about-kevin-mccarthy-as-new-gop-leader-n661852
– and put out the message he would need to crawl to the Democrats for votes to pass anything — because he’s now beholden to “Ultra MAGA … “Sadly, the kind of the crazy caucus has grown among Republicans.” Rep.…
Big Update in Lauren Boebert's Race After the Democrat Gains More Votes
– But if that happens, after this cluster of an election in Colorado, you can expect Republicans to go ballistic. … She has to show them she is in Washington for them and not just to please the MAGA movement. … That’s not a judgment on the MAGA movement itself, whatever one may think of it in 2022.…
Mitch McConnell's Concerning Remarks About 'Compromise'
– McConnell’s take on the Republicans not winning more in the midterms? … If you look at the numbers, if you look at the results of the House and Senate, the MAGA Republican way didn’t work. … The MAGA Republican candidate, across the board, lost.…
Is President Biden Ready for the Republican Investigations?
– But Team Biden is also preparing their defenses against the Republicans’ efforts to investigate him. … Republicans.” … This will not be an easy battle for House Republicans.…
Is the MAGA Brand Dead or Is Its Pronouncement Premature? It's Time for Honest Questions and Answers…premature-its-time-for-honest-questions-and-answers-n670301
– Finally, as I asked in the headline, is the MAGA brand dead? … Note that I said MAGA brand — not the goal of “making America great, again.” … That said, has the MAGA brand, regardless of the reason(s), become anathema to too many Republican and independent voters?…
Florida Congressman Byron Donalds Speaks to RedState on the Never-Ending Fight for Liberty…ks-to-redstate-on-the-never-ending-fight-for-liberty-n677297
– Donalds is “America First” without being cultist MAGA. … , “Any Senate Republican that agrees to a 9 month omnibus spending bill will steal the ability for House Republicans to secure the … Donalds also expounded on where Republicans and conservatives need to focus and pivot, like building relationships and courting votes…
Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination, When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?…op-nomination-when-they-should-be-praying-he-wins-it-n674959
– Because I don’t believe Trump gives the Republicans the best shot at recapturing the White House in 2024. … And here’s the thing: I’m not suggesting that conservatives move on from MAGA initiatives and ideology. … As one of my Facebook followers (a former diehard Trump loyalist) recently commented: “MAGA is bigger than any one person, including…
Regardless of How the McCarthy Fight Ends, the Battle Itself Lays Bare the Larger War to Come…s-the-battle-itself-lays-bare-the-larger-war-to-come-n683894
– And, like it or not, what lies ahead for Trump and the MAGA Republicans — who’ve laid bare their differences for the first time over … In a related Wednesday article, I asked if Trump has lost his touch, given that his multiple calls for House Republicans to fall in … I’m sure the majority of MAGA Republicans reject the notion but is MAGA in the process of kicking Trump to the curb?…
Where Will This MAGA Mutiny Lead?
Republicans are locked in a bitter brawl to determine who should lead the party going forward. … Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who essentially built his brand on Trump and the MAGA movement, is also bucking his idol. … For members of the MAGA wing of the Republican Party to brazenly defy its leader was nearly unheard of before 2022.…
Donald Trump Demands Lauren Boebert Fall in Line, She's Having None of It
– full-throated endorsement of Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday, while McCarthy’s detractors remain almost universally Trump-supporting Republicans … It’s hard to get more “MAGA” than Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz, with the latter actually doing an “America First” tour during the … Seeing that is far preferable to seeing Republicans fall in line because they are told to.…
Trump: Fox News Ratings 'Way Down' Because 'They Never Talk About Trump, Rigged Presidential Election'…never-talk-about-trump-rigged-presidential-election-n681859
– Our giant MAGA base, much bigger than anyone knows, does not like watching Fox play their games. … But Trump’s revised definition is used as an epithet against all Republicans, including constitutional conservatives, who refuse to…
House Creates Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government and the Democrats Immediately Begin to Sabotage It…t-and-the-democrats-immediately-begin-to-sabotage-it-n686554
– Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik told Fox News, “House Republicans are committed to ending the political weaponization … Republicans are promoting Mr. … Republicans are a danger to the country. Republican subcommittee members are tied to January 6 and “election denialists.”…
Can Someone Please Explain to Me Who's a 'RINO' and Who's Not a 'RINO' in the Republican Party?…s-a-rino-and-whos-not-a-rino-in-the-republican-party-n685757
– The definition of  “RINO” — Republican in Name Only — not only used to be easy to understand; it was easy to identify Republicans who … the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander called Marjorie Taylor Greene a “harlot and liar” for supporting McCarthy’s bid, as innumerable MAGARepublicans.…
Ilhan Omar Hops Aboard the Democrat Anti-McCarthy Crazy Train, Promptly Gets Run Over by Reality…carthy-crazy-train-promptly-gets-run-over-by-reality-n685079
– One self-described ultra-MAGA Republican pointed out Omar’s ignorant hypocrisy: Democrats just pushed through a $1.7 Trillion Omnibus … 7, 2023 Speaking of the Democrat $1.7 trillion omnibus monstrosity, every House Democrat voted in favor (along with nine Republicans
Gingrich Revisted? As McCarthy Wins the Gavel, Sweeping New Rules Will Change the Way Congress Operates…ping-new-rules-will-change-the-way-congress-operates-n684988
– Here’s more, as reported by Just the News: The Speakership race exposed a long-simmering divide between establishment Republicans … last two decades and the more restless, rebellious members of the House Freedom Caucus forged in the fires of the Tea Party and MAGA … [W]ith a House in which the parties are divided by just a few seats, the new rules will not only empower rank-and-file Republicans
A Bitter Senate Race Is Coming to Indiana, and Donald Trump Seems to Be at the Center of It…ana-and-donald-trump-seems-to-be-at-the-center-of-it-n690736
– The same Mitch Daniels who agreed with Joe Biden that millions of MAGA Republicans are supposedly a danger to the country & trying … They are doing the Republicans no favors, and this inside baseball from Indiana further proves it.…
It's Not Just Ronna: An Ohio County GOP Party Seeks to Upend the Status Quo Too…o-county-gop-party-seeks-to-upend-the-status-quo-too-n689822
– After the disappointing midterm elections, grassroots Republicans are demanding change at every level. … If Republicans wish to dominate in future elections, they need to make sure Ohio stays red. … Republicans must remain competitive in blue areas.…
Paul Ryan Takes Advantage of a GOP House to Tout His Expertise on Being a Loser…f-a-gop-house-to-tout-his-expertise-on-being-a-loser-n687933
– about, and aligning himself with the GOP elite who consider themselves the arbiters of reason and sanity, saving the planet from MAGA … Ryan described the speaker election saga as “Republicans finally reacquiring their moorings on the party of fiscal responsibility and … Republicans lost the House of Representatives in 2018, and our budget deficit only ballooned. Paul Ryan: "Trump is fading fast.…
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