Chuck Schumer Get Nailed for Lying by Twitter, Then Elon Joins In

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was on Twitter already spreading lies about a “Fair Tax” that has been floating around. It’s not even clear that Republicans are on board with the proposal, but that didn’t stop Schumer from lying about it.


“MAGA Republicans are refusing to show their plan to address the debt ceiling. “Instead they’re talking up one of the worst policy proposals in existence: A 30% national sales tax on EVERYTHING. It just shows how radical and out-of-touch they are.”

So many things wrong there, where to begin? It’s the Democrats refusing to negotiate to address the debt ceiling. They just want to keep spending us into oblivion and ignoring the point of having a “debt ceiling” to begin with. Then the tax proposal isn’t a “national sales tax on EVERYTHING”; it’s a sales tax on new products and it’s combined with eliminating the income tax, payroll tax, estate tax, and the IRS, which means you would get to keep 100 percent of your money. Then as some already explained it’s not 30 percent, it’s 23 percent, at least according to one proposal, as even Joe Biden acknowledged. There are also rebates for family size and poverty.


Even Twitter called out Chuck Schumer on his lies, with Twitter Community Notes explaining the problems with what he was saying.

Now there are positives and negatives to the idea, it would likely be better to go with just a flat tax rather than a change to the national sales tax. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has already said he’s not for it, yet that isn’t stopping Schumer and the Democrats from lying about the Republican positions.

Tax reduction advocate Grover Norquist called out Schumer’s lies.

But this is all about Democrats deflecting from addressing their profligate spending and negotiating the debt ceiling. It’s about spinning an attack and refusing to come to the table to reduce spending. They just want to keep spending and hiking inflation higher.


Then Twitter owner Elon Musk weighed in, cutting right through Schumer’s bull and nailing him on what this was all about. He pointed Schumer to McCarthy’s call for negotiation on the debt ceiling, “May I suggest a DM chat?”

Elon Musk, like most Americans, wants Democrats to take spending seriously. But Schumer doesn’t want to concentrate on that because that would spotlight how much they continue to hurt us with their spending. He’d rather lie about a bill that isn’t going to go anywhere.


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